11/19/22 04:50PM
hyreader said:
LillyTank said:
Say, is there an option to randomize search page results? If not is it possible to implement it?

If it's randomizing the results within a page of result, some document.querySelectorAll(".thumb") then moving things around would work.
If you're trying to randomize among many pages, then it's more complicated (and not necessarily possible depending on the strain on the server that could lead to automated defense reactions)

Couldn't you do some sort of array/list manipulation before generating pages?
11/19/22 06:46PM
What kind of manipulation would you even do? We don't know anything about any posts before the request happens so to even get a big enough pool to use we'd have to send out more requests than I'm comfortable with.

It's just not something that's reasonably doable through the userscript, the only way you'll see something like that happen is if it's added as a sort type on the site itself.
12/09/22 08:10PM
Bumping this thread before it leaves the front page because it's a useful script people should have as an option
12/21/22 04:00PM
Is there a fix for the notes not scaling properly with an image that isn't full size by default yet?
12/21/22 08:18PM
Version 1.16.1
guy6359 said:
Is there a fix for the notes not scaling properly with an image that isn't full size by default yet?

That should be fixed now, just uploaded a new version.
12/29/22 06:33AM
Version 1.17.0
* Added a toggle to the userscript options for enabling moderator-only functionality.
* Added moderator buttons for approving/denying a queued post directly from the post itself.
* Wiki searches now redirect you immediately if there's only a single search result, making it a lot easier to go from a tag's ? link to the associated wiki article.

Regular users being able to toggle the moderator flag is intentional, all of the extra functionality is implemented through the hub itself so you'll just end up with buttons that don't work.
12/30/22 06:33PM
Would it be possible to restore the "add to pool" option under each post that was on the previous website? I just realized on another forum thread that that would be more efficient when uploading small series.
12/31/22 02:46AM
TheMadPrince said:
Would it be possible to restore the "add to pool" option under each post that was on the previous website? I just realized on another forum thread that that would be more efficient when uploading small series.

Should be possible, though it'll probably take some time as I have some other features I want to finish first.
12/31/22 04:32AM
Detour said:
TheMadPrince said:
Would it be possible to restore the "add to pool" option under each post that was on the previous website? I just realized on another forum thread that that would be more efficient when uploading small series.

Should be possible, though it'll probably take some time as I have some other features I want to finish first.

Oh, that'd be awesome. Take your time, and thanks as always!
12/31/22 07:22AM
Version 1.18.0
* Added a tag cleaner tool for quickly removing one or more tags from a post.
* Fixed the broken pool ordering buttons and added a new one that sorts by upload order.

With the script now sitting at a good 1300 lines of code I'm going to spend some time figuring out how to better manage the code for it, hopefully removing the need to use tampermonkey's built-in editor and letting me spread the code out over multiple files.

It probably won't change things unless I decide to take the opportunity and go back and rewrite it all but we'll cross that bridge when we get there.
01/02/23 08:49AM
Detour said:
* Added a tag cleaner tool for quickly removing one or more tags from a post.

Where is this located? I'm having trouble finding it.
01/02/23 02:42PM
Hypnorgasm said:
Where is this located? I'm having trouble finding it.

Should be at the bottom of the page, right next to the edit and reply buttons.
01/02/23 08:51PM
Version 2.0.4
That took a lot less time than I thought it would take.

Anyways, welcome to version 2 of the userscript, you might notice a few differences but you might also not because most of the big changes are internal.

* Rewrote most internal systems
* Added the ability to display (optionally dismissable) notices anywhere on the site
* Added a version display to the front page
* Added another mod option
* Added individual mark as read buttons to the forum listing
* Post data is now cached for a month, pool data for a week

Versions 2.0.1 through 2.0.4:
* Fixed a bunch of missing or broken features
01/03/23 07:54PM
Version 2.1.0
With the new setup it's honestly impressive how much easier this was to do, even if the way it's implemented isn't as clean as I would've liked.

* Restored the add to pool function
01/05/23 12:44AM
Detour said:
With the new setup it's honestly impressive how much easier this was to do, even if the way it's implemented isn't as clean as I would've liked.

* Restored the add to pool function

Thanks so much! Your efforts are very impressive.
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