03/06/23 07:34PM
That seems to have fixed it. Thanks for the quick response!
04/14/23 08:22AM
Detour said:
* Added TagScript, a new system that allows for bulk-editing of post tags, ratings and more.

YES!! Oh my god, I've missed this feature from the old site so much. I've nearly stopped tagging on the new site, since it just takes SOOOO much longer without tag scripts. Thank you so much for bringing it back!
04/20/23 04:18AM
Version 2.5.3
* Tagscript now defaults to the implication setting you have configured
* Fixed an issue where the random post button wouldn't work if you only had a single page of posts
04/22/23 09:04AM
Ran across a possible tagscript-related bug. I was using tagscript to add a tag, then I manually went into a post that I had just used tagscript on, and added other tags manually. Saving those manual tags also deleted the tag I had added earlier with the tagscript. This happens regardless of using tag implications. Unfortunately, this isn't a consistent bug. It's happening maybe a third of the time when I use a tagscript, then manually add one or more tags to a post.

For example, on post 168356, you can see in tag history that I added the tag "breasts", which I did using a tagscript. I then opened that post and manually added the tag "looking_at_viewer". Something automatically deleted "breasts" at the same time. It's happened with a few different tags, so it's not tied to a certain tag. It also happens with multiple tags, as on post 161664, when manually adding "fellatian" automatically deleted "breasts" and "penis", which I added previously with tagscript.

The tagscript seems to work fine when I use only it and don't manually tag afterwards. I'm not sure what's happening.

A note: the old site's tagscript would randomly delete the tag "femsub" from some posts, and just that tag. It's very possible something like that is happening again on the new site, independent of your userscript.
04/22/23 01:53PM
How much time was between you using tagscript and doing those manual edits? I think it might have something to do with caching but I can't really be sure.
04/24/23 08:19AM
Detour said:
How much time was between you using tagscript and doing those manual edits? I think it might have something to do with caching but I can't really be sure.

Yesterday, it was shortly after using tagscript, usually within a minute. Today, I tried using tagscript on about a dozen images, then manually adding tags about 40 minutes later, after reloading each page, and it was still happening like yesterday. If there's anything else you want me to try on my end, let me know.
05/17/23 03:14PM
This may have been asked already but is there a way to include the tags in the image file somehow when downloading? Like in the name or something?
05/18/23 12:00AM
I could include maybe some... though there's a hard limit to the amount of characters a filename can contain, so there's no way to include all of them.
05/18/23 02:59PM
Alternate methods of doing this I guess would be to either generate a companion txt file alongside the image that could contain any amount of arbitrary metadata like tags or to see if the tags could be added as metadata to the image. Though as far as I've seen (which granted is not all that much) reading/editing this kind of metadata is not always easy, especially for arbitrary data like hub tags.

These features are also available in programs like imggrabber, so I guess you could try it out to see if it solves the problem you are trying to solve LillyTank.
06/07/23 11:00PM
can someone tell me how to run/use this, I am pretty technodumb
06/08/23 02:46AM
Instructions are in the first post, if you can't figure it out from there then I recommend google.
06/17/23 03:16PM
Version 2.5.4
* Updated the default tag implications
10/03/23 03:43AM
Version 2.6.0
* Updated the moderator tools to include a summary of the post queue right on the main page
11/08/23 02:02PM
I may had encounter a bug where removing a Parent is unfeasible. Any idea?

Edit: I figured out. Nvm.
11/13/23 02:09PM
Hey, is there a way to actually change my profile pic? It always reverts to my old one regardless of what I put for my profile pic.
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