09/05/22 08:01AM
Thanks for playing the demo! Yeah my first release was more of a proof-of-concept more than anything else. The earlier chapters now are more or less 'complete', so hopefully you should be able to reuse the save file in the future. No promises though.

The temporary NTR part was more to give you/the MC motivation to kick their butt.

There will be another release before the final version, but it will be at least a few months away in order to stockpile more content (and allow me to take a break too).
09/07/22 06:15PM
Uh, I can't figure out which button will let me tell these characters to actually do anything. Both Z and C click through the status screen, but neither one does anything when I click on a square to move to.
09/08/22 06:49AM
Lloyd said:
Uh, I can't figure out which button will let me tell these characters to actually do anything. Both Z and C click through the status screen, but neither one does anything when I click on a square to move to.

Z or Enter should be the 'select' option, did you perhaps change the key bindings? There's always left-clicking with the mouse as well if need.

Here are the default keybinds (also can be changed in the game.ini file)

09/08/22 07:39AM
The issue was that I was trying to tell the Bandit allies to move, when nothing about that scene had established I would not be able to. I don't know they're the Allied player until the turn ends; I don't know an Allied player exists without going meta.

I wasn't ready to read "Player Character" and still infer that this was the only controllable sprite.
09/25/22 09:47AM
Very good demo mate :D. I'm looking forward to a full release in the future, very promising now
09/25/22 09:41PM
Personally, I have high standards when it comes to storytelling but I'd say this has a solid foundation of a good story.

IMO the weakest thing from this is the MC. He isn't really proactive as the MC since he often lets Company Supplier take the main role in the actual hypnosis spells so it doesn't feel rewarding or satisfying when he gets a new member. This issue can be mitigated if he improves his hypnosis spells and if he's an actual character of some sort.

That's why I felt like the NTR arc was more satisfying because the ways the girls fell into their respective hypno traps were pretty hot and it was amusing to see the witch fall into her trap because the MC's magic weakened her mind basically. However, the witch's explanation of her fail safe felt like another example of the MC being carried by the girls who know about mind control magic.

The foil between MC and the Lord does give characterization to the MC and I like that the Lord's mind control technique is different as it gives the impression that the world they're in could have complexity in it's mind control. The MC having the slow but very effective style for his mind control is helpful to show progression with the girls and this along with a development of improving his hypnosis would be impressive to see how well he mind controls in endgame compared to how he starts in this demo.

I feel like I wrote something way too dank for a demo that's also a horni game lol. Good luck on your coding and game development!
09/26/22 08:13AM
Lloyd said:

Aah, that's why. I can see how that would be confusing for someone not used to srpg-like games. Considering the severity of the issue vs. making a tutorial on how to play srpg though, I'll probably just let the user figure things out.

strawhat said:

Thank you! That future may be a couple months away since I am working on this alone in my spare time, but I have no plans on dropping this.

TheForbidden1 said:

Oh no, pressure to live up to high expectations. I'll do my best!

Regarding the MC, that was sorta the point: an incompetent person finding hypnosis powers, and is getting hard carried by their slaves. (He's the Puppet Master, but also a puppet Master, see?)

I originally intended for him to be a mix between self-insert and comedy relief and mostly focus on the girls. Giving him some hypnosis skill would make things more interesting/hot, I agree. Overall competency though would not be part of it.
09/27/22 05:54PM
Hi Cradily,

Great job on the game I'd say, I think it's on the right track, I like the idea of an incompetent Master who is nothing more than a horny pig and end up being carried hard by his assistant and necromancer slave. Using that set up, not only we could focus on the girls but also makes it feels like consensual, like the girls only there with him out of pity (magically of course)

I'd say I can't wait for the next chapter to come

Keep up the great work mate
10/01/22 12:30AM
This demo is so good! It reminds me of Overwhored, which is also really good. The gameplay is nice, and isn't too hard, which I value. I am looking forward to more coming out at some point. Perhaps you could make an page for it sometime.
10/06/22 10:14PM
laststand0810 said:

tailsmilesprower said:

Thanks for trying it out! I had lowered the difficulty of the game a bit based on some initial testing/feedback, so good to know it isn't too hard or too easy now.

There's been quite a few users looking forward to updates, so I may do one after the next 'arc' is complete. No solid time frame of course, but hopefully some time in November.
10/23/22 05:01AM
Good luck with your game, that’s a hard thing to make. Regardless of if you finish it or not, please try to have a download link that allows for long term access. Many of the Japanese “indie” games I have are very difficult to find, if not impossible now. If you are okay with your game being preserved, consider using a Google Drive link or something similar that will function when you have moved on.
10/23/22 09:30AM
Awesome, looking forward to more of this.

By the way, how do people feel about games using this style of character/standing art? Personally I'm not sure if I prefer this over CGs made by posing programs like 3DCG or Koikatsu, but I think this is better than poorly hand drawn art at least.

There's also the option of NovelAI now, but my impression is that it's pretty hard to generate art with a consistent character design.
10/23/22 07:23PM
CG is the lowest tier for getting visuals, imo. In any usage, animation too.

The only work that made CG not awful to see was HomFactory, last I checked which was early in its development.
10/23/22 08:17PM
personally, I would prefer maid maker 3D 2 over this art style for sprites and CG, but I guess it's a pain to work with and it expands the workload like a shit ton
10/24/22 12:17AM
So how do you uhhhhh


I'm trying the very first battle and I'll move my guy around, but I've pressed literally every button available on my keyboard and my only options are to wait, end my turn, or go into the options menu.
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