07/16/22 11:37PM
how can I display things I've favorited, but in random order?
I used to be able to do this before the site update a few months ago and order:random hasn't been working for me since then. Is there a new way to do this now?

Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you.
07/18/22 01:34AM
As far as I know, there's no way to do it in the new hub and it probably won't be ever coming back considering this :

Slayerduck on hypnohub.net/index.php?pa...05887&pid=150#1205038 :
Fav search: the reason is that our searching is done trough a separate search database called SOLR. The favorites subset of data is not currently being stored there so it can't do the searching that way. Before the hub searched just on a SQL database and was able to make complicate (but heavy on CPU) searches like that.

EDIT: also note that "fav searching" is not even mentionned in the "Planned migration/features:" of the "Site migration status / bugs" stick'd topic, which is probably the final nail in the "fav search" coffin since it show it's not even planned

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