08/16/22 08:49PM
Orphaen said:
So he instantly knew the character despite not playing fighting games. Okay... so... riddle me this: what specific character was introduced to be trans/enby that was a front for worse changes that literally *killed* the media. I actually want to know. Also it is fascinating to me that the mere inclusion of few trans/enby characters equates to a cynical cash in while cishet male characters, which number in the multitudes, are just fine and dandy.

Oh no, he didn't know instantly, it took a couple minutes of talking before he mentioned Bridget by name. As for examples he mostly pointed to different comics that had flopped. I don't really read comics, but he brought up some variant of iron man I think?

I can't go poking him about every little question so idk what to say about your opinion of trans/enby versus hetero. I think you're starting to make assumptions about people and I want to stop you in your tracks because he's not a bigot, I've known him for years.

talking about this isn't really getting at why this thread was created to start with though. We keep drifting off topic.
08/16/22 11:25PM
It is easy for a discussion like this to get off track. I've found that often in a heated topic like this, people get very invested in winning. Which can result in putting more effort into making one's own argument better and reaching further off topic for more examples to work with while minimizing or neglecting the other person's points.

It can be good to periodically attempt to re-center yourself and maintain an openness to achieving understanding. One of the worst things that can be done in a discussion like this is to assume bad faith on the other person. It can lead you to feeling justified in behaving more aggressively or dismissing points without properly considering them.
08/17/22 12:25AM
In the spirit of trying to get this back on track I want to reiterate my suggestion as well as include some reasons why.

As of right now I don't think there's any reason to deviate from the tried and true tag what you see. I've already mentioned its value for lack of context, ease of use between sites, and usefulness for non-english speakers...

Also the more we complicate the system with matters of tagging trans characters as their preferred identity, the less useful the tags become, and if the changes to the transgender tag go through then we're still able to denote canonically trans characters without affecting the usefulness of the other tags.

But regarding Bridget specifically we've spent 8 pages talking and clearly can't settle on anything- though I hope at least we can agree that this is more ambiguous than it first seemed, so sticking with just treating Bridget as male (for now, if ArcSys puts out an announcement there's nothing stopping us from changing it later!) seems like the simplest idea.

If we get hypno art of Bridget that's clearly female/futa we tag that as female/futa plus a genderswap tag, in line with tag what you see.

And in the meantime we can all agree that Bridget is Bridget, and Bridget is cute.

Edit: typo!!
08/17/22 02:07AM
I would like to take a detour from the flame war to thank whoever provided the translation for the image, which is significantly better than the one I was able to come up with. Thanks! :)
08/17/22 02:59AM
I'm bowing out of this. I honestly don't have the mental okayness (that is a technical term obviously) to talk about this subject at length. Not after last night and all.
09/14/22 03:03PM
hi! Sorry for necroing after a month but a big announcement just hit and it's kind of important to the topic. We have a definitive statement on Bridget's identity from Daisuke on the latest backyard: www.guiltygear.com/ggst/en/news/post-1657/

I still feel as if this isn't the right direction for Bridget's character and it doesn't make sense with her past lore, but I'm keeping to my word and accept Daisuke's statement as canon, and it settles the conversation.
09/23/22 01:36AM
Bridget trans yay! Btw as a trans woman myself, I do not see her as poor rep. I understand the viewpoint of finding her history questionable, but to me her narrative is one of reclaiming her identity on her own terms despite her life before.

Being transgender is messy, it's not clear-cut and it's not easy to explain every fluid feeling and sharp choice to someone looking from the outside in. But personally I find much more value in a character who can reflect a difficult or "problematic" choice of identity, and I'm thrilled to have dear Brisket as one of our growing circle of trans rep.

Signed, ex-femboy tgirl
09/24/22 03:43AM
I got a question for Bridget fans unrelated to Bridget's gender identity:

Anyone else think Bridget has the power to turn any woman Bridget meets into a lovestruck fangirl?
09/30/22 04:47AM
I find it hilarious that this just died the moment the backyard post dropped.
09/30/22 05:05AM
Grima180 said:
I find it hilarious that this just died the moment the backyard post dropped.

Actually it died before that.
you can see quit a few days happened between Orphean's post and facepal's post.
09/30/22 06:49AM
Yeah, the discussion ended on 08/17/22 and facepalmunited necroed the post on 09/14/22. The announcement had nothing to do with that, the conversation already ended in a polite way.
09/30/22 07:41AM
I can see that, it’s merely amusing to me that all the people speaking so confidently about “bad endings” and the like in the first few pages didn’t even bother to acknowledge the resolution.

On that note, what WILL be the tagging policy going forward?
09/30/22 04:42PM
About the first, in fact, some people already said "if the author says so, it's fine", is just that it happen on another picture post and not this thread.

About the tagging policy, midnwipe said the site can't change the malesub and femsub tags because people that lurks on femsub don't want to see dicks, and malesub pussies, so changing that for transgender characters would make the tags useless and cause a huge conflict. Keep in mind there's people that blacklist male and female tags in order to avoid some kind of stuff. These tags and how they works are really old to change them now.

Instead they changed the "transgender" tag in order to use it on transgender character instead of a transformation. So you can apply transgender tag to the picture and the male/female tags according to their bodies.

The old "Transgender" that tend to use for a transformation is "sex change" now in order to avoid confusions.
09/30/22 06:24PM
The tag was not change and Mindwipe said on the bridget picture that characters with a penis are not aloud to be taged and Mindwipe said that the mods are thiking about changeing the name the tag will stay the same it's the name that they are talking about changing. And finally the company that made the games are the same People that bend the knee to china and People that translate stuff are know to sometimes change the plot completely and other censorship and then there are recons that could happened People are going to have different opinions for different reasons
09/30/22 11:20PM
Grima180 said:
I can see that, it’s merely amusing to me that all the people speaking so confidently about “bad endings” and the like in the first few pages didn’t even bother to acknowledge the resolution.

On that note, what WILL be the tagging policy going forward?

What are you talking about?

I was the last person explicitly arguing in favor of bridget not being trans- and the one who posted the news about it on the 14th with the necro. Fic left the thread way before it ended, and other people were much less involved.

Tagging policy is mostly what IDpet said, but it's not clear if a verdict has been reached yet with transgender unless I missed an announcement.
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