10/01/22 08:21AM
They are thinking about changing the tag name and every thing else about the tag stay the same. People are going to have different opinion and both sides act like smug nutjobs at times
10/01/22 08:33AM
The People that translate the game to English bend the knee to china and remove any References to taiwan tibet and some other places just because some People in china got mad so of course their is going be a lot of People that are going to be suspicious and they would most likey bend the knee again if they get too afraid. Lots People of People change stuff from the original to English some just because stuff is translated into English does not mean it was in the original for example the company 4kids changed entire plots remove plots and remove People dying from their dubs because it was to dark for the People they were targeting Amazon completely change the look of the characters and even out fit got change and characters also got Remodeled in lost ark for the English version. People even gets their comment remove and censorship is everywere and creators are sometimes forced to bend the knee
10/01/22 09:20AM
I dunno what you're going on about, or why you keep bringing up the translators when the Japanese director himself confirmed that Bridget is trans. It's not something the translators just made up.
10/02/22 09:26AM
Mindwipe said:
I dunno what you're going on about, or why you keep bringing up the translators when the Japanese director himself confirmed that Bridget is trans. It's not something the translators just made up.
translators have a known history of changeing plot and the translators bend the knee to china before I'm talking about translators as a hole they censored stuff the 4kids dubbing company that dubed anime to English censored and at times completely change the plot of shows and It's best to not trust any translators 100% and creators have said stuff because they are afraid and have been forced to say it. People are going to have different opinion's and a lot of translators makes mistranslation or other mistakes
10/02/22 04:58PM
Daisuke wasn't 'forced' to do anything, and Arc System Works does all their translations in-house. it was supposed to be that way the whole time.
10/02/22 05:39PM
Technically, it's always a possibility that fear over controversy could motivate an artist to change their interpretation of their work to be safe.

The thing is though, assuming that it's a decision made based on outside influence is purely mind reading, which is not a compelling argument. Its pretty much an unprovable claim. The only way we would ever know if that was that case would be if at some point in the future he changed it again.
10/02/22 06:45PM
My two cents on the matter is that the vast majority of people looking explicitly for females would not exactly be thrilled by finding those who aren't biologically female lumped in with the rest.
10/02/22 10:18PM
Euronet said:
My two cents on the matter is that the vast majority of people looking explicitly for females would not exactly be thrilled by finding those who aren't biologically female lumped in with the rest.

yeah, that's why we would have the tag for transgender people, so *those* people could just blacklist it and be done with it.
10/03/22 09:59AM
That is not how taging works also People that think a character is transgender and People that think that a character is not transgender will be fighting even more then their are new artist's and different People are still going to make art with the characters being cismale or cisfemale then their are retcone and changes being undone and the tags are stay as they are the mods are thing about what to rename the transgender tag to. And their are also differents in cultural in different parts of the world and finally their are company that bend the kne to china aswell as companys bending the knee to the types that don't even buy the stuff. Joe Biden said that the U.S will defend taiwan against chinese invasion/Aggression guilty gear strive creators and the translators bend the knee to china cpp and removed references to uyghur tibet and taiwan
10/03/22 03:51PM
Why not just create a transgender(lore) tag like r34 and some other sites have? That way you would respect the character's gender identity while also keeping the integrity of the old tags.
Sorry if this was suggested before!
10/03/22 06:14PM
People are still going to draw characters that are transgender and act like their are cismale or cisfemale and some People will have a opinion about one characters gender and other will have a different opinion about a characters gender some characters are even different genders in othe parts of the world. And r34 is full of usless tags as well and their are even a lot more edit wars compre to other websites
10/03/22 06:27PM
That is not how taging works also People that think a character is transgender and People that think that a character is not transgender will be fighting even more then their are new artist's and different People are still going to make art with the characters being cismale or cisfemale then their are retcone and changes being undone and the tags are stay as they are the mods are thing about what to rename the transgender tag to. And their are also differents in cultural in different parts of the world and finally their are company that bend the kne to china aswell as companys bending the knee to the types that don't even buy the stuff. Joe Biden said that the U.S will defend taiwan against chinese invasion/Aggression Joe Biden will never bend the knee to china guilty gear strive creators and the translators bend the knee to china cpp and removed references to uyghur tibet and taiwan
10/03/22 07:03PM
why the fuck are you talking about joe biden???? this is a thread about a fighting game character who uses funy yoyo
10/03/22 07:12PM
Sorry but i'm compelled to point out that an annoying game is being played here in regards to creators being 'forced' to label one of their characters transgender due to fan pressure.

It is possible that's what happened here, and it's worth acknowledging that possibility. But you then also must consider the other possibilities as well; namely that sometimes creators just change their mind.

Evidence implies bridget was not intended to be transgender originally, but it's entirely possible that after hearing how much some fans liked the idea of her being transgender, diasuke said "hey, the idea of bridget being transgender makes people happy, I like that, she can be trans then." We don't know that's what happened, just like we don't know if he was somehow 'forced' to label her transgender even when he didn't want to. we aren't ever going to know, because we don't know the guy personally. But you can't just pretend the version of events you like is true despite a lack of evidence, by ignoring all the other equally probably possibilities.

And since its also been implied that wanting a transgender character to be in the game is an intrusion of western culture into a japanese game, I'm going to point out that there are japanese trans people too. I don't wanna speak for anybody, i'm not intimately familiar with japanese trans culture, it just irritates the fuck out of me when people imply that queer culture doesn't exist in more outwardly conservative countries like japan, and that it is therefor imposed on them from the outside by places like america.

Sorry, I know this thread should probably just be killed, and i'm not trying to reignite it or anything, I honestly just feel the need to point out when arguments are deceptive and misleading. now I have.
10/04/22 10:01PM

Unlikely said:
And since its also been implied that wanting a transgender character to be in the game is an intrusion of western culture into a japanese game,

If they wanted Trans inclusivity, they could have made a new character that already is a transgender, instead of taking a character that Trans-activists have loudly claimed was trans but wasn't.
I mean they're doing it to Naoto Shirogane from P4 and she's not trans, they're doing it to Astolfo from Fate/Apocrypha, and he's not trans. Hell, they did it to Mulan, and we all know she's not trans.
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