12/05/22 12:47PM
At the end of the day, artists are allowed to draw whatever they want.
12/05/22 02:26PM
KuteKiera said:
at the end of the day, if an artist wanted to draw a femboy they shouldn't fucking draw bridget.

Making a mistake doesn't make you transphobic. Treating a mistake like it's a failure of some purity test for "goodness" makes you unlikeable at minimum.

As someone who is very much in the "Bridget is a trans girl" camp, I'd suggest you employ different tactics.
12/05/22 02:58PM
KuteKiera said:
Argonis said:
KuteKiera said:
I'd be more than happy because i'm absolutely SICK of people reverting the tags of a female character to male

There's also something to be said about post 150331, but it's an absolute can of worms that I do not want to touch

you have been intentionally tagging posts wrong.
Even when the artist themselves said what they wanted to draw.
You instead go against there wishes and misstag anyway.

Huh, didn't know if an artist is transphobic it's okay. . I'm so sorry I'll be sure to let you continue misgendering from now on!

This is abusive behavior. It is a form of psychological manipulation, using fear to instill obedience. You create a false binary; follow your rules, or be falsely pinned with a label that can destroy a person's life.

And yes, it is falsely pinning. Because someone who IS transphobic wouldn't care about being called such. They would double down on it and be proud of their disgust towards you. I know. I've seen them do it in very public spaces.

What this behavior does, is manipulate people who *aren't* transphobic into complying with your rules and desires for fear of being pinned with such a horrible label.

I get that you don't like seeing porn of Bridget where they are not following canon, but non-canon stuff happening in porn is the norm. And its not because people hate canon, its because they think the non-canon situation is hot.
12/05/22 04:27PM
KuteKiera said:
at the end of the day, if an artist wanted to draw a femboy they shouldn't fucking draw bridget.

Let make the things clear.
If I want I could draw a Female Goku, and if I post the picture I would add the tag femsub because that was what I had in mind when I drawed it. At the same time I could draw a trans Goku or another kind of non-canon situations and I would still tag it property in that case.

At the end of the day, a picture doesn't affect the canon, If I draw Goku having gay sex... Should someone come complain to me because Goku is married with Chichi?

Calling out an artist transphobic for drawing another kind of headcanon is too serious a statement that shouldn't be taken lightly, and that's at the same level that people attacking artists in twitter because they draw "what if" (What if that character have another race, what if that character have other sexuality, nationality or gender? What if this character is an adult? What if this character is a furry? What if this furry is a human? etc). Sometimes is just fun to disort the canon, i mean, this page is full of characters in out of character situations or being turned into something else for fun.

So please, don't be that agresive against the artists and do not assume bad intentions from them. At the same you request respect to the artists, you need to respect the artists too, they have to deal with a lot of people accusing them just because of a drawing, even when if you talk with them and request a trans characters they even have no problem with drawing them.

We are on a hypnosis related site, for a lot of people, we're creepy and people would have no mercy in pointing fingers against us and accussing us of horrible things that we don't approve. So instead of attacking others we would be empathic with the others's kinks and preferences as long as they don't do something that affect real people like makes real hate speech, organize targeted harassment or participate on plain illegal activities.
12/05/22 06:34PM
Okay so hold on, I understand where you're all coming from but there is an incredibly huge difference between genderswapping a character like goku and genderswapping a character who suffers from Gender Dysphoria, I just want more trans-friendly language to be available on the site which is why I suggested the new tags

I apologize for being aggressive, but I've dealt with transphobia my whole life that I sort of have a default no bullshit mode when it comes to it or anything similar.
12/05/22 06:39PM
If I could get confirmation from an administrator that we're good to go on the new tags I'll update them immediately

12/05/22 08:08PM
There's a separate thread concerning tags, post there if you want to make a proposal.
12/05/22 08:23PM
12/05/22 10:06PM
KuteKiera said:
Okay so hold on, I understand where you're all coming from but there is an incredibly huge difference between genderswapping a character like goku and genderswapping a character who suffers from Gender Dysphoria, I just want more trans-friendly language to be available on the site which is why I suggested the new tags

I apologize for being aggressive, but I've dealt with transphobia my whole life that I sort of have a default no bullshit mode when it comes to it or anything similar.

There actually isn't a difference. Being disrespectful to cis person's gender identity or sexuality is still disrespecting someone's gender identity or sexuality.

In order for the rule that only you can define your own identity to work, you have to respect that for everyone. Otherwise, it doesn't work. That is a problem I've had with "egg crackers" on the internet. I once had someone publicly in my discord server make this exact post

"I have a question for Changer. Are they a guy or a girl? And if the first, are you sure about that?"

This lead to an uncomfortably lengthy argument where I was explaining the difference between my interest in transformation as a kink, vs what I personally identify as, while they insist that they can 'tell' the signs that I'm trans. Which ended with them declaring that they'll drop it, but they "Reserve the right to say they told me so if I ever change my mind"

This left me with a question though. What if this exact conversation happened to someone who wasn't ready to come out? All of a sudden they have this extra social pressure to deal with, and worry that when they do come out, people will act smug and condescending about it.

Its a well known phenomenon that some people will go to great lengths to avoid being put in socially uncomfortable situations, such as an 'I told you so' moment.

So even if you don't care about cis people, you can actually still end up hurting trans people by disrespecting a cis person's boundaries.

Now with all that said, coming back around to the example of female Goku vs femboy Bridget. Neither of them are people. They are characters. Your art will never hurt them, because they cannot be aware of what you've drawn of them. It would be extremely unethical and morally wrong to do in real life what is done to characters on this site. The only reason it's okay is because its not real. In real life, hypnosis must be done consensually, and even engaging with the fantasy of non-consensual play is done with pre-established consent. The only reason femboy Bridget feels more wrong than anything else here is that you've decided to internalize Bridget such that any slight against Bridget feels like a slight against you, personally.

But that's not reality. When an artist draws Bridget porn, they are not aiming to attack YOU. They are aiming to make something sexy. Reframing it as an attack on yourself is wrong.
12/05/22 10:46PM
At the end of the day I just want trans friendly tags on the site

I hope that's not something that anyone will argue about
12/05/22 10:50PM
KuteKiera said:
At the end of the day I just want trans friendly tags on the site

I hope that's not something that anyone will argue about

Forcing your views on others is not the way to go about it. it will only make them push back harder.
Also i see you are still mis tagging posts so i see you still don't intend to follow the tagging rules.
12/05/22 10:50PM
Also to changer, yea I can understand how that situation would make you uncomfortable, I guess from my perspective I'm just trying to protect the notion that a trans woman is a woman, I understand she's a fictional character but to me if we allow someone to strip away a trans characters identity would they try to attack or harass any real trans women given the chance?

(Not accusing anyone, this is hypothetical)

I just see people changing tags as an excuse to misgender someone, if that's the case or if it's not is a slippery slope and i don't want to argue about it
12/05/22 10:51PM
Argonis said:
KuteKiera said:
At the end of the day I just want trans friendly tags on the site

I hope that's not something that anyone will argue about

Forcing your views on others is not the way to go about it. it will only make them push back harder.
Also i see you are still mis tagging posts so i see you still don't intend to follow the tagging rules.

I'll continue to change the tag to what I believe is correct, once trans friendly tags are approved I'll change them to that
12/05/22 10:55PM
KuteKiera said:
Argonis said:
KuteKiera said:
At the end of the day I just want trans friendly tags on the site

I hope that's not something that anyone will argue about

Forcing your views on others is not the way to go about it. it will only make them push back harder.
Also i see you are still mis tagging posts so i see you still don't intend to follow the tagging rules.

I'll continue to change the tag to what I believe is correct, once trans friendly tags are approved I'll change them to that

Then you may want to prepare to be banned by a mod then.
You are being very aggressive and not following rules that the mods have made. and instead of accepting the rules are you pretty much having a hissy fit that you are not getting your way and disguising it has [just wanting trans friendly tags]
12/05/22 10:57PM
I'm actually being pretty calm, right now I'm no longer being aggressive or calling anyone names.

Just going to change the tags to the most trans friendly option until the true trans friendly tags are introduced.

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