12/05/22 10:59PM
KuteKiera said:
I'm actually being pretty calm, right now I'm no longer being aggressive or calling anyone names.

Just going to change the tags to the most trans friendly option until the true trans friendly tags are introduced.

You can be calm and still be aggressive.
That's being passive aggressive.
12/05/22 11:02PM
Listen, i'm not trying to be aggressive if that helps

I just think that bridget should have female tags, at least until we can get the transfem tags approved.

I understand your argument, I understand that the artist originally intended to draw bridget as a femboy but they did apologize after realizing that she's not

my assumption is that they're okay with bridget being tagged as female now that they've acknowledged their mistake
12/05/22 11:11PM
KuteKiera said:
Listen, i'm not trying to be aggressive if that helps

I just think that bridget should have female tags, at least until we can get the transfem tags approved.

I understand your argument, I understand that the artist originally intended to draw bridget as a femboy but they did apologize after realizing that she's not

my assumption is that they're okay with bridget being tagged as female now that they've acknowledged their mistake

So you understand everyones arguments
You understand what the artist intended
yet you are still willing to throw all that to the wayside.
drawing a femboy bridget was that artists intention. that was what he wanted to draw.
But you and you alone say "no you didn't draw her has a feemboy you wanted to draw her as a female"
despite that not being what he originally wanted.
You did not draw this, Mega did.
If you want a female bridget so bad why not draw her yourself, or commission someone to draw her has a female, instead of going against an artists intentions in his own post and misgendering that particular artists bridget.
12/05/22 11:12PM
KuteKiera said:
Listen, i'm not trying to be aggressive if that helps

I just think that bridget should have female tags, at least until we can get the transfem tags approved.

I understand your argument, I understand that the artist originally intended to draw bridget as a femboy but they did apologize after realizing that she's not

my assumption is that they're okay with bridget being tagged as female now that they've acknowledged their mistake

You can't do that, keep in mind this is a porn site and when people look for the "femsub" tag they're looking for female bodies. Think about that, a lesbian woman blacklist malesub, maledom and futanari tags because she don't want to see dicks on her pictures, but due you keep changing the tags she can't stop seeing dicks, making the blacklisting useless.

That's not about being transphobic and more about people want to see porn about their body preferences.

Just wait until the tag is approved and keep publishing on the forum area of the site about the theme, but please, don't add extra work to the moderators.
12/05/22 11:12PM
The artist actually said they messed up, claiming they didn't know that bridget was female

But you left that part out, because it didn't apply to your argument
12/05/22 11:14PM
IDPet said:
KuteKiera said:
Listen, i'm not trying to be aggressive if that helps

I just think that bridget should have female tags, at least until we can get the transfem tags approved.

I understand your argument, I understand that the artist originally intended to draw bridget as a femboy but they did apologize after realizing that she's not

my assumption is that they're okay with bridget being tagged as female now that they've acknowledged their mistake

You can't do that, keep in mind this is a porn site and when people look for the "femsub" tag they're looking for female bodies. Think about that, a lesbian woman blacklist malesub, maledom and futanari tags because she don't want to see dicks on her pictures, but due you keep changing the tags she can't stop seeing dicks, making the blacklisting useless.

That's not about being transphobic and more about people want to see porn about their body preferences.

Just wait until the tag is approved and keep publishing on the forum area of the site about the theme, but please, don't add extra work to the moderators.

This is true, which is why we need the new tags sooner rather than later. it's a shame that transgender is being used for a completely different purpose.
12/05/22 11:15PM
KuteKiera said:
The artist actually said they messed up, claiming they didn't know that bridget was female

But you left that part out, because it didn't apply to your argument

I left that out cause it didn't matter.
You assumed that the artist that the artist was ok with the female tag. lets forget for a second that the hub goes by a tag what you see policy, even then all the artist said was that he knows better now.
He still wanted to draw a femboy and chose bridget.
12/05/22 11:16PM
Argonis said:
KuteKiera said:
The artist actually said they messed up, claiming they didn't know that bridget was female

But you left that part out, because it didn't apply to your argument

I left that out cause it didn't matter.
You assumed that the artist that the artist was ok with the female tag. lets forget for a second that the hub goes by a tag what you see policy, even then all the artist said was that he knows better now.
He still wanted to draw a femboy and chose bridget.

He wanted to draw a femboy and chose a trans woman, once he was told that this was not a femboy he said 'i fucked up' on both twitter and the hub. he has acknowledged that he didn't know about bridgets identity and likely is okay with it being rectified.
12/05/22 11:20PM
KuteKiera said:
Argonis said:
KuteKiera said:
The artist actually said they messed up, claiming they didn't know that bridget was female

But you left that part out, because it didn't apply to your argument

I left that out cause it didn't matter.
You assumed that the artist that the artist was ok with the female tag. lets forget for a second that the hub goes by a tag what you see policy, even then all the artist said was that he knows better now.
He still wanted to draw a femboy and chose bridget.

He wanted to draw a femboy and chose a trans woman, once he was told that this was not a femboy he said 'i fucked up' on both twitter and the hub. he has acknowledged that he didn't know about bridgets identity and likely is okay with it being rectified.

again you are still assuming. and again you are forgetting about the tagging policy.

But i see no matter what we will not see eye to eye, so i will just back away from the conversation as it is pointless to keep making posts on this.
12/05/22 11:21PM
I'm in the process of asking the artist if they are okay with bridget being tagged as transfem (when the tag is approved) since I believe they understood that they messed up once they were informed
12/06/22 12:41AM
Hey so update, don't know if I can post images or screenshots here but I was able to get confirmation from the artist that they are okay with bridget being tagged as a woman!
12/06/22 07:04AM
Honestly, we should get a mod in here at this point. Kiera is railroading people on and off site and blatantly declaring their intention to repeatedly break the rules to get what they want. This seems like a situation to have someone step in.
12/06/22 07:22AM
Hm? I just want trans friendly tags, and for trans characters and identities to be treated with respect

how is that a problem?
12/06/22 07:33AM
Wanting trans friendly tags is fine. But "I'm going to keep breaking the rules until I get what I want :)" is not. Also, if you were using the same manipulative behavior on that artist as you've been using in this thread... That can discourage the artist from making art out of fear.

It just seems to me that you're willfully and deliberately trying to make people uncomfortable for the sake of getting your way, and that rubs me the wrong way. I'm going to stop replying though now and let an actual moderator handle the situation. I am not one, after all.
12/06/22 06:32PM
Transgender tags are fine, but I cannot stand trying to force them into traditional tags. Femsub being for female, female presenting. Like Ranma being in his female self gets called femsub universally, that's fine.

Bridget, that's not femsub.
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