08/15/22 02:01PM
Pinkanator said:
So like, guys, bros, chums, you do literally realize if you open the game and open Bridget's bio (y'know I'm just assuming you bought and played the game if you care so much, you do actually own the game right?) it says she/her! Funny that! Just no ifs and or buts, it says she/her. Wow. How vague.

Maybe, and this is just spitballing here... Maybe don't be deliberately provocative and inflammatory in a subject that is already very heated? I get that you want to make the argument "its int he bio so case closed" which is fine to make. But all that other stuff around your argument? Not only is it not necessary, it's likely to just make people feel insulted and make things get more heated.
08/15/22 02:18PM
Pinkanator said:
So like, guys, bros, chums, you do literally realize if you open the game and open Bridget's bio (y'know I'm just assuming you bought and played the game if you care so much, you do actually own the game right?) it says she/her! Funny that! Just no ifs and or buts, it says she/her. Wow. How vague.

Your unnecessary and condescending sarcasm aside, you should be equally aware the Bridget's pronouns are still listed as male in the Japanese bios, the bios elsewhere go out of their way to avoid pronoun use, and there are multiple endings.

Also regarding the other people who have replied- It seems to me that you're not even entertaining the ideas put forward by others in this thread, or if you are, you're intentionally misinterpreting them, or interpreting them in the worst possible light. Calling me or anyone else a transphobe is unnecessary, and yet more ad hominem.

Don't you all think it's even slightly ambiguous? Can't you take a step back and examine it without thinking it as an argument to be won?

@Polarisbow, the specific example referenced in this thread alone is Gwyndolin, not Astolfo or chihiro. That's only a few posts above you.

Also, we don't know what is or isn't canon in strive. So talking about bad endings and good endings is difficult, but as other people have already pointed out, wouldn't the devs have rewarded players with such a cool and important revelation for playing at the highest level of skill? Like how Samus gets revealed as a girl for playing as fast as possible?

@Sleepyhead No one seemed to mind nearly this much when Testament came out as neuter, so I don't think it's fair to say that.

Edit: typo
08/15/22 03:20PM
Polarisbow said:
The amount of cope from people not accepting that Bridget is now trans from all corners of the internet is hilarious to me.

You know, being obviously snide and confrontational isn't a good way to win hearts and minds. Toxicity isn't appropriate just because you feel you're on the "just" side.

Polarisbow said:
Seeing people who have not touched a single GG game now trying to be lore experts and getting things wrong

How many tournaments have you won?

Sir_Lurksalaot said:
To those who are upset that this is somehow pandering, why does it matter

I'm not comfortable with changing decades of established lore to appease a vocal minority (not transgender people; terminally online people).

Sir_Lurksalaot said:
especially when it might be working working? Don't you want more people playing Guilty Gear games? Don't you want to share something you like with other people?

If they don't like it the way it is, that's on them, not GG.

Sir_Lurksalaot said: I concede I've been out of the loop, has something changed within the past 15 years that made Bridget such an integral part to the central narrative that any change to her character is a complete upheaval to the story?

If it doesn't matter, why change it?

Sleepyhead97 said:
Can I just add that the most insulting thing to come out of this whole discussion is the idea that obvious transphobes

You do understand that indiscriminately labelling anyone that doesn't agree with you as an "ist" or a "phobe" lost most of its power years ago?

Sleepyhead97 said:
against this keep using the argument that; "Trans people shouldn't accept Bridget as trans because it's bad representation for them

It is bad representation, unless you want to say that a child groomed by his cultish parents to identify as the opposite gender from a young age is good representation?

Sleepyhead97 said:
and they deserve a new character that's better suited and more positive to them." As if those people wouldn't throw the exact same hissy fit if a new trans character was announced

I don't care if they introduce a transgender character. Introduce a hundred of them if you want. No one threw a hissy fit when Valkyria Chronicles 4 had a transgender/non-binary character.

Sleepyhead97 said:
Also, as someone who identities as a feminine presenting male I have no qualms about Bridget being trans

That's just a lame appeal to authority.

Sleepyhead97 said:
because at the end of the day it's making a lot of people who are currently going through a lot of heavy shit atm extremely happy.

That's an awful reason to change an established story. Bringing back Tony Stark would make hundreds of millions of people happy, but we don't do it.

Sleepyhead97 said:
Sure, people like me aren't widely accepted by society either but at least my right to exist is not some daily political argument with a clear disdain by people in power against me.

Yet you want your most famous representative to be taken away?

Pinkanator said:
So like, guys, bros, chums, you do literally realize if you open the game and open Bridget's bio (y'know I'm just assuming you bought and played the game if you care so much, you do actually own the game right?) it says she/her! Funny that! Just no ifs and or buts, it says she/her. Wow. How vague.

Of course, I forgot that Western localizations of character bios are well known as the definitive take on Japanese characters.

He is still referred to as a boy in the original.
08/15/22 05:27PM
Eh, whatever dude you keep fighting for your femboy rights that are under threat by the trans "authority". I'll be happy for other people and share in their joy by appreciating cute fan art and memes. Enjoy your epic victory against my weak argument

08/15/22 06:21PM
Sleepyhead97 said:
Eh, whatever dude you keep fighting for your femboy rights that are under threat by the trans "authority". I'll be happy for other people and share in their joy by appreciating cute fan art and memes. Enjoy your epic victory against my weak argument

You're sending very mixed messages with your posts and I can't help but feel you aren't, and maybe weren't ever arguing in good faith. First you popped in here to go on about headcanons which is fair enough but doesn't contribute, then you spent a bit acting as if people are concern trolling about the really questionable nature of bridget's history (I thought you didn't care about the lore?) but also that it's more important to own the people in power than remain true to characters?

And now you're being passive aggressive and pretending not to care about this, mocking people who do

what are you trying to do here?
08/15/22 07:01PM
Facepalmunited said:

what are you trying to do here?

Get people angry so they get in trouble probably. It's an old fallback for any controversial topic.

In regards to the "you can just open the game and see their pronouns" argument: It works the other way if you open older games with bridget no?
08/15/22 07:05PM
Timo4545 said:
In regards to the "you can just open the game and see their pronouns" argument: It works the other way if you open older games with bridget no?

I mean... yeah? That's why it's... character development?
08/15/22 09:31PM
Facepalmunited said:
Sleepyhead97 said:
Eh, whatever dude you keep fighting for your femboy rights that are under threat by the trans "authority". I'll be happy for other people and share in their joy by appreciating cute fan art and memes. Enjoy your epic victory against my weak argument

You're sending very mixed messages with your posts and I can't help but feel you aren't, and maybe weren't ever arguing in good faith. First you popped in here to go on about headcanons which is fair enough but doesn't contribute, then you spent a bit acting as if people are concern trolling about the really questionable nature of bridget's history (I thought you didn't care about the lore?) but also that it's more important to own the people in power than remain true to characters?

And now you're being passive aggressive and pretending not to care about this, mocking people who do

what are you trying to do here?

Well, at first I wanted to make a joke to poke fun but after giving it some thought I wanted to give my genuine opinion because some aspects of people's arguments didn't sit well with me. After realising my words fell on deaf ears and was being hit with stupid retorts like trying to "appeal to authority" I just kinda felt like it wasn't worth the effort to keep arguing because nothing will change so I went back to sarcasm. Not the best way to go but it's better than dragging the farse out.
08/15/22 10:07PM
I've gone to other image boorus to see how they're discussing it, and they've had this conversation for longer than we've been having it- but many of the same points are being made elsewhere. If we interpret Bridget's statement in the normal mode ending in a vacuum, then maybe Bridget is trans. But add in context, otokonoko culture in Japan making regular use of "I'm a girl" as a casual, playful joke (very cute btw), and the fact that Japanese versions of the bio have no use of female pronouns leave it all very much in question.

There was also a point made on danbooru that while Bridget now has an androgyne symbol on the headplate, the fact that it's pointing up denotes masculinity, but I can't locate anything to back this up, so grain of salt maybe!

Sleepyhead97 said:
Well, at first I wanted to make a joke to poke fun but after giving it some thought I wanted to give my genuine opinion because some aspects of people's arguments didn't sit well with me. After realising my words fell on deaf ears and was being hit with stupid retorts like trying to "appeal to authority" I just kinda felt like it wasn't worth the effort to keep arguing because nothing will change so I went back to sarcasm. Not the best way to go but it's better than dragging the farse out.

I'm happy to have you give your input, since as a fellow user it's only right- but that said you were retreading ground already covered elsewhere. There was an anon in one of the image discussions who put it best in that everything about this is far more ambiguous than we seem to realize.

Edit: Also, if we're going to think about ease of use for people who regularly hop between sites then it might be good to reach out to other boorus to see what they rule.
08/15/22 10:34PM
Pinkanator said:
Timo4545 said:
In regards to the "you can just open the game and see their pronouns" argument: It works the other way if you open older games with bridget no?

I mean... yeah? That's why it's... character development?

Are you even aware that the line Bridget uses (in one ending) that is the entire support for the entire transgender argument has Bridget saying "That's right, I'm a a girl~" with the male symbol included with the word 'girl'?

It's literally a Japanese femboy joke. This is no different from the handful of journalists that insisted Samus was trans a few years ago because a developer joked she was a newhalf.
08/15/22 10:34PM
Sleepyhead97 said:
I just kinda felt like it wasn't worth the effort to keep arguing because nothing will change so I went back to sarcasm. Not the best way to go but it's better than dragging the farse out.

I say this as a plain old white dude: there's no reason for effort. The origin of the arguments against this are crusty male channers who only believe in a gender binary and don't like when girls have agency. Anyone else using those arguments only serves to give these sad children more legitimacy, and so it's best not to further muddy the waters.

People in fandom who have lives are either reacting to this neutrally or positively. I'm sure quite a few of them also realize that even if there were good faith arguments to be had, it's coming down to writing in a fighting game.
08/15/22 10:41PM

Sir_Lurksalaot said:
I say this as a plain old white dude

Why is your race, age or sex important?

The origin of the arguments against this are crusty male channers who only believe in a gender binary and don't like when girls have agency.

Neither of you has arguments. Just bitterness and and ad hominem attacks because there are people who won't play along with a journalist-pushed effort to redefine an existing character to please you.

anyone else using those arguments only serves to give these sad children more legitimacy, and so it's best not to further muddy the waters.

You're admitting you have no case, and just to not engage because that is fruitless.

I'm sure quite a few of them also realize that even if there were good faith arguments to be had, it's coming down to writing in a fighting game.

"It's just a silly fighting game, guys... Just stop taking it seriously and let us have our way already!!!"
08/15/22 11:12PM
Sir_Lurksalaot said:
I say this as a plain old white dude: there's no reason for effort. The origin of the arguments against this are crusty male channers who only believe in a gender binary and don't like when girls have agency. Anyone else using those arguments only serves to give these sad children more legitimacy, and so it's best not to further muddy the waters.

People in fandom who have lives are either reacting to this neutrally or positively. I'm sure quite a few of them also realize that even if there were good faith arguments to be had, it's coming down to writing in a fighting game.

You're making a lot of rude assumptions about a lot of people, what those people believe, and how fulfilling their lives are.

Why should I zip my lips just because you claim some bigot is getting excited that I'm trying to ensure that the we thoroughly examine this topic, instead of just accepting something that someone else told me?

Why do you care so much if it's just writing in a fighting game? The longer this goes on, the more disingenuous some of you are acting. :/
08/15/22 11:45PM
Facepalmunited said:
Also regarding the other people who have replied- It seems to me that you're not even entertaining the ideas put forward by others in this thread, or if you are, you're intentionally misinterpreting them, or interpreting them in the worst possible light. Calling me or anyone else a transphobe is unnecessary, and yet more ad hominem.

Why would I entertain misinformation?

Facepalmunited said:
Don't you all think it's even slightly ambiguous? Can't you take a step back and examine it without thinking it as an argument to be won?

It's very much *not* ambiguous, it's very obvious.

Facepalmunited said:
@Polarisbow, the specific example referenced in this thread alone is Gwyndolin, not Astolfo or chihiro. That's only a few posts above you.

I don't know who that is, thus I brought up other femboys I do know.

Facepalmunited said:
Also, we don't know what is or isn't canon in strive. So talking about bad endings and good endings is difficult, but as other people have already pointed out, wouldn't the devs have rewarded players with such a cool and important revelation for playing at the highest level of skill? Like how Samus gets revealed as a girl for playing as fast as possible?

Again, people are now only questioning the canon of Strive's endings *after* one of the characters comes out as trans. Curious!

Fic said:
You know, being obviously snide and confrontational isn't a good way to win hearts and minds. Toxicity isn't appropriate just because you feel you're on the "just" side.

Can't win the hearts of people wo were never open to begin with. The only 'side' I'm on is the facts.

Fic said:
How many tournaments have you won?

Oh, I bet you thought this was some sort of smart own. No, I've never won a single tournament, because there are no locals around me, I don't have good internet (Thanks to being an Aussie on Wifi), I suck ass and I play for fun. Not everyone into fighting games wants to win EVO.

Fic said:
I'm not comfortable with changing decades of established lore to appease a vocal minority (not transgender people; terminally online people).

But no lore from the past was changed. This is new lore from the creator of GG himself, Daisuke.

Sir_Lurksalaot said: I concede I've been out of the loop, has something changed within the past 15 years that made Bridget such an integral part to the central narrative that any change to her character is a complete upheaval to the story?

Bridget is easily one of the most non important characters in GG lore. Even now, she's still pretty unimportant in the grand scheme. Her discovering she is trans is only important to *her* story, not GG's, which is perfectly fine.

Fic said:
You do understand that indiscriminately labelling anyone that doesn't agree with you as an "ist" or a "phobe" lost most of its power years ago?

Then maybe don't deny a trans character's existence and you won't be called that label.

Fic said:
It is bad representation, unless you want to say that a child groomed by his cultish parents to identify as the opposite gender from a young age is good representation?

There it is everyone! Completely wrong information about Bridget's backstory! If Bridget's parents were cultish, they would've exiled her as a baby or worse, kill her. They didn't want to do that, so that's why they raised her as a girl. The grooming also makes no sense because even after being raised as a girl, she spent a good portion of her life as a male, to prove the superstition wrong. It's only after she's done it that she realizes that it brought her no happiness, leading her on her Strive story of self discovery and finding that she is trans. Her parents had nothing to do with it, in fact, she's afraid of telling them this, which is why she goes to Ky about how he *came out* as a Gear. Gee, I wonder what the metaphor is?

Fic said:
Yet you want your most famous representative to be taken away?

You mean Astolfo. Bridget was just one of the oldest. The choice of 'take away' implies this is some hostile takeover and not... The character undergoing an evolution.

Fic said:
Of course, I forgot that Western localizations of character bios are well known as the definitive take on Japanese characters.

He is still referred to as a boy in the original.

Funny that the Japanese arcade mode for Bridget is the same as in English.

Fic said:
Are you even aware that the line Bridget uses (in one ending) that is the entire support for the entire transgender argument has Bridget saying "That's right, I'm a a girl~" with the male symbol included with the word 'girl'?

There is no male symbol when she says she's a girl in English and Japanese.

Fic said:
This is no different from the handful of journalists that insisted Samus was trans a few years ago because a developer joked she was a newhalf.

This is not even remotely the same.

Fic said:
Neither of you has arguments. Just bitterness and and ad hominem attacks because there are people who won't play along with a journalist-pushed effort to redefine an existing character to please you.

Where the hell is journalists coming from? Everyone knows they suck, but they aren't apart of this, unless you're implying Western gaming journalists kidnapped Daisuke to hijack Strive and make Bridget trans or some other nonsense.

Facepalmunited said:
Why should I zip my lips just because you claim some bigot is getting excited that I'm trying to ensure that the we thoroughly examine this topic, instead of just accepting something that someone else told me?

Clearly you're not trying to 'thoroughly examine' this topic because if you did you would see the heavy handed 'this character is trans' writing all over Strive Bridget.
08/15/22 11:50PM
Changer said:

I mean... you are correct that Bridget *is* dealing with coming out... But the rational read is that Bridget is dealing with coming out *as a boy*.

Yes, a lot of the dialogue is very similar to a story about a person of one sex struggling to find the strength to accept themselves as the opposite gender identity from their sex in spite of what others think of it. But you have to consider that Bridget is coming from a very unique situation. In their case, the OPPOSITE gender identity is the one expected of Bridget, and the MATCHING gender identity is the one which causes social stigma.

Staying a girl is the easy option for Bridget. It's what people already see them as, and is what their village expects them to be. And according to Bridget's backstory, Bridget pretended to go along with being a girl to MAKE THEIR PARENTS NOT WORRY.

So when Bridget decides to be a girl when struggling to win fights, but when winning flawlessly talks about "wanting to have the courage and strength to be who they really truly are inside" it's fairly clear that they want to be a man, but don't feel like they're strong enough yet to come out.

Not sure if this will sway your opinion, but when asked about Bridget in a lore interview for Famitsu last year, Ishiwatari said she was a well-known bounty hunter, did great contributions to her village and family and was trying to understand her true self.

So everyone there will see Bridget as a man, since that was the point of all her effort as a bounty hunter. Going back and saying she's trans could spark the superstition again, since Bridget would be a girl at heart and the twins thing could be valid.

That's why I'll say it again, if the author only wanted an otokonoko, he could have kept Bridget the same, tone down some jokes and everything would be fine.

If even that isn't enough to convince you guys that the author wants to shake things up then I give up.
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