11/02/22 11:09PM
Trying Flesh Out An OC
Hello, to all members and lurkers,

Recently, a character was made through AI input by Qiller. Upon seeing this character here I basically fell for her. That being said, Qiller has generously given me and all of the other Hub members the privilege of creating the name and backstory for this character!

The character in question:

I am very glad and grateful for this opportunity as I hope any other contributors will be.
This is my first idea for her name and backstory. None of this is set in stone and I'm actually not sure how we'll officially decide it but I feel we can come up with something as a community.

Character Name: Drole Tempy (aka Drollie)

She is an elite member of a secret society of mentalists, illusionists, and hypnotists (basically, the magician Illuminati) called WISP. She is actually the head of a subdivision of the organization known as the Pixies. She takes her role with great esteem and brandishes it whenever given an opportunity. She does this despite it being meant to be kept secret. Naturally, she has great skill with hypnotism and other means of mental influencing. This allows her to brag as much as she wants without ever truly blowing her cover, as she makes listeners of her blabbing less of a liability by messing with their minds, ruining their reputations, and/or making them subservient to her. She has many ideas to try and many means to try with. In fact, it could be said that her style and methods are enchanting in nature.

Despite her very youthful appearance, she is actually a fully grown woman. Despite this, she tends to spend much of her time galavanting as a high school student for a reason even she can't fully explain. This brings us to her encounter with a certain kinky-haired hypnosis prodigy. After getting involved with them, they found themselves in a situation where the tables were unexpectedly turned. She had been made to change almost completely. She assumed a new identity and a new name "Lillia Elethare". She believed her status as the leader of the Pixies was all just a chunibiyo-like delusion. Though, she still believed herself to be an extremely capable hypnotist. Perhaps, too capable, as her hypnotic techniques would now often backfire on herself. She would often wake up to find herself drooling in excess; as would those around her. This is what earned her the nickname "Drollie".

It is only when nearing the one who did this to her, (whoever they may be) that she begins to remember who she truly is. She then tries to ensnare them in one of her hypnosis-based schemes only for it to end the same way it did in the beginning. "Why did she advance on them in the first place?" "How were they so much better than her?" "What did they truly want with her if they haven't told anyone else about her secret?" These, and many more questions were going through her mind.
One thing was for certain, a new magical girl anime was airing and as a high school chuni for life, there was no way she could miss it!


That's the gist of what I have so far. If you have any questions or naturally your own ideas for this character then please feel free to post them. Again, I'm still not sure how this will all be decided. If you've made it this far, thanks for reading!
11/03/22 12:03AM
as someone strongly dislikes dom that actually like complete jerks i really liked the part where she got what she deserved, aside from that this is really well made but somethings sound really stretchy like the school student part and the full grown woman
11/03/22 12:13AM
jigiyak said:
as someone strongly dislikes dom that actually like complete jerks i really liked the part where she got what she deserved, aside from that this is really well made but somethings sound really stretchy like the school student part and the full grown woman

In the bio, I said she had a "youthful appearance". That was essentially to say that she could pass for someone under the age of eighteen but I see your point.
In one image she had big boobs in a tight tank top. In another, she was wearing a t-shirt so it wasn't as pronounced.

I could come up with something else if we can't agree on this. Just let me know what you think.

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