11/03/22 09:26PM
Poker Night At The HypnoHub (Fun Ideas Thread)
Just a silly little though after seeing this image: rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=6927453

So, who all would you have at a Poker Night at the Inventory if it was Hypno-Hub related? Mine would be:

Crystal (Zko)
Kady Psyche (HypnoLab)
Helen (Spiral Clicker)

If I limited myself to just the normal 4, it would be this. If there were more than 4 opponent possible to get, I'd add:

Hypno-Tan (normally the hostess)
Cassie (Erika's BFF)
Alexia (electrickronos' illegally hot OC)
Haru (Yaki's OC)

Instead of getting Team Fortress 2 items, you get hypnosis items from them (Coins on a string, love potions, hypnosis chips, etc). You could obvious then hypnotize them to do sexy stuff between games or play in more revealing/no outfits.
11/04/22 04:38AM
In my vision, there are two tables' worth of characters. One is all doms, the other is all subs. After you've won a few rounds, you're allowed to make custom tables with characters from both, which makes hypnotic shenanigans occur much more frequently.

The dom table consists of:
- Essence (Nexus Light)
- Daphne (Mind Control University)
- Mrs. Erickson (Zko)
- R'hyll (Polishguy/Porniky)

The sub table includes:
- Crimson (StepfordCrimson)
- Ubergirl (SvettaK42)
- Erika
- Angie (SuperTechno324)

And just to throw on some extra ideas.
- The game takes place at Club Spiral, with David Smith as the host.
- Hypno-Tan is the dealer.
- Instead of buying a round of drinks, you can tip the band and choose their next song (and the subliminal messages that play alongside it).
- R'hyll and Pon play a similar role to Sam and Max. Pon doesn't actually play, but she will take part in the conversation as long as her master is still there.
- R'hyll's host is chosen randomly from whichever characters are not currently playing.
11/05/22 12:02AM
Oh God, the bad joke potential.
"I raise 20."
"Call." "Yes Master?"
"FOR THE LAST TIME I'll say your name if I actually want you!! Now get back under the table!"
11/06/22 04:04PM

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