11/21/22 09:04PM
Was the Lilith Device ever finished?
Just looking for a definitive answer from someone that is (Or was) familiar with the game. Normally I wouldn't be making a forum post specifically for a question that could easily be solved by a quick forum search, but for some reason I can't find an answer to it after combing over multiple discussions. Judging by what I've seen so far, I don't think it ever was, it just got really close. But I can't find any true confirmation. Any help confirming or debunking my suspicions would be very much appreciated.
11/22/22 12:44PM
Don't think it was, no. I last checked quite a few years ago, but even then the last update was more than a year back. IIRC it got past...the fourth chapter? Something about witches, and then it just stopped.

A shame, really.
11/22/22 09:19PM
T-rot said:
Don't think it was, no. I last checked quite a few years ago, but even then the last update was more than a year back. IIRC it got past...the fourth chapter? Something about witches, and then it just stopped.

A shame, really.

What irks me is the fact that there wasn't even a statement from the dev. I've looked at his accounts and he's still active on patreon, doing art now instead of real life stuff. But it looks to me like he just completely washed his hands of the project, and dropped it out of nowhere. When it was like an update away from being finished. That is really frustrating.
11/23/22 05:00PM
No idea about that, but sadly if I had to choose between doing stuff that patreon paid for, or a free complicated game in a shitty engine, I'd go the patreon route too.

We can only hope, perhaps try messaging him to see what the deal is.

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