12/08/22 11:56PM
Another day, another set. This one is built around possession and ghosts.

Ghost Attracting Charm
This spell tag has the effect of attracting mischivious ghosts. The wearer is more likely to be possessed by any nearby spirits. This charm can be removed by the would be victim if they notice it before they get possessed.
The tag says: Possess me. The main bit of chaos comes from the actions of the ghosts, but this is ultimately safe as the charm has a failsafe that will eject any malicious spirits that might try to harm you. The Shoppe is not responsible for threats to life, limb, and will.
A kick me sign, pretty much.

Ghostly Garb
These clothes are either haunted or enchanted to have a similar effect. All of these are of styles from the early 1980s or earlier. Putting them on will result in the wearer either being possessed by a spirit from that time period or being enchanted to behave in a manner befitting the clothing.
We got these for cheap due to them being sold to us secondhand by the family of a deceased enchantress. The Shoppe is not responsible for threats to life, limb, and will.
Basically a set of clothes that might be haunted or enchanted

Anti-Ghost Pepper
This incredibly spicy pepper makes most ghosts unable to possess a person due to the extreme amounts of spice. Unfortunately, most people can't stand the extreme levels of spice this pepper exudes.
Side effects include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, an intense burning sensation that won't end, hallucinations, and possibly even death. The pepper is so spicy, even touching it might cause a burning sensation. Wash your hands thoroughly after handling, ESPECIALLY BEFORE going to the bathroom.
Like with most peppers, milk will help dull the pain but will also make you more vulnerable to possession. The Shoppe is not responsible for threats to life, limb, and will.
It's basically a ghost chili pepper. Ghosts possess someone who ate it and jump out of them like someone stepping into a way too hot bath.

Corrupted Rosary Beads
These Rosary Beads would usually be just the thing to force a demon out of a person, but due to them being corrupted... They only assist the demon in becoming more deeply rooted in their victim. They also subtly bend the will of the one holding the beads to be more subservient to demons. The longer they're held, the more subservient and obedient one becomes to demons.
Anti-Exorcism tools.

Beyond Reproach Halo
This halo is inhabited by the spirit of an angel. Putting it on will make certain types of people trust you unconditionally, but the longer you wear it... The more influence the angel will gain over you. Wear it long enough and you'll become an angel in appearance and personality.
Gives you the trust people would give to angels, but slowly purifies you into an angel.
12/10/22 06:52AM
Another five, no theme here.

Hypnotic Roses
These roses emit an entrancing aroma that entrances anyone who smells them. This trait makes them hard to use due to the roses being able to entrance even the most careful users.
The smell is potent enough that a single whiff can cause the average person to fall into a light trance. Said trance quickly deepens as the person breathes in more of the scent. We recommend getting a gas mask if you want to use these or just being lucky enough to lack a sense of smell.
For safety's sake, these roses are kept in a sealed container. The Shoppe is not responsible for threats to life, limb, and will.
Hypnotic flowers, but ones that might hypnotize the buyer too.

Body Swap Earring
Makes you swap bodies with the wearer of the opposite earring.
Unfortunately these were mixed up due to a stock room accident in the store we bought them from. Once the body swap happens, it will last for a full 24 hours. It's actually not known if these are a true body swap or just an enchantment that alters one's personality. The Shoppe is not responsible for threats to life, limb, and will.
A body swap item that will result in random and unpredictable body swaps, if they even work. The matching earring might never be sold or worn.

Compelling Shackles
A pair of pink fuzzy handcuffs without chains linking them. The wearer of these is magically compelled to behave like there is a chain.
The issue is that the keys for these were lost by the store we bought them from. Thankfully, a failsafe is built into these cuffs. They open on their own if their wearer is placed into a deep hypnotic trance. The Shoppe is not responsible for threats to life, limb, and will.
Kinky handcuffs, but magical.

Supremely Overpowering Aphrodisiac Pheromones
A bottle of pheromones meant to be added to bathwater. After soaking in the water, a person will become irresistable to anyone who feels even a slight attraction to them. With the right words, the smitten can be made into willing slaves of the one who bathed in these pheromones. But without the right words, the smitten will be willing to do ANYTHING to get their hands on you. Has no effect on those without a sense of smell or those unable to smell the pheromones. The Shoppe is not responsible for threats to life, limb, and will.
Based on what could go wrong with that type of pheromone control. With just the wits of the pheromoned individual and no hypnotic part to the pheromones... Those driven mad by lust might try underhanded tactics to get their hands on the person.

Pendant of Proper Propriety
A pendant that conditions the wearer into being a polite and proper young lord/lady. Unfortunately, the pendant conforms to old standards from the early 1900s.
Attempts to update the pendant's standards have just altered how it enforces its standards. Good behavior is met with pleasure while bad behavior is met with punishment. What the pleasure and punishment is, well that depends on the wearer.
Depending on how long the pendant was worn, its effects might not be reversed by simply removing it. The Shoppe is not responsible for threats to life, limb, and will.
Basically a pendant that trains and manipulates a person into being a proper lady/gentleman. But to the standards of the early 1900s.
12/10/22 06:47PM
Prototype Nanobot Disperser.

The actual delivery device is fine. The nanobots it's firing, however....

The intent was a 'make your own army' kit. However, speed, strength and control of the target are all variable, hence 'prototype.
12/11/22 12:32AM
Just one thing today. Introducing a company selling Pokemon type items. Just their old flawed Poke Ball offerings now.

Mesmer Corp Poke Ball
A Pokeball that hypnotizes people caught by it. Catch rates and obedience applies. The issue is that if a person counts as being Level 21 or higher, they can resist and disobey you. The only way around the disobedience is your intended victim willingly letting themselves be caught, which also bypasses the catch rate bit.
The catch rate of a person is based on their will power, with the weakest of weak willed people being a 255 and those with a legendarily strong willed being a 3.
A person's level is based on a combination of intelligence and physical fitness.
Comes in quite a few varieties. The Shoppe is not responsible for threats to life, limb, and will.
Mesmer Corp Great Ball and Mesmer Corp Ultra Ball: Stronger than the normal Pokeball. Same drawbacks.
Mesmer Corp Safari Ball: Gives a x4 catch rate multiplier if used on a person in a fursuit or mascot costume.
Mesmer Corp Fast Ball: Gives a x4 catch rate multiplier if used on a person in jogging clothes or a track team outfit.
Mesmer Corp Level Ball: Stronger against people weaker or dumber than you.
Mesmer Corp Lure Ball: Works best on bound or sleeping targets.
Mesmer Corp Heavy Ball: Works best on heavier targets. Light targets give a penalty to catch rate.
Mesmer Corp Love Ball: Gives a whopping 8 times multiplier if used on a person who feels attracted to you.
Mesmer Corp Friend Ball: Makes the captured target believe that you're their best friend forever. But you're also DEEPLY in the friend zone.
Mesmer Corp Moon Ball: Works best on cosplayers.
Mesmer Corp Sport Ball: Works best on athletes.
Mesmer Corp Net Ball: A ball designed to be used on people that are either in swimsuits or holding a bug catching net.
Mesmer Corp Dive Ball: A ball that works best on people in scuba gear.
Mesmer Corp Nest Ball: A ball that was designed to work best on idiots and the weak of body.
Mesmer Corp Repeat Ball: A ball designed to work best on twins.
Mesmer Corp Timer Ball: The older your target, the more effective this ball is.
Mesmer Corp Luxury Ball: A ball designed to more easily capture rich people.
Mesmer Corp Premier Ball: Just like the normal Mesmer Corp Poke Balls.
Mesmer Corp Dusk Ball: Works best at night.
Mesmer Corp Heal Ball: A ball that's best used on doctors and nurses.
Mesmer Corp Quick Ball: A ball that works best on unaware targets.
Mesmer Corp Dream Ball: A ball that works best on a sleeping target.
Mesmer Corp Dawn Ball: A ball developed by MC. Designed to be the opposite of a Dusk Ball, so it works best during the day.
Mesmer Corp Pester Ball: Can't actually capture a target, but releases a gas upon bursting. The ball doesn't come with gas, those have to be purchased separately. Mesmer Corp sells these gases: Sleep, Daze, and Stun.
Basically a concept for hypnotic Poke Balls, but disobedience is factored in. The captured people count as outsiders and there's no badges, so no increasing the limit.
12/11/22 01:03AM
Role reversal pendant
A small glowing crystal pendant that can be used to hypnotize anyone, but the only effect is has is that it turns the victim into a hypnotist with you as their target, copying your motivation.
12/12/22 04:31AM
I've decided to use Mesmer Corp as my company for most Pokemon style items. Consider them a company ran by hypno fetishists out to make lots of money. Today, I show their stone collection. All of these have drawbacks, either great or small.

Mesmer Corp Mesmer Stone: Fire
Hypnotizes the first one to look into it while holding it after it is activated. The flames create a perfectly obedient trance, but also implant a pyromania type love of fire in the subject during their trance. Not a good idea to have someone cook after entrancing them with this. The Shoppe is not responsible for threats to life, limb, and will.
Pyromania is a side effect, but does fade when the subject awakens.

Mesmer Corp Mesmer Stone: Water
Hypnotizes the first one to look into it while holding it after it is activated. The water pattern creates a perfectly obedient trance, but also implants a love of water in the subject. If given half the chance, a subject entranced by this stone will strip down and jump into a lake, pool, river, etc. etc. They take hydration VERY seriously and will make sure you hydrate properly, even if they have to force you to.
A stone that causes an obsession with water, but not an unsafe one.

Mesmer Corp Mesmer Stone: Thunder
Hypnotizes the first one to look into it while holding it after it is activated. The lightning pattern is more than just for show and actually gives a person a very strong static charge. The static charge is enough to fry some electronics and to function as a weak taser. The Shoppe is not responsible for threats to life, limb, and will.
A hypnotized person with quite the static shock and all of the disadvantages that come with it.

Mesmer Corp Mesmer Stone: Leaf
Hypnotizes the first one to look into it while holding it after it is activated. The downside is that the entranced become a stereotypical outspoken vegan after it is used on them. Commanding them to not talk about veganism has been tried and it failed. The Shoppe is not responsible for threats to life, limb, and will.
Insufferable vegan, but only while they're in trance.

Mesmer Corp Mesmer Stone: Moon
Hypnotizes the first one to look into it while holding it after it is activated. The subject who looked into this stone is turned into a night owl and will often be asleep during the day. Good for security guards, bad for chefs. Attempts to modify their sleep schedule to be more active during the day failed.
The stone altering sleep schedules is linked to the length of day, with the subject being more active during the winter and fall.

Mesmer Corp Mesmer Stone: Sun
Hypnotizes the first one to look into it while holding it after it is activated. The stone gives subjects a compulsion to sunbathe whenever possible. If the subject isn't given a command, you'll likely find them somewhere soaking in sun rays. Subjects kept too busy to sunbathe for too long have shown a tendency to ignore orders and go sunbathe anyways. The stone also imparts proper sunbathing safety protocols, the subject will always apply sunscreen before sunbathing for a long time.
I like the idea of a hypnotized person having compulsions that can override orders.

Mesmer Corp Mesmer Stone: Shiny
Hypnotizes the first one to look into it while holding it after it is activated. The stone causes the subject to LOVE shiny things. Subjects have shown a willingness to hypnotize people to get shiny things they were denied. The Shoppe is not responsible for threats to life, limb, and will.
A stone that creates a potential hypnotic burglar. Best keep the shiny stuff hidden.

Mesmer Corp Mesmer Stone: Dusk
Hypnotizes the first one to look into it while holding it after it is activated. The entranced gets their personality rewritten to be that of a pessimistic goth. This rewrite cannot be reversed and persists after they awaken.
Those entranced by this stone have an INTENSE rivalry with entranced by the Dawn Stone. DO NOT pair them together, it will lead to the pair getting into a hypnotic duel or free-for-all. The Shoppe is not responsible for threats to life, limb, and will.
This stone and the next is based on cheerleader VS goth hypnosis art.

Mesmer Corp Mesmer Stone: Dawn
Hypnotizes the first one to look into it while holding it after it is activated. The entranced gets their personality rewritten to be that of a perky cheerleader. This rewrite cannot be reversed and persists after they awaken.
The Dawn Stone is also a stone prone to failure due to each stone only being able to hypnotize a single gender. The gender is set when it first entrances a person.
Those entranced by this stone have an INTENSE rivalry with entranced by the Dusk Stone. DO NOT pair them together, it will lead to the pair getting into a hypnotic duel or free-for-all. The Shoppe is not responsible for threats to life, limb, and will.
The gender thing is a reference to the Dawn Stone only working on Male Kirlia and Female Snorunt.

Mesmer Corp Mesmer Stone: Ice
Hypnotizes the first one to look into it while holding it after it is activated. The stone makes the subject obey orders, but they're also left in a trance that makes them robotic and emotionless. Not a good choice for roles that need someone caring, imagination, or stealth.
The hypnotized will not ignore orders and will take all orders literally. Be careful what you say or they might obey it. The Shoppe is not responsible for threats to life, limb, and will.
A trance that is without emotion, the tranced will take orders literally. Consider this a type of mental robotization.

Mesmer Corp Mesmer Stone: Hard
Hypnotizes the first one to look into it while holding it after it is activated. This stone has the side effect of making the subject VERY horny.
When not following orders, the test subjects for this stone were found either pleasuring themselves or having sex. Prolonged periods without orgasms resulted in erratic behavior in the test subjects. Thrice daily orgasms is the bare minimum for those entranced by this stone.
A stone that makes people rock hard.

Mesmer Corp Mesmer Stone: Odd Keystone
A failed Mesmer Corp product to find a way to make use of the 108 spirits within this Keystone. Mesmer Corp was able to release the spirits, where they would possess test subjects.
The possessed subjects and numerous nearby people refused to obey any orders and went about causing chaos and mischief for a period equal to 1.8 hours.
The stone can be used to release the spirits, but ALL of them are released and possess everyone nearby, very likely including the one who released them. The only upside is that the spirits are not malicious, they're just troublemakers that often take jokes and pranks too far. The Shoppe is not responsible for threats to life, limb, and will.
A very chaotic item that can possess up to 108 people nearby for 108 minutes.

Mesmer Corp Mesmer Stone: Valuable
Hypnotizes the first one to look into it while holding it after it is activated. These stones include things like pearls and gold nuggets, they induce a trance that includes an internal mantra, but also petrify the subject for six hours.
The mantras in these are made to make the subject feel loved, confident, and valued. When the subject returns to normal, the trance ends. The subject is aware of their surroundings while petrified, but is too relaxed to care. The not caring makes suggestions unable to take root in their mind.
These stones should be used VERY carefully, damage to the statue will be reflected in the person. The Shoppe is not responsible for threats to life, limb, and will.
Varieties and statue types
Gold Nugget: Golden Statue
Pearl: Pearl Statue
Star Piece: Ruby Statue
Hypnotized petrified person, with feel good mantras.

There will be more of Mesmer Corp, I've got a few ideas for them. There will also be companies for the Super Mario and Zelda worlds.
12/12/22 10:56AM
I'm quite enjoying these. I don't have anything to add, but I wanted to let you know there's at least one lurker checking back in on this thread every time it updates. : )
12/12/22 06:05PM
Mama Ophelia’s “Hot N’ Bothered” Hot Sauce

A large crudely labeled bottle of genuine homemade cajun hot sauce. Consumers of the sauce will find their whole body becoming warmer, and their sex drive suddenly skyrocketing. As they grow hotter with the consumption of more sauce, they’ll grow an aversion of clothing and an intense desire to strip and perform erotic dances or other acts. But if one finds themself stuck in a public place or otherwise inappropriate setting, they’ll slowly become hotter and hotter as they look for ways to find privacy or relieve themselves discreetly. An unforeseen side effect however is that consumers of the sauce feel compelled to share it with everyone around them. If they should succeed, everyone in the area could become a pent up mess, until it’s too much for everyone to handle hiding. Not recommended unless you’d like your picnic to turn into an uncontrollable amateur stripper filled extravaganza. The Shoppe is not responsible for threats to life, limb, and will.
12/12/22 09:20PM
The Entrancement Hat: Literally just Lex's hat and it doesn't do anything, but it was GAME-WORN! By Lex himself! It even has a certificate of authenticity!

(Plot twist: the certificate is the actual hypnotic implement but all it does is compel the reader to buy the thing it's connected to)
12/12/22 09:37PM
Mind changer condoms
A pack of innocent looking condoms that have been coated with a hypnotic drug, this drug will when absorbed through the skin instill a strong breeding kink in both partners.
12/13/22 01:49AM
Sisyphys’ Blanket

A purple weighted blanket. Those who place the blanket over themselves are entranced to find it unfathomably heavy, and are helplessly pinned down. The blanket however is naturally comfortable, and the victims futile cries for help are inevitably drowned out by the mind melting sleepiness incited by the blankets comfort. If another should come to their aid however, they will also be convinced the blanket is impossible to remove, and in their efforts to do so, will immediately become awash with exhaustion, before cuddling up on top of the previous victim to nap. This vicious cycle will continue until industrial tools are brought in to safely remove the blanket and break the sleepy trances. The Shoppe is not responsible for threats to life, limb, and will.
12/13/22 05:06PM
Didn't post yesterday, but today I got another whopper.

Mesmer Corp TM Set
This 13 disc collection of 125 hypnotic shorts was designed for the bedroom.
Each disc contains shorts related to a type, each of which hypnotizes the watcher and implants a trigger. This trigger causes them to act out a move based behavior.
The triggers are also very simple and is: [Person's name] [name of the move]. Just like commanding a Pokemon.
The reason why these are in the discount bin? They're all secondhand and missing a few discs. None of the discs are damaged, though.
Each disk has a woman on the disc cosplaying a fitting Pokemon.

Disc 1 - Grass 'Tsareena'
Sleep Powder - If you have a trance trigger, they will use it.
Vine Whip - For those into BDSM, causes them to gently whip you.
Aromatherapy - If they're under the effects of a trigger, this will cancel it out.
Grass Knot - They will tie your feet to the bed.
Power Whip - For those into BDSM, causes them to whip you as roughly as they can without hurting you badly.
Strength Sap - They give you an orgasm as quickly as possible.
Trop Kick - Despite the name, this trigger is based on Tsareena and makes them act like a dominatrix.
Branch Poke - They poke your butt with their finger, strap-on, or dick.
Drum Beating - They will spank your butt like it's a drum.
Snap Trap - During vaginal sex or buttsex, they will refuse to release your dick or strap-on until they orgasm.

Disc 2 - Poison & Fire 'Salazzle'
Poison Gas - For those into smells, this will cause them to fart.
Toxic - For those who like dirty talk, this will cause them to start swearing in everything they say until their next orgasm.
Coil - They will hug you tightly and won't let go until their next orgasm.
Belch - For those into smells, this will cause them to burp.
Purify - If they're under the effects of a trigger, this will cancel it out.
Ember - For those who like pain, they will give you a friction burn on the shoulder.
Eruption - They will orgasm.
Will-O-Wisp - For hypnosis play, they will pull out a lighter and perform their best induction on you.
Fiery Dance - For foreplay, they will dance a sexy and passionate dance for you.
Mind Blown - They will go into a trance after their next orgasm.

Disc 3 - Flying & Bug 'Vespiquen'
Drill Peck - They will kiss you on the cheek, then starting kissing down your body until they reach your vagina/dick.
Mirror Move - They will copy what you do.
Peck - They will kiss you on the cheek.
Bounce - They will ride your dick or strap-on Cowgirl style.
Feather Dance - For foreplay, they will give you a strip tease complete with a feather boa.
Spider Web - They will tie you to the bed.
Tail Glow - They will use a glowing object to try to hypnotize you.
X-Scissor - For women only. Scissoring time.
Lunge - They will fuck you harder during vaginal or butt sex.
Pounce - Foreplay trigger. They will pounce on you, extremely turned on. Only works if they're already in the mood.

Disc 4 - Water 'Primarina'
Clamp - They will grab you in a hug and won't release you until they orgasm.
Hydro Pump - Orgasm command. Part of a denial play set.
Water Gun - Gets them closer to an orgasm, but doesn't allow them to orgasm. Part of a denial play set.
Withdraw - Gets them further from an orgasm. Part of a denial play set.
Dive - They will perform some cunnilingus or fellatio on you.
Hydro Cannon - A stronger orgasm command for denial play. This trigger causes sexual pleasure to build for a full minute before it is released in a huge orgasm, complete with aftershocks. Use this command sparingly, as it is very exhausting and draining.
Scald - Gets them closer to an orgasm, much stronger effects compared to Water Gun. Part of a denial play set. Still doesn't allow them to orgasm.
Flip Turn - A command for BDSM, causes a dom to behave like a sub and vice verse.
Life Dew - Gives them a desire to drink your sexual fluids, almost like they believe it to be a miracle cure of some sort.
Chilling Water - Gets them further from an orgasm, much stronger effects compared to Withdraw. Part of a denial play set.

Disc 5 - Normal 1 'Lopunny'
Bind - For BDSM play. They will be mentally tied to the bed spread eagle.
Explosion - They will have an intense and exhausting orgasm.
Flash - For foreplay. They will slowly undress, teasing you with flashes of their intimates.
Harden - Makes them hornier. Could be used for denial play.
Lovely Kiss - They will give you a passionate kiss to the lips. If they have a trance trigger for you, they will use it after the kiss.
Mimic - They will copy what you do.
Pound - They will start buttfucking you.
Tail Whip - They won't be able to stop shaking their butt for five minutes.
Transform - They will put on a random role play outfit and assume that role.
Wrap - For BDSM play. They will handcuff you to the bed.

Disc 6 - Normal 2 'Meloetta'
Attract - They will feel very turned on, but only if they're already in the mood. After using this trigger, they will try to convince you to have sex with some seductive flirting.
Encore - Use this after they orgasm to make them do it again. Use this sparingly.
Endure - They're not able to orgasm for five minutes, but will have a major one after that time is up. Use this sparingly.
Milk Drink - Will cause them to suck on your breasts/dick.
Helping Hand - They will give you a handjob.
Refresh - Undoes any trigger effects.
Tickle - At some random point in the next five minutes, they will have the urge to tickle you.
Captivate - If you have any triggers, this will make them use one.
Me First - They will experience a quickly building sexual pleasure, leading to a sexual frenzy where they'll likely orgasm first.
After You - They will experience a slowly building sexual pleasure, leading to a sexual frenzy where you'll likely orgasm first.

Disc 7 - Electric & Ground 'Oricorio'
Thunder Wave - They're unable to move and everything feels much more pleasurable. The trigger can be removed by using it again.
Spark - They will feel very turned on, but only if they're already in the mood.
Charge - They feel a rush of energy and starts doing whatever they were faster and harder.
Discharge - Orgasm command.
Nuzzle - They will lovingly nuzzle you.
Bone Club - Causes slow, but enthusiastic dick/strap-on sex.
Bonemerang - Causes random enthusiastic dick/strap-on sex. Could be in your mouth, vagina, or butt.
Dig - They will perform some cunnilingus or fellatio on you.
Bone Rush - Causes fast and enthusiastic dick/strap-on sex.
Stomping Tantrum - For BDSM play. Causes them to act like a brat.

Disc 8 - Fairy 'Hatterene'
Charm - They will feel very turned on, but only if they're already in the mood. They will try to seuctively flirt with you to get you to have sex. But if you have any triggers, they might use those instead.
Sweet Kiss - They will give you a kiss to the cheek. If you have any triggers, they will use one after the kiss.
Disarming Voice - They will use one of your triggers.
Draining Kiss - They will give you a long kiss to the mouth. If you have any triggers, they will use one after the kiss.
Fairy Lock - For BDSM. They will handcuff their arms to yours. Might make them use a trigger on you too.
Play Rough - They will become rougher during sex. Might make them use a trigger on you too.
Floral Healing - Removes the effects of triggers on them, but causes them to start using your triggers.
Let's Snuggle Forever - They will use a trance or sleep trigger on you. Afterwards they will fall asleep while cuddling with you. If you don't have a sleep or trance trigger, they will try their best to hypnotize you and give you one.
Sparkly Swirl - They will use a trance trigger on you. If you don't have one, they will try their best to hypnotize you and give you one.
Misty Explosion - Orgasm command. This also makes them feel a desire to use your triggers.

Disc 9 - Fighting & Rock 'Pheromosa'
Counter - If you use a trigger, they'll use one too.
Submission - Causes a person to be more submissive.
Reversal - A command for BDSM, causes a dom to behave like a sub and vice verse.
Revenge - If you orgasm before they do, they will start using your triggers.
Final Gambit - Orgasm command.
Rock Blast - Orgasm command, causes multiple weak orgasms.
Rock Tomb - They will handcuff you to the bed.
Rock Polish - They will start lovingly worshiping your body.
Rock Wrecker - They will have a powerful and exhausting orgasm.
Smack Down - They will sit on your face and make you pleasure them. They won't get off until you use a safety trigger or give them an orgasm.

Disc 10 - Psychic 'Gardevoir'
Amnesia - Causes temporary hypnotic amnesia.
Confusion - Causes temporary hypnotic confusion.
Hypnosis - They will do their best to hypnotize you.
Future Sight - They will have an orgasm in ten minutes.
Calm Mind - Causes temporary hypnotic calmness.
Imprison - Causes hypnotic bondage. Releases with the same trigger.
Role Play - They will put on a random role play outfit and assume that role.
Heart Swap - A couple's trigger. You will believe to be each other, somehow having swapped bodies.
Miracle Eye - They will look into your eyes and fall into a trance.
Heal Pulse - Removes the effects of triggers on them.

Disc 11 - Steel & Ice 'Magearna'
Metal Burst - If you orgasm, they will have a greater orgasm.
Gear Grind - If wearing a role play outfit, they will change into a new one, but keep playing the old role.
Gear Shift - If wearing a role play outfit, they will change into a new one and assume that role.
Gear Up - They will put on a random role play outfit and assume that role.
Smart Strike - They spank you.
Haze - A partial trance trigger that leaves them in a sleepy haze.
Ice Beam - They will be hypnotically frozen in place. Releases with the same trigger.
Ice Ball - Causes a series of five orgasms, each greater than the last. Use this command sparingly, as it is very exhausting and draining.
Frost Breath - If you have a freeze trigger, they will use it. If you don't, they'll try to hypnotize you and give you one.
Chilly Reception - They will be unable to stop telling bad jokes and puns during sex.

Disc 12 - Ghost & Dragon 'Froslass'
Confuse Ray - Causes temporary hypnotic confusion.
Lick - They will begin licking you, but in places of their choosing.
Curse - For those who like dirty talk, this will cause them to start swearing in everything they say until their next orgasm.
Destiny Bond - If you orgasm, they will too.
Hex - They will start using your triggers.
Outrage - They will have an intense orgasm. Use this command sparingly, as it is very exhausting and draining.
Dragon Dance - This trigger will make someone have sex with more passion and vigor than before.
Roar of Time - They will freeze in place and be unaware of what's happening around them for half a minute. Any pleasure inflicted is felt at once after the trigger wears off.
Spacial Rend - They will freeze in place. This trigger can be used again to release them. While frozen, they cannot orgasm.
Order Up - They will sit on your face and make you pleasure them. They won't get off until you use a safety trigger or give them an orgasm.

Bonus Disc - Dark 'Malamar'
Bite - They will nibble on you neck, potentially leaving a hickey.
Taunt - For BDSM. They will starting Taunting and teasing you lightly.
Torment - For BDSM. They will starting Taunting and teasing you heavily.
Dark Void - They will use a sleep trigger on you. If you don't have one, they will try to hypnotize you and give you one.
Embargo - They become unable to use your triggers on their own.

5 or 10 moves of each type being used in a sexual setting. 20 for Normal.
12/13/22 09:57PM
godzillahomer said:

This 13 disc collection of 125 hypnotic shorts was designed for the bedroom.

Not meant to be a negative critique but this is a bad Whose Line skit waiting to happen
12/14/22 01:19AM
Life Granting Booty Shorts

A pair of small, shiny black shorts made of an unknown rubbery cloth-like material. When worn, it will stretch and contract accordingly to provide the best snug fit for the user, that emphasizes their rear end as much as possible. The shorts then hypnotize the wearer to believe their ass has suddenly gained a mind of its own, and due to their hypnotized state, let it act freely of their own will. The process usually starts with them moving their rear uncontrollably, and claiming they can hear it speak. And slowly, it’s control will spread all across the body, until they are a helpless puppet to their own buttocks whims. Their ass also gains an unpredictable new “personality” created by their own subconscious.

The effects do not end there however. The ass gains hypnotic powers of its own. It can convince anyone around it that it is in fact alive, and they will claim to hear it as well. All who listen to it, find it irresistibly charming, and none have the willpower to disobey it’s mysterious commands.

In at least two different incidents, wearers of the shorts have found their ass’s marrying other people- Which is a real doozy. The Shoppe is not responsible for threats to life, limb, will, or marital statuses.
12/15/22 02:26AM
Sir_Lurksalaot said:
godzillahomer said:

This 13 disc collection of 125 hypnotic shorts was designed for the bedroom.

Not meant to be a negative critique but this is a bad Whose Line skit waiting to happen

Considering I wrote that in a few hours and in a single sitting, it's likely raw in places. Consider it me do a speed writing thing
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