12/07/22 11:05AM
New user here: How long does a pending post usually spend in purgatory before it's appropriate to get concerned?
I'm new, so I don't have a good feel for how this site works yet. I have so far posted four manips, the first three of which were approved by the mods in a matter of hours, but the fourth one is for some reason taking several days. There is a disclaimer after uploading an image saying to 'please be patient' while waiting for a post to go through, but this one is taking many times longer than the three others before it, and it has me worried.

But maybe multiple days of waiting is normal around here, and my previous experiences were just a string of lucky flukes. I genuinely have no idea. There isn't any message saying my post has been rejected or anything, it still just says waiting for approval. But in the three days I've been waiting, countless other posts have been approved instead, so I know someone must be looking at new posts and approving them. I can only assume mine must have been seen, then, so what message am I supposed to take from it being ignored? Should I just delete it, or keep waiting?
12/07/22 11:25AM
There's not really any rhyme or reason to how long it can take someone to approve your post, on our end it's not that obvious how long something has been in the queue and there's no way to see how big the queue is without navigating to it.

I've approved the post now.
12/08/22 12:11AM
Detour said:
There's not really any rhyme or reason to how long it can take someone to approve your post, on our end it's not that obvious how long something has been in the queue and there's no way to see how big the queue is without navigating to it.

I've approved the post now.

I see, that is good to know, thank you for approving the post
12/08/22 12:43AM
Once enough of your posts have been manually approved the system also stops putting you in the queue at all, so it should only be a temporary problem.

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