12/30/22 01:28PM
IDPet said:
The text on the top looks a bit chopped.
The sentences that starts with "listen here you insect" "did he just interrupt" and "I still can't believe" have the first letter with a different color.

The rest looks good.

you're an awful proofreader lmao, i just read the caption one last time and noticed how i messed up the whole image, right before i was going to post it
12/31/22 08:03AM
That fox is incredibly fluffy.
12/31/22 03:37PM
jigiyak said:
IDPet said:
The text on the top looks a bit chopped.
The sentences that starts with "listen here you insect" "did he just interrupt" and "I still can't believe" have the first letter with a different color.

The rest looks good.

you're an awful proofreader lmao, i just read the caption one last time and noticed how i messed up the whole image, right before i was going to post it

I never tried to make proofread because friends already help me with that on my things, I would commit a lot of mistakes too (because english isn't my native language), so I tried to help you with the rest of elements xD.
12/31/22 04:02PM
jigiyak said:
IDPet said:
The text on the top looks a bit chopped.
The sentences that starts with "listen here you insect" "did he just interrupt" and "I still can't believe" have the first letter with a different color.

The rest looks good.

you're an awful proofreader lmao, i just read the caption one last time and noticed how i messed up the whole image, right before i was going to post it

I think a "thank you" would be more appropriate for IDPet's contributions here, but maybe that's just me.
01/02/23 04:37AM
jigiyak said:
not quite the criticism i was expecting but okay, i was wanting something more like writing criticism but sure... i guess

You need to get in the habit of using punctuation. There's a lot of sentences, questions, and places where pauses are implied that don't have proper signifying marks.
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