03/05/23 10:05PM
Electrickronos Posts
I've noticed that a ton of Electrickronos's posts are gone. Was trying to look for the colorized versions of some of his Mina Ashido pics when I saw that he only has 5 pages here now
03/05/23 10:14PM
He asked for all of his posts from before his comic to be taken down for personal reasons, we don't know anything beyond that.
03/06/23 06:22AM
Should this be added to the DNP list or would that be too confusing?
03/06/23 06:27AM
We didn't get asked to add him to it so unless it becomes an issue we'll just leave it as-is.
03/07/23 12:28AM
So unfortunately Ekron will stop posting indefinitely. He will be missed.
03/07/23 08:29AM
Dang, gonna miss seeing the famous "heh" pic on here
03/10/23 09:40PM
kegmeg said:
So unfortunately Ekron will stop posting indefinitely. He will be missed.

Dammit, that's sad: I hope he will still doing okay in the future.
03/11/23 11:37PM
anyone know what exactly happened?,was curious about that
03/12/23 04:43AM
Not gonna lie: I am SUPER disappointed to see half his catalogue go. I'm really hoping the personal reason wasn't him second guessing that stuff's quality compared to his newer works, because his old stuff IS quality.
03/12/23 06:30AM
considering the twitter literally says 'retired' i doubt it
03/12/23 06:55AM
Loved his art. Sucks to see him, Close Rim, Aineko and Singlesalt go. These are very talented hypno artists. Just terrible to see them appear as DNP artists or permanently retiring.
03/12/23 11:59AM
Wait, his Twitter went to protected tweets and he's just done? I can't blame him if he doesn't want to draw more, but... Why do really charming and distinct artists like this just pull their work without warning when they move on?! I'm sorry, but first ShadyDolphin and now this! Why not just leave it there? Do they think no one cares?

I'm making it a point that if I move on from drawing fetish art, I'm not gonna take my works from you. My drawings aren't as good as ElectricKronos, but still though.
03/12/23 01:14PM
Doc-Helix said:
Wait, his Twitter went to protected tweets and he's just done? I can't blame him if he doesn't want to draw more, but... Why do really charming and distinct artists like this just pull their work without warning when they move on?! I'm sorry, but first ShadyDolphin and now this! Why not just leave it there? Do they think no one cares?

I'm making it a point that if I move on from drawing fetish art, I'm not gonna take my works from you. My drawings aren't as good as ElectricKronos, but still though.

Don't get their mentality tbh. They should do what Jerma does. Keep their accounts and art as an archive. Make a new account and do new things.

But hey, if they want to delete years of talent and passion then they can go right ahead.
03/12/23 03:15PM
Doc-Helix said:
Why do really charming and distinct artists like this just pull their work without warning when they move on?!

Jimmyting said:
Don't get their mentality tbh. They should do what Jerma does. Keep their accounts and art as an archive. Make a new account and do new things.

While I am not familiar with the situation and I'm sure you were coming at this with good intentions, these are fairly entitled positions to take.
03/12/23 05:49PM
People lock/remove their stuff to try and remove the temptation to return to something they wish to stop/move on from (If you want to stop drinking, you're probably not going to keep liquor in your house). There are archives of his work already on other sites, so I'd go look for them if you're interested.
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