05/25/14 06:11AM
Hypno game ideas
I'm thinking about making an h-game, and leaning toward hypno. I'm kicking around a few ideas, but wanted to see what games the community wanted.

What games have you played that you have enjoyed? Can you list specifics about what you enjoyed?

What would you like to see in an h-game involving hypnosis? Please feel free to list pictures or stories for reference.
05/25/14 02:53PM
You're the guy who said he was a coder and needed an artist from the other thread right? I had a couple of ideas in that thread.

So what style of game were you going to make? I don't want to push you into making a game you're not 100% gonna enjoy playing because then you won't enjoy making it. I am happy to throw some ideas out that I think may match your criteria though.

One thing I'd like to see is long induction style scenes, I don't like it when it's just straight to being hypnotized. I'd also like a build up before they'd become a sex slave, like slowly giving more lewd suggestions over time so they get eased in and don't realize I'm slowly changing them. Also how about some not sexual stuff too, using hypnosis to help them and to mess around with them. Maybe together the forum can come up with some really fun suggestions.

Anyway, I'd love to help out with more idea as thing thing starts moving on. I'm not really good at writing but I could at least think up so general plots. Oh yeah, I could help with the art too, I'm not too good but I could do character art and backgrounds. I've posted a few thing here and even though I took a long break from art I'm starting to get back into it and I'm slowly improving.

Well anyway I hope this thing takes off.
05/25/14 07:30PM
Why is this separate from the other similarly titled thread that's been going on?
05/25/14 07:42PM
PomPom said:
Why is this separate from the other similarly titled thread that's been going on?

That's what I am wondering as well

I actually thought this was that thread do to the name being almost exact.
05/25/14 07:54PM
Well OP posted in the other thread so he knows it's there. If I had to guess he made this to specifically talk about his game he wants to make. Though there's not really any reason to have it separate if it's still at this point of asking for ideas. And the thread title is really misleading too, well only that it's almost the same as the other one. Either way I am interested by small projects that any user wants to share here.
05/25/14 08:37PM
Hey guys. Totally sorry about the double post. I should have taken the moment it would have taken to search... I guess I just thought it was so long ago that the other thread would be dead.

Since we really don't need another thread I won't post in this one anymore, and will return to the other.

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