03/27/23 06:06AM
why does auto order exist?
I noticed that pool 5513 was missing post #165917 (which is the first post of the pool) I added it back, but while checking the order page, I saw auto order, I clicked it but it asked for an interval, after typing in 16 (how many posts were in the pool) it then re-numbered the posts with a difference of 16. Why would this ever be helpful?

Also is there no revert button for the history tab? That post was already in the pool before but someone removed it for some reason. Shouldn't a revert button exist to easily get rid of a griefers work in public pools?
03/27/23 04:20PM
Auto order makes it easier to shuffle posts around since you don't have to shift the other posts to insert something in-between them, though I think decimals work as well which I guess kind of invalidates that.
03/28/23 01:24AM
Detour said:
Auto order makes it easier to shuffle posts around since you don't have to shift the other posts to insert something in-between them, though I think decimals work as well which I guess kind of invalidates that.

I have never gotten auto order to work.
unless its done in a way that's just not obvious to me i just stopped trying to use it and move posts manually.

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