04/23/23 07:26PM
look i'm just gonna let lordvraine speak here, as most if not all of them are points oi agree with, and he seems waaaay more qualified to talk than me
04/23/23 07:29PM
jigiyak said:
all i can read from this thread is that you guys are my way or the highway type of people, because unless someone completely agree with your side, you throw a temper tantrum and get patronize the person, i am just sooo sick of people like that, this was the reason i left this argument and this time i will do it definitely, because it seems like some people are just too dense to be debated with

Honestly you would re-read what you write, because I'm sure the major part of artists here would tell you that you're being quite disrespectful and not empathic in the way of touching this conflictive subject.

I'm not going to get defensive, but it's like saying to a performer you gonna copy a composition he did and take the credit since you did some changes and hopes he won't get mad.
04/23/23 07:32PM
jigiyak said:
all i can read from this thread is that you guys are a my way or the highway type of people, because unless someone completely agree with your side, you throw a temper tantrum and get patronize the person, i am just sooo sick of people like that, this was the reason i left this argument and this time i will do it definitely, because it seems like some people are just too dense to be debated with

Wow. That is an IMPRESSIVE lack of self awareness. 10/10. No notes.

And yes I'm going to join the chorus of people asking if you're actually old enough to be on this site
04/23/23 08:02PM
jigiyak said:
look i'm just gonna let lordvraine speak here, as most if not all of them are points oi agree with, and he seems waaaay more qualified to talk than me

Sorry, but as I said, I'm done with this discussion. It's a waste of breath for both sides because we are so narrow-minded in our positions that we cannot reach a common ground. These kinds of discussions are pointless by default, foolish me for even deciding to join.

And besides, when someone starts to spew direct insults to the other part and not the argument, it becomes, by default, someone I'm not willing to discuss with anymore, especially when someone starts a witch hunt just because they disagree with them.

EdgeOfTheMoon said:
And yes I'm going to join the chorus of people asking if you're actually old enough to be on this site

Didn't know it was your job to scrutiny data protected by the privacy of another human. When did you get your application accepted?

Anyway, the topic has (once again) derailed; I believe we shall ask for a mod to intervene and close the thread. And perhaps limit ourselves to discussing this kind of topic in private (my DMs are open for that when I can spare some time) since it's extremely touchy and it causes clear discomfort to some.
04/24/23 01:45AM
LordVrane said:
Sorry, but as I said, I'm done with this discussion. It's a waste of breath for both sides because we are so narrow-minded in our positions that we cannot reach a common ground. These kinds of discussions are pointless by default, foolish me for even deciding to join.

Its not being narrow minded, what's narrow is the discussion it's self. What we have, ultimately, is a debate of "Please respect my rights" vs "Please respect my decision NOT to respect your rights."

There is no real middle grounds, because it's a binary topic. A prompter can either ask permission and respect the answer they get, or a prompter can refuse to. There's nothing in between, and no room for "compromise". Because the only "Compromise" in this situation is asking the artists to tolerate "just a bit of having your rights violated" and why would we do that? We kinda want to keep our rights?
04/24/23 02:07AM
AI artists could save a lot of money on debate classes if they just practiced drawing.

I am obligated by my position to say that this is a joke.
04/24/23 03:44AM
Mindwipe said:
AI artists could save a lot of money on debate classes if they just practiced drawing.

I am obligated by my position to say that this is a joke.

apperently there is a rampont case of using AI in school papers so schools have opted to use AI locating software which in turn use AI and some schools have found that that software can't tell which works is AI generated or written by hand.
04/24/23 08:06AM
LordVrane said:
Didn't know it was your job to scrutiny data protected by the privacy of another human. When did you get your application accepted?

I can't say someone is acting like a child unless it's my job? Come on man. Think before you type
04/24/23 09:37AM
Argonis said:

apperently there is a rampont case of using AI in school papers so schools have opted to use AI locating software which in turn use AI and some schools have found that that software can't tell which works is AI generated or written by hand.

Apparently that's caused by three reasons:
- Most of papers are, usually, regurgitating some infos a text book gave it to you, and the teachers are fine with that. An AI does the same thing (giving you informations without much "introspection" on them), so for software a human doing a mental copy-pasta and an AI doing a copy-pasta while also using a language model to recreate human language rules is the basic same.
- AI softwares tend to search for infos that are "constant", "repetitive", "following a specific set of rules" and so on. Some of the information you need in a school paper are impossibile NOT to give such structure. The American constitution, for example, is one and one only, and if someone asks "Quote it", you have to quote it without changing anything. This causes a flag in the detection software because, again, it's "a constant".
- The vast majority of AI software used by these schools are crappy programs bought on the fly without any real knowledge behind. The few decent ones in the market are, sadly, still prone to mistakes due to the fact they are structured to work on a specific program that keeps evolving and changing every day (ChatGPT, I won't cite Alpaca, LLLama and the likes because those are another minefield entirely for AI locating software). They are also, in the long run, useless: if, let's assume, one program will come out and give a 95% of correct answers, I can bypass it easily by:
- Asking CHATGPT to write me a paper
- Rewrite said paper with my own words and style
A little bit more time consuming? Sure, but it still cuts off the time I used before by like... 70% of the time? Maybe 85%?

That's good, though: by having this new obstacle that school can't jump over easily, they have new reasons to rethink about their teaching system. ChatGPT can create a copy of a paper regarding a certain historical event, but it cannot give an opinion about it. How about we start asking the youngsters about that? Like, "What do you think it would have happened if the Germans didn't start operation Barbarossa?" or "Why do you think the Germans were so prone to follow Hitler?".


EdgeOfTheMoon said:
LordVrane said:
Didn't know it was your job to scrutiny data protected by the privacy of another human. When did you get your application accepted?

Come on man. Think before you type

asking if you're actually old enough to be on this site

It's not the same as

say someone is acting like a child

04/24/23 05:47PM
A) Seems the same to me
B) Are you saying we shouldn't ask if someone is a minor in an adult space on an NSFW site?
04/25/23 11:41AM
jigiyak said:
hypnoahegao said:
Feeding someone else's art to train and teach an AI without the artist permission is wrong. An artist should have a say in how their art is used. Indiscriminate AI learning or intentionally feeding an AI art that you like is probiotic for artists. End of story.

The majority of people claiming that it iant a big deal aren't artists themselves, or dont live paycheck to paycheck off the art they create.

first of all that's the wrong use of the word probiotic

"a microorganism (such as lactobacillus) that when consumed (as in a food or a dietary supplement) maintains or restores beneficial bacteria to the digestive tract
also : a product or preparation that contains such microorganisms"

source: the mirriam webster dictionary

second of all, it's not really the machine's fault or it's users that are making artists lives miserable(unemployment, low commissions etc..) that's just luddism, what is creates unemployment is our current economical system(capitalism) in the form of corporate greed and alike that causes this sorts of issues, not just some individual who decided use your art for their ai

Its a typo for the world "problematic," a word you should be pretty familiar with since you are so in love with dogshit takes. I cannot believe that you would chose to define a word for someone unprompted; thats some bizarre as fuck energy.
04/25/23 11:47AM
jigiyak said:
ok man i'm gonna be as straightforward and blunt as humanly possible

i could not care less about copywriting, be it from my works be if for everything else, i just think it should not exist

There is no constructive way to have a conversation with you, you absolute clown.

jigiyak said:
all i can read from this thread is that you guys are a my way or the highway type of people, because unless someone completely agree with your side, you throw a temper tantrum and get patronize the person, i am just sooo sick of people like that, this was the reason i left this argument and this time i will do it definitely, because it seems like some people are just too dense to be debated with

This is so fucking tone deaf its hilarious.

You literally have people on here who advocated for the merit of AI art and what it can do, and you chose to not read those. You had people explain why they disliked AI art and you are the one who got upset and defensive.
04/26/23 11:37AM
>.> dang... this whole thread is making me re-think about uploading my art here, or even putting out any public images...
04/26/23 02:02PM
Auri said:
>.> dang... this whole thread is making me re-think about uploading my art here, or even putting out any public images...

Because you're worried about people using your pics for AI training? Fair enough. People putting artists off posting was exactly what I was worried about
04/27/23 12:13AM
EdgeOfTheMoon said:
Auri said:
>.> dang... this whole thread is making me re-think about uploading my art here, or even putting out any public images...

Because you're worried about people using your pics for AI training? Fair enough. People putting artists off posting was exactly what I was worried about

I'm not even that great of an artist yet, but I was enjoying making content -- but the attitudes in this thread just kinda make me feel icky? Disrespect to my autonomy, I guess.
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