04/01/23 06:24PM
Hypnohub April Fools of Yesteryears Appreciation Thread
Once upon a time, the people of the Hub knew how to have fun. Not sure if that many people remember that. It used to be that on April Fools day we were allowed to post silly pictures. But one year the concept of fun was outlawed. No longer was silly tolerated.

In memorium of those golden times, what were your favorite April Fools posts from back when the Hub didn't take itself uber seriously?

(Bonus question: Remember when themed months were a thing? That was a fun time before it too was culled. What was your favorite themed month?)
04/01/23 06:57PM
Your opening assumes that these things were always funny and you know what happens when you assume.
04/01/23 09:20PM
Orphaen said:
Once upon a time, the people of the Hub knew how to have fun. Not sure if that many people remember that. It used to be that on April Fools day we were allowed to post silly pictures. But one year the concept of fun was outlawed. No longer was silly tolerated.

In memorium of those golden times, what were your favorite April Fools posts from back when the Hub didn't take itself uber seriously?

(Bonus question: Remember when themed months were a thing? That was a fun time before it too was culled. What was your favorite themed month?)

I was a lurker back then, but I have a fuzzy memory of a mustache themes one. That said, it wasn't a matter of having fun but more so the headache of clean up. Aprils Fools posts took a lot of the front page up, and anyone who actually wanted to post something they were working on for likely weeks would be instantly swept away, buried, and after clean up likely wouldn't be noticed after everyone who waited for April 2nd started their dump. While it was fun for a good chunk of the community, it was counter-intuitive to the site's actual purpose.
04/01/23 09:46PM
Also there's an April Fools tag that has plenty of nonsense from years past.


(I'm pretty sure humor peaked at the Miku pic)
04/01/23 09:52PM
As a person with a strong tendency to take things on first degree, I can assure you, these pranks were NOT fun. When I visit Hypnohub, I do so to find nice hypno smut, not a bajillion stupid private jokes or selfish pranks (such as a sudden announcement saying it has become MoustacheHub for instance).

I'll add some nuance though, there was a fairly large amount of it that WAS fun and enjoyable, in particular I remember a spiral gif that turned into Dio Brando saying something along the lines of "You expect hypnosis, but it was me, Dio!", and it made me laugh a lot. The problem is that this was diluted in a shitload of boring or uninteresting, sometimes even harmful stuff.

For us hypnokinksters, April Fools' day should be the occasion to explore weird mind-control-related humor with stuff that may be too borderline for here on other days, but do match the site's purpose by the letter if not the intent.

In other words, let's tell each other good hypno jokes, but let's not prank each other, that's just stupid, mean and selfish.
04/01/23 10:16PM
Honestly I tend to skip lurking on the hub on April 1st, because of the main page full of memes and shitpost making impossible to upload something xD.
04/02/23 02:04AM
As someone who was VERY active during that period, probably a little too active, I do hold a very special place in my heart for International Shitpost Day, and I'd still probably welcome it back, but really, we did kind of drive it into the ground. It stopped being clever, relevancy was lost, and honestly we were kind of all edgelords back then?

I do think the hub, personally, has lost a lot of the sense of COMMUNITY we had back then, a lot of the old guard has drifted away, moved to other sites, or just stopped being as active, I know I've found much less reason to interact here these days. Would I have any remedy for that? No, no not really, maybe it's just passed us by, maybe sites like this just CAN'T foster that kind of relationship anymore when we have things like Discord, (great guys over there, btw) but it's still not quite the same.

I do love this site, I feel I discovered myself here, I've started and ended several life-changing relationships with people I've met here and I wouldn't give that up for the world, and I hope we can keep hanging out here for another 10 years at least, but I think there'll always be a special magic to those early years.

Sorry if this got like, COMPLETELY off-topic but, nostalgia will do that to you I suppose ^^;
04/02/23 05:32AM
Pinkanator said:
As someone who was VERY active during that period, probably a little too active, I do hold a very special place in my heart for International Shitpost Day, and I'd still probably welcome it back, but really, we did kind of drive it into the ground. It stopped being clever, relevancy was lost, and honestly we were kind of all edgelords back then?

I do think the hub, personally, has lost a lot of the sense of COMMUNITY we had back then, a lot of the old guard has drifted away, moved to other sites, or just stopped being as active, I know I've found much less reason to interact here these days. Would I have any remedy for that? No, no not really, maybe it's just passed us by, maybe sites like this just CAN'T foster that kind of relationship anymore when we have things like Discord, (great guys over there, btw) but it's still not quite the same.

I do love this site, I feel I discovered myself here, I've started and ended several life-changing relationships with people I've met here and I wouldn't give that up for the world, and I hope we can keep hanging out here for another 10 years at least, but I think there'll always be a special magic to those early years.

Sorry if this got like, COMPLETELY off-topic but, nostalgia will do that to you I suppose ^^;

I appreciate this particular reply. And I agree with a lot of what you said. My first post seems to not be the most popular opinion. Hell, someone even redid this thread because of the tone. I was, mostly, joking. Though I do miss the way the site was back then. Just thought that, since image posts are no longer really welcome, dialogue was the next best thing.

In terms of community, that really ties in, I think, to the bonus question. The themed months were fun, I think. When the community would come together and make manips based off a theme.

I dunno. If there was a way, I'd possibly just delete this thread and go back to being silent in my sphere of mental fuckery.
04/02/23 09:42AM
Special points to anyone who remembers the great Cirno takeover.
04/02/23 11:50PM
GAH! I accidentally removed the post I was trying to reply to! Damn mod powers!

Anyway, @Orphean, the Cirno takeover was the first April Fools day thing we ever did, back when we were still on hypnobooru.org. Vanndril and I (the only admins/mods at the time) spent the whole day roleplaying as Cirno from Touhou, making posts and comments as her all over the site. The skit ended with one of us posting as Daiyousei, saying that Cirno had accidentally hypnotized herself and run off.
04/03/23 12:40AM
Mindwipe said:
GAH! I accidentally removed the post I was trying to reply to! Damn mod powers!

Anyway, @Orphean, the Cirno takeover was the first April Fools day thing we ever did, back when we were still on hypnobooru.org. Vanndril and I (the only admins/mods at the time) spent the whole day roleplaying as Cirno from Touhou, making posts and comments as her all over the site. The skit ended with one of us posting as Daiyousei, saying that Cirno had accidentally hypnotized herself and run off.

I do certainly remember the booru and that you two were the admins and mods. Mostly I just remember something about the character.

Hm... The board the booru was Chan, right? Hypnochan? I kinda don't even want to think about how long ago that one was.
04/03/23 12:44AM
Mindwipe said:
Anyway, @Orphean, the Cirno takeover was the first April Fools day thing we ever did, back when we were still on hypnobooru.org. Vanndril and I (the only admins/mods at the time) spent the whole day roleplaying as Cirno from Touhou, making posts and comments as her all over the site. The skit ended with one of us posting as Daiyousei, saying that Cirno had accidentally hypnotized herself and run off.

Just going to go out of my way and say that I was a mod on the old site too. I was Lost+Name. Everybody forgets that. XD

I didn't know much about Touhou at the time so I didn't take part in the April Fool's event.

As for the Topic of this thread, I miss monthly themes. Unfortunately, the one I was the most excited about got no content. I forget what it was called and I don't think we can search for it now but I think it was about "Turning the Tables".
I was very disappointed that there wasn't any content made for it. It kind of made me feel a bit alienated but that's a whole 'nother hang-up. Lol
04/03/23 03:08AM
LillyTank said:
Just going to go out of my way and say that I was a mod on the old site too. I was Lost+Name. Everybody forgets that. XD

I didn't know much about Touhou at the time so I didn't take part in the April Fool's event.

For some reason, I was thinking you joined the mod team after that.
04/06/23 06:35AM
I still remember MoustacheHub with some degree of cringe. That one, I'd say, was taking it a bit too far - if for no other reason than I remember it taking a while before the site got back to being usable for what we're all here for.

I'm all for a good hypno-relevant joke or a bit of meta-commentary, but it becomes a problem if it's spammed that much and completely irrelevant to the purpose of the site.
04/06/23 11:50AM
The thing about april fools jokes is that there are three distinct kinds, and only one is good.

There is category A: Lie. Announce you're going to do something amazing, or that you're going to stop doing something amazing. Or that someone else is doing something. Its low effort, just writing a few paragraphs and you're done. Its rarely any good, but also it's not super relevant here because this is an image site.

Then category B: Shitposts. Slap together some low effort inside joke or meme and post it. If you're posting to your own twitter, that's fine. But this is bad because it floods the front page, and really, people "get it" after the fourth meme. They don't need the whole front page filled with them.

Finally, category C: Real Content. The rare holy grail of April Fools. Like Google Maps turning into an SNES overworld map of the world. Or Binging with Babish making the invisible food from Hook. Or Sega releasing a murder mystery VN.

If we had a bunch of category C stuff, I'm sure nobody would have a problem with april fools on the hub. But the question then becomes, how do you make good quality enjoyable april fools content for an image site? There really isn't a lot of room to both be enjoyable hypno content, and then also be an april fools prank here.

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