09/30/13 10:16PM
"Pegasister"? And here I thought "brony" sounded stupid.
10/01/13 11:15PM
Mindwipe said:
"Pegasister"? And here I thought "brony" sounded stupid.

"Nerd" once was an insult, now people <<i.imgur.com/ETveH2Q.jpg|rejoice calling themselves that way>> (even if they barely know how to change a lightbulb), "Queer" also used to be degrading and now homosexuals <<rlv.zcache.com/queer_prid...88ab5ec2da7_8naxt_324.jpg|define themselves like that>>, so I can only expect a future "gender" field like this:

* Male
* Female
* Undecided
* Queer
* Brony
* Pegasister
* Futanari
* Cyborg
* Ortodox Roman Lolicon
* Pansexual
* <<i.imgur.com/ysfAl.jpg|Chinese>>
10/01/13 11:57PM
Stem_Cell said:
"Nerd" once was an insult, now people <<i.imgur.com/ETveH2Q.jpg|rejoice calling themselves that way>>

Yeah, I get that, but it still sounds stupid to me.

so I can only expect a future "gender" field like this:

* Male
* Female
* Undecided
* Queer
* Brony
* Pegasister
* Futanari
* Cyborg
* Ortodox Roman Lolicon
* Pansexual
* <<i.imgur.com/ysfAl.jpg|Chinese>>

Well done, sir.
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