05/27/14 12:02AM
Metals said:
I like both femsub/femdom situations.... both in the position of controlling that willing person and watching them give into the trance..... and then being in that same position of just giving in and fully relaxing and letting yourself just go along with the ride without any worries." (Myself)

Oh? So, that means you're a female, then? That's a new piece of information (not that gender matters, I just find it interesting to know).
05/27/14 07:26AM
Mindwipe said:
Oh? So, that means you're a female, then? That's a new piece of information (not that gender matters, I just find it interesting to know).

No I'm a male.... wording might have been weird there o-o

Maybe it was the (myself) thing... I was quoting and citing mys..... nevermind. XD
05/27/14 07:35AM
Metals said:
No I'm a male.... wording might have been weird there o-o

Maybe it was the (myself) thing... I was quoting and citing mys..... nevermind. XD

*brain explodes*

No, it's fine. I just misinterpreted the meaning of what you said. The dom part of you likes to see femsub and the sub part of you likes to see femdom, right? In that case, you're like me. A switch. Would you say that you lean a little farther to one side than the other? For me, I pretty much only fap to femsub, but when it comes to thinking of which side I'd rather be on if I were actually participating, I lean towards sub.
05/27/14 07:50AM
Mindwipe said:
*brain explodes*

No, it's fine. I just misinterpreted the meaning of what you said. The dom part of you likes to see femsub and the sub part of you likes to see femdom, right? In that case, you're like me. A switch. Would you say that you lean a little farther to one side than the other? For me, I pretty much only fap to femsub, but when it comes to thinking of which side I'd rather be on if I were actually participating, I lean towards sub.

Yeah, basically that's what I meant XD.

Honestly, it's just been whatever I'm in the mood for at the time I suppose lol.... I think I usually lean more towards femsub stuff though.

05/27/14 12:22PM
Fellow switches unite o:

We should form a league (and most certainly not make evil plans for world domination).
05/27/14 05:23PM
strangeperson said:
Fellow switches unite o:

We should form a league (and most certainly not make evil plans for world domination).

We'll be the neutrals of this world.

Paraphrasing Zapp Brannigan, "what makes a person turn switch?"
05/27/14 06:23PM

strangeperson said:
Fellow switches unite o:

We should form a league (and most certainly not make evil plans for world domination).

Yes indeed XD
05/28/14 11:54AM
PomPom said:
We'll be the neutrals of this world.

Paraphrasing Zapp Brannigan, "what makes a person turn switch?"

I like this idea
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