05/25/14 05:37PM
Hello o-o
Ello. I'm a new person here and... I'm glad I found it lol.

I've been getting much more into hypnofetish stuff in the past month or so and found occasional sites with pics here and there, but I'm so glad to find a community like this who share the same interest in this stuff XD. I actually stumbled across comments about other sites such as this, but most of them were shut down recently which saddened me... glad I stumbled across this one!

Bit of a shy person at first and just only found this site recently... but I will try not to be too quiet... hopefully XD. Always into any sort of RP, Stories, and just plain talk about stuff.... first time I'm getting into a community like this as well.

So... Hi!

05/25/14 06:36PM

This site too is based off of a dead former community (good ol' Hypnochan), though i think the reforms made in the running of the community post-chan have improved things greatly.
05/25/14 07:47PM
Ogodei-Khan said:

This site too is based off of a dead former community (good ol' Hypnochan), though i think the reforms made in the running of the community post-chan have improved things greatly.

Well it's good to see that this community is still going pretty strong form the looks of it :D
05/25/14 07:59PM
Welcome, I'm pretty new too.... Well I've had the account for ages but never posted until recently. After Hypnochan I was cautious to join another community but after using this place I feel like I can be part of one again. It's a good place here.
05/25/14 08:22PM
eshie said:
Welcome, I'm pretty new too.... Well I've had the account for ages but never posted until recently. After Hypnochan I was cautious to join another community but after using this place I feel like I can be part of one again. It's a good place here.

I've only just found out about Hypnochan and found it was shut down (like 2 days ago)... then I saw another person mention Hypnobooru... which then led me to here :D
05/25/14 08:53PM
Metals said:
I've only just found out about Hypnochan and found it was shut down (like 2 days ago)... then I saw another person mention Hypnobooru... which then led me to here :D

Sorry dear we have to ask you to leave. We just got too many people and it's taking up ram on my 26 bps modem. Lease delete your accout by putting a ham sandwhich into your disk drive, doing the hokey pokey, turn yourself around, and aknowleging that that is all it is about.

Thank you for your cooperation
05/25/14 09:11PM
Nadiatheberzerker said:
Sorry dear we have to ask you to leave. We just got too many people and it's taking up ram on my 26 bps modem. Lease delete your accout by putting a ham sandwhich into your disk drive, doing the hokey pokey, turn yourself around, and aknowleging that that is all it is about.

Thank you for your cooperation

Ham sandwhich? Where? >_> <_<
05/25/14 09:25PM
Metals said:
Ham sandwhich? Where? >_> <_<

You should have been given one when you sighed up, please check your email
05/25/14 11:06PM
Nadiatheberzerker said:
Sorry dear we have to ask you to leave. We just got too many people and it's taking up ram on my 26 bps modem. Lease delete your accout by putting a ham sandwhich into your disk drive, doing the hokey pokey, turn yourself around, and aknowleging that that is all it is about.

Thank you for your cooperation

Nadia! Behave yourself! No one should have to be subjected to doing the hokey pokey! That's just...wrong!

Anywho, welcome aboard, Metals! It's rare enough that we have new members introduce themselves, even moreso that we have people new to the fetish as a whole appear! Good to see the fetish is growing, still, and good to have you here!

I'm Vanndril, one of the two founders of hypnohub and one of three administration, including Mindwipe (the other founder), Henry-killenger (a good friend), and myself. We're generally a nice bunch, so don't be shy and feel free to say many words, and, of course, don't forget to enjoy yourself.
05/25/14 11:28PM
Hello, new friend.
05/25/14 11:42PM
Nadiatheberzerker said:
You should have been given one when you sighed up, please check your email

-nomming sandwich-

Vanndril said:
Nadia! Behave yourself! No one should have to be subjected to doing the hokey pokey! That's just...wrong!

Anywho, welcome aboard, Metals! It's rare enough that we have new members introduce themselves, even moreso that we have people new to the fetish as a whole appear! Good to see the fetish is growing, still, and good to have you here!

I'm Vanndril, one of the two founders of hypnohub and one of three administration, including Mindwipe (the other founder), Henry-killenger (a good friend), and myself. We're generally a nice bunch, so don't be shy and feel free to say many words, and, of course, don't forget to enjoy yourself.

Thanks a lot! I've always been intrigued by mind control/hypnosis stuff in general for awhile... but I just recently have been really getting into... I guess the more erotic side of it... especially with anime/cartoon based stuff. I'm just glad I found the same sort of community that are into... basically the exact same thing XD.

Anyways, nice to meet all of you :). I'll try not to be too socially awkward :P
05/26/14 02:04AM
Don't worry it'd be hard to be more socially awkward than me!




So.... Any favorite hypno related stuff?
05/26/14 10:08AM
Nadiatheberzerker said:
You should have been given one when you sighed up, please check your email

Wait...e-sandwiches? How long did I sleep? o.0
05/26/14 01:43PM
Welcome to the site. It's always great to see a new face.

Anno1404 said:
Wait...e-sandwiches? How long did I sleep? o.0

How many drops did you take before you went to sleep? Also beware of Deadites.
05/26/14 08:00PM
eshie said:
Don't worry it'd be hard to be more socially awkward than me!




So.... Any favorite hypno related stuff?

This is something I have been thinking about for the past few days. Actually.... more in terms of what sort of hypno stuff I like in general.... so this may be just be rambling for a bit so I apologize, but I guess this is a more in-depth discussion as to why I'm here.

In any case.... it's hard to explain why I've been so intrigued by hypnosis and mind control for a long time, but I'll try.... and I don't remember when this started, probably was some sort of cartoon or something, but the the entire concept of just... being able to take control of someone's mind and how it's possible for someone to completely loose their thoughts and listen only to what has been told to them (of course the actual CONTROL part not being an actual possibility... only explored in fantasies).... it's just a weird and mysterious concept and there are so many different ways you can build off of that concept with different scenarios if that makes sense, it's a bit hard to explain for me and it interests me from both a subject and a hypnotist standpoint... even though I'm not a RL hypnotist whatsoever, but my friend has taught me a few things.

In terms of more erotic stuff.... I can't quite say what I'm 100% into... because theres a bunch of stuff that I'm into... hard for me to say definitively what I fully enjoy to see in a scene as of right now, but I can decide if it's something I don't like or not for various reasons.

In terms of role/subject wise is what I've been trying to think about yesterday.... and I just just decided I like both femsub/femdom situations.... both in the position of controlling that willing person and watching them give into the trance..... and then being in that same position of just giving in and fully relaxing and letting yourself just go along with the ride without any worries ... both are so enticing to me and I can never fully decide. This goes for pictures, stories, and also role-playing situations too.... which I've never done before and I would love to try at some point lol.

TL;DR " I like both femsub/femdom situations.... both in the position of controlling that willing person and watching them give into the trance..... and then being in that same position of just giving in and fully relaxing and letting yourself just go along with the ride without any worries." (Myself)

K I'm done. I felt the tl;dr kind of sets it up the most XD. Also sorry for all the "..."s ._. I also would love to try writing a story at some point so maybe[?] stay tuned for my awful writing skills. (Because I'm a terrible artist :c)

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