01/14/24 03:31AM
Why was my manip deleted?
I know something being deemed as low effort isn't strictly based on how much time was clearly put into making it but it does still sting a bit when one of the manips I spent the longest on is deleted for being "low-quality"

At least I'm assuming that's why it was deleted since I only now realised it was gone.

Here is the manip:

Is it because of how fuzzy it is? Because that was done on purpose and it still seems plenty readable to me. Is it because of it is one character's head placed on daphne's body, is that too low quality for this website? I want to know. Obviously it isn't the best manip out there but I don't see how it is too low quality, plus there needs to be as much Lucy Mann content here as possible, I won't tolerate this slander.
01/14/24 06:38PM
Based on the link I'd say it's probably because of the bad aliasing, cropping of the middle image (all the white fringing) and the resolution which is just... really, really bad.

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