07/04/24 11:46PM
Moving/Organizing Favorites page
Annoying question, but my OCD is bugging the hell outta me on this one lol. Don't suppose there's a quick(er) way to (re)organize one's favorite page without just deleting and re-adding them in the desired order? Trying to spread it around so that its a bit more random and spread out rather than a million videos/gifs being next to each other or a bunch of similar topics/scenarios/etc sitting on one main page number out of all the others.

Thanks for any assistance in advance (even if its to tell me that the best way is to do it by hand, i.e. delete and re-add in the order one wants it)!
07/05/24 05:34AM
There isn't any way to do that unfortunately, and I wouldn't recommend trying to use your favorites in that way either.

If you really want to try and organize things you can either download the images locally and sort things that way or look into using personal pools.
07/05/24 05:58AM
Zzzzzulu said:
Annoying question, but my OCD is bugging the hell outta me on this one lol. Don't suppose there's a quick(er) way to (re)organize one's favorite page without just deleting and re-adding them in the desired order? Trying to spread it around so that its a bit more random and spread out rather than a million videos/gifs being next to each other or a bunch of similar topics/scenarios/etc sitting on one main page number out of all the others.

Thanks for any assistance in advance (even if its to tell me that the best way is to do it by hand, i.e. delete and re-add in the order one wants it)!

You're better off just...not favoriting things anymore. It would actually be easier to save and sort your favorites by hand with a folder on your hard drive.

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