05/27/14 03:37PM
Just Seen on TV!
I couldn't easily find a topic like this, so here it is - a thread where, when you see some new mind control featured on a show [or I suppose, a movie, book, or other media] you can share it; basically a list of hypnosis in media, but focusing on the new, since it's therefore unlikely to appear to a list

please try and note relevant information for others!

Starting us off is a terrible show, but an episode of of Johnny Test caught my eye: "Johnny Irresistible", Season 5, Episode 5b.
Johnny Test tests a ray for his science sisters which makes him irresistible to the point where people will do anything for him; it doesn't work on everyone, so he keeps on hitting himself with the beam until it works on everyone. This leads to a stupid scene where, much like in that episode of Buffy with Xander and the love spell, and I want to say Love potion #9? a huge crowd goes after him, with several characters threatening his life to 'get a piece of him'

unfortunately, the rules of the irresistible quality are not well defined, [for example, it works on his dad, but not his sisters, with no explaination]
05/27/14 05:02PM
Saw X-Men Days of Future Past the other day and there's a fair amount of MC coming Charles Xavier. Ranging from illusions to controlling multiple people to contact others, yada yada yada.
05/27/14 05:57PM
Steven Universe has Arcade Mania, where the leader of the crystal gems is entranced by a rhythm video game.

05/28/14 06:26AM
<< | Chew chew chew.......>>
05/28/14 06:40AM
MrGerp said:
<< | Chew chew chew.......>>

05/28/14 07:00AM
Contorted said:
Saw X-Men Days of Future Past the other day and there's a fair amount of MC coming Charles Xavier. Ranging from illusions to controlling multiple people to contact others, yada yada yada.

One reviewer pointed out that they had to make Xaiver an apathetic douch in that movie, or the story would have been over in minutes.

"Mystique! Give me the gun and abandon this crazy terrorist plot!"

"I-will-give-you-the-gun. I-will-abandon-this-crazy-terrorist-plot,"

"Now go home and rethink your life!"


"As for you mister.. forget all about building any of these horrible robots!"


"Now go home and.. on second thought. pretty much everyone here is real jerk in one way or another. You ALL should go home and rethink your lives!"

[enitre crowd]"We-will-all-go-home-and-rethink-our-lives."
05/29/14 09:26AM
Just ran Maleficent for my theatre tonight. The woman LOVES gesturing with her hands and knocking people out. She catches Aurora mid sentence because she didn't like where the conversation was going. Each time she waves her hand, a little magic cloud hits the target and they slowly fall back and start floating mid-air completely asleep. She hits Aurora with this twice and Phillip once.

Aurora's trance when she is summoned to the spindle is not as alluring as the animated version but her eyes glow blue for a moment and she does look completely out of it while she slowly glides through the castle, which was nice.

I'd not say amazing content, but it was nice.
05/29/14 11:11PM
I was wondering/hoping there'd be MC in Maleficent. Still enjoy the scene from the original Sleeping Beauty movie.
06/02/14 03:15PM
MrGerp said:
<< | Chew chew chew.......>>

strangely compelling...
06/02/14 05:19PM
bellchan said:
Just ran Maleficent for my theatre tonight. The woman LOVES gesturing with her hands and knocking people out. She catches Aurora mid sentence because she didn't like where the conversation was going. Each time she waves her hand, a little magic cloud hits the target and they slowly fall back and start floating mid-air completely asleep. She hits Aurora with this twice and Phillip once.

Aurora's trance when she is summoned to the spindle is not as alluring as the animated version but her eyes glow blue for a moment and she does look completely out of it while she slowly glides through the castle, which was nice.

I'd not say amazing content, but it was nice.

There's a part of me that really wants some MC fan art of Maleficent after seeing that movie.
06/04/14 11:44PM
In the newest episode of No Game No Life, an anime, there was a precursor to what looks to be some Mind Control fun. To avoid many spoilers, just let me say that the main character just won (literally, won by a bet) the right to alter the memories of an elf girl named Fii.

Such strong MC possibilities have immediately opened up in one minute of this show, and it came seemingly out of nowhere. I love it!
06/04/14 11:47PM
06/05/14 03:11AM
finerhats said:
From our good friends at /co/:

I rather enjoyed those! Gotta love hypnosis in cartoons.
06/08/14 09:02AM
OK so today I was fortunate enough to see a pre screening of How to Train Your Dragon 2 today. IT WAS AWESOME!! The cherry on top was (legit spoilers don't read ahead if you plan on seeing it, which I highly recommend) the antagonist of the movie controlled a huge alpha dragon that used eye movements and sounds to control other dragons. He brainwashed Toothless which made his eyes go really wide and his pupils go really small. He also had one point where he stared lifelessly ahead while sitting at attention. So yeah, aside from being a badass movie, it had mind control. 11/10 will be watching again soon.
06/14/14 02:02PM
Contorted said:
There's a part of me that really wants some MC fan art of Maleficent after seeing that movie.
1 2>>>

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