Wiki History Listing

1New Agent 3 is a [[inkling_girl|female Inkling]] who is the main, player controlled character in [[Splatoon_3|Splatoon 3]]. This new Agent 3 replaces the [[agent_3_(splatoon)|old Agent 3]] as the old Agent 3 is now captain of the New Squidbeak Splatoon, made up of: * [[agent_3_(splatoon)|Old Agent 3]] * [[New_agent_3_(splatoon)|New Agent 3]] * [[Callie_(Splatoon)|Callie]] * [[Marie_(splatoon)|Marie]] * [[Agent_4_(splatoon)|Agent 4]] * [[Agent_8_(splatoon)|Agent 8]] [[Captain_cuttlefish|Captain Cuttlefish]] used yo be the leader of both the original Squidbeak Splatoon and the New Squidbeak Splatoon, however he retired and made old Agent 3 the captain.
Updated by thehypnotist Fri, Dec 24 '21, 19:44
Version 1