06/13/14 02:12AM
Story Commissions! GET IN HERE.
Hey sup.

So I've had a few years' experience writing hypnosis stories, and I need money! SO. I'm opening writing commissions!

Here's a link to a couple of short smutty things I wrote for a friend! They contain snakes n' swarls n' vore n' stuff. :V

As a frame of reference, each of these stories would be about 10 euros each.


Drabbles ( Something between 400-800 words) are 5 euro! These would have a fast turnaround. Something quicker and dirtier than what's above.
1000 words or less is 8 euros!
3000 words or less is 20 euros!
5000 words or less is 35 euros!

And it carries on from there! I will give you a concrete quote.

I won't do stuff with underage people. And I may charge extra if the content ends up being a bit rapey - like, "She didn't want sex then I hypnotized her then we did the sex :V ". I prefer stuff that's somewhat more consensual - it's a gray area I'll admit, but I'm willing to meet people halfway!

06/13/14 02:17AM
A+ writes here folks. Highly recommended.
06/14/14 08:02PM
What's the prices in dollars? Idk how much a euro is worth.
06/15/14 01:14AM
Mistress_Marea said:
What's the prices in dollars? Idk how much a euro is worth.

1 Euro equals 1.35 US Dollar
So 10:13.54, 20:27.08, 35:47.39
06/15/14 10:25PM
I hate being poor
06/17/14 07:52AM
Mistress_Marea said:
What's the prices in dollars? Idk how much a euro is worth.

If you ever want an up-to-date comparison between USD and another currency, just type something like "10 EUR to USD" in google, you'll get their currency converter frame in the search page, which allows you to compare values of every currency.
06/27/14 02:17PM
Writing away! Got a good few commissions to work on. :3c

Hit me up if you're keen on getting something!
06/27/14 07:07PM
Wish I had some money to fiddle with. Otherwise, I'd jump right on this.

Quick question to Limething: Can I see some of your other writings? Color me curious. Can't seem to find the other stories, either that or I'm just blind.
06/29/14 07:52AM
Huh, you actually got takers?

Not to say your work isn't good. The one i read is quite sensual (though i'm with contorted, i'd like to see more), i just didn't know people paid to have stories written. Art, yeah, because not all folks have the patience for art, but writing?

(really not trying to dump on your, or perhaps i'm just vaguely perturbed that i could've gotten paid for all those requests i did for free over the years...)
06/29/14 08:22AM
Ogodei-Khan said:
Huh, you actually got takers?

Not to say your work isn't good. The one i read is quite sensual (though i'm with contorted, i'd like to see more), i just didn't know people paid to have stories written. Art, yeah, because not all folks have the patience for art, but writing?

(really not trying to dump on your, or perhaps i'm just vaguely perturbed that i could've gotten paid for all those requests i did for free over the years...)

I'm intrigued that you're surprised by this. I mean, writing is a skill. And books are a thing. Erotic writings have a demand (as proven by the fact that they exist in the quantity that they do and that they have sites devoted to them). I don't see why people wouldn't pay for writings.
06/29/14 09:51AM
Vanndril said:
I don't see why people wouldn't pay for writings.

Everyone learned to write in school. It's way harder for the average person to produce a good picture than a good story. Also writing communities aren't as critical as drawing communities so more people who might otherwise pay for it stick around and get to the point where they care enough to make something passably decent for themselves. Now consider that artists, who developed a skill that not everyone really had to learn, can still have trouble getting commissions, and you can see why writing in general is a relatively hard field to get any money at all in, even compared with something like illustration which is notoriously awful-paying at all but the top levels. All in all there's just so many fucking writers that most of them resign themselves to doing trades at most. Not really a bad thing that society's largely literate, but it's the way it is.

Also this all applies only to unpublished fiction writing like this. There are ways to make money writing, but getting a dime doing this kind of thing is surprising enough.
06/29/14 08:50PM
TakyonH said:
Everyone learned to write in school. It's way harder for the average person to produce a good picture than a good story. Also writing communities aren't as critical as drawing communities so more people who might otherwise pay for it stick around and get to the point where they care enough to make something passably decent for themselves. Now consider that artists, who developed a skill that not everyone really had to learn, can still have trouble getting commissions, and you can see why writing in general is a relatively hard field to get any money at all in, even compared with something like illustration which is notoriously awful-paying at all but the top levels. All in all there's just so many fucking writers that most of them resign themselves to doing trades at most. Not really a bad thing that society's largely literate, but it's the way it is.

Also this all applies only to unpublished fiction writing like this. There are ways to make money writing, but getting a dime doing this kind of thing is surprising enough.

These are fair points, but allow me to bring in some counterpoints. Writing is a skill. Skills, by their very nature, differ from person to person. Writing is not one thing, where you either can do it or not. There are innumerable different styles of writing, some of them hard to learn or emulate, others are simple enough to where most people can write in that way. So, yes, most people can semi-quickly learn how to write what it is they want written, themselves, due to their foundations in writing, but, if they want to see a more professional writing or writing of a particular style, often times they'll need to commission someone with lots of writing experience.

Anyway, all of this kind of dances around my original point. People are willing to commission for good writing. I never said that writing was good money, just that this commissioning thing happens and shouldn't come as much of a surprise. And, let me add, if it were to happen anywhere, it would be in a fetish community like ours, since we're always strapping for new content.

Sorry for kind of taking over your thread, Limething. Just consider it free bumps to the top of the forums. :P
06/29/14 10:04PM
Sorry for not getting back sooner!

My FurAffinity page ( has a lot of examples of writing. It's mostly furry stuff, as you might be able to guess. :V

I am trying to branch out though! So anything goes really.

Regarding the discussion above, it is true that finding people to pay for writing is difficult. Because of that mentality like 'oh i can write a story that shit's easy'. But a good story takes a deft touch!

Plus, appealing to niche areas helps a lot. Particularly for 'sequential' kinks like hypnosis and transformation, being able to describe stuff in detail is a plus. So some people do really well by appealing to those 'markets'! :p
06/30/14 02:02AM
Vanndril said:
People are willing to commission for good writing. I never said that writing was good money, just that this commissioning thing happens and shouldn't come as much of a surprise. And, let me add, if it were to happen anywhere, it would be in a fetish community like ours, since we're always strapping for new content.

It does happen, but I'm just saying it's not like art where if you get good and don't take commissions people will try their damnedest to get you to, so it's a bit surprising when it does work. Also niche fetishes usually have communities built around sharing it for free (EMCSA and literotica's MC section in our case are both bigger than anything else will be for a good long while) since, when you all have a very similar interest, what you want to write and what they'd pay you to write aren't all that far off. Most of the people I talk to who get commissions for writing are getting paid to write pretty vanilla stuff, just with specific characters.

Not to take anything away from you Lmann; your stuff's good and, if people do want something specific, I can see why they'd pay you for it. It isn't like Jimryu where I'm just like WHY. I think it's just surprising to me and Ogodei that people will pay up at all.

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