06/30/14 05:10AM
Braces Fund Drive!
Hey all!
So, I posted this on dA, but I realize that not everyone who may enjoy my stuff here visits my dA, so I thought I would post it here too =)

I am currently trying to acquire the funds to get my sister her much needed braces DX

[Images aren't postable, so you'll have to click these links to see the proof.]

She's 13 years old, and really should have her teeth dealt with. DX So I'm hoping to be able to get the money, or at least some, through this =)

My mom got a quote, and she was told that it would be about ten grand [$1o ooo] For her to get braces. I know, that seems ridiculous, but that's what Mom told me. Her and her husband only have $25oo covered from work benefits. That is still $75oo that they need to pay out of their own pockets.

For ease, all should be sent to my paypal - dez[dot]zii[dot]rae[at]hotmail[dot]ca

For every donation towards this that totals $2o, the donor will be able to list one character to be added to an NSFW [and NOT dA appropriate] image that will be done after this is over. I'm hoping for make a MASSIVE image, probably have it done up in several pieces XD

If I reach $5oo, I will do an image with Panty and Stocking.
If I reach $1ooo, I will do up an image for every Ace Attorney character.
If I reach $25oo, I will do up all the Win X girls.
If I reach $35oo, I will do up the Mane Six girls - humanoid.
If I reach $5ooo, I will do up the rest of the MLP cast - humanoid
If I reach $6ooo, I will do up an image for all the female Pokemon Gym leaders - All in one image.
If I reach $75oo, I will do up a mass Smash Brothers fan art - Community picked for what characters and what scenarios for the characters.
If I reach $1o ooo, I will do up 1oo Video Game girls - community picked.

I thank you ALL for helping, if anyone does!

This will end September 1/14 at the latest. If I reach the goal before then, I will do up one three person image for EVERY one that donated!

I found out about something that can help with her braces, with the cost of them, so I'm trying to get up to $7ooo for the main goal.

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