07/02/14 06:15PM
lf new/alt site
Anyone know a good mc site with out all the furry, underaged brony bullshit? Like, drawings or manips of humans only (or predominantly at least)? Thanks.
07/02/14 06:38PM
You can get rid of the furry stuff altogether on this site! Just go to "settings" under "my account," and you should be able to put down tags for images you don't want to see under "tag blacklist," which should remove said images from your viewing experience :3 .
07/02/14 08:03PM
As Dr_Mabuse said, use your My Account to set up your blacklist settings. Try the following in your blacklist:

No Furry:

No Underaged:

No Brony:

Make sure they're all on separate lines, too, since the blacklist treats each line as a full set of tags to blacklist, not as individual tags to blacklist...

A quick test on my account shows this to work fairly well -- at least once the images have all of their appropriate tags. Sometimes images don't get all of the proper tags immediately upon upload, but usually they get better before they're off the (unfiltered) front page.
07/02/14 09:48PM
Yep, just blacklist what you don't like. Trust me, you're not going to find another hypnofetish image site with as much functionality as ours. From the sound of things, you want to blacklist "furry" and "animals_only". Maybe "my_little_pony", unless you're okay with the humanized ponies, then maybe blacklist "my_little_pony -personification" just to be safe. Not sure if you mind pics of humans being hypnotized by animals, but if so, those are a bit harder to hide. You could get most of them by blacklisting "snake", however.
07/02/14 10:44PM
Mindwipe said:
Trust me, you're not going to find another hypnofetish image site with as much functionality as ours.

On the other hand, if you happen to, let us know. :P

But yeah, try out the blacklist feature. The only real downside to using it is that it'll make every page you browse that has images that are blacklisted hold that many less images, since it just hides the images without refilling the page (this is because refilling the page could double, triple, or even quadrupal the server stress that searches cause). You might see an empty page, occasionally, since furry is a fairly prominent thing, here, and might have had enough uploads in a row to take up an entire page.
07/03/14 07:28PM
Vanndril said:
On the other hand, if you happen to, let us know. :P

But yeah, try out the blacklist feature. The only real downside to using it is that it'll make every page you browse that has images that are blacklisted hold that many less images, since it just hides the images without refilling the page (this is because refilling the page could double, triple, or even quadrupal the server stress that searches cause). You might see an empty page, occasionally, since furry is a fairly prominent thing, here, and might have had enough uploads in a row to take up an entire page.

Hmm... I am curious if there would be any way to change that behaviour without overloading the server. The easiest option might be to set the software to display a "Blacklisted" thumbnail in place of the image thumbnail, so the pages stay uniform... But if the algorithm could smoothly just process until it has [count] images, ignoring anything from the [blacklist] in the process, the server load might possibly be able to be minimized enough to be fairly insignificant.

Identifying that would probably take a coder more skilled with databases than I, though...
07/03/14 10:04PM
I think if you added a special case for especially poor results then it would be an acceptable request to get more images. Especially considering there's an undocumented way to show 1,000 thumbnails per page... (<.< ) ~ ( >.>)

Something like "if we're displaying less than [1/4 or 1/3 or whatever] than best-case, do another query for the same number and append the results, throwing away any overflow on best-case; repeat until above the threshold, out of images, or some arbitrary cap is reached [say, 5 requests]."

...wait, what was this thread about?
07/04/14 12:43AM
greasyi said:
Especially considering there's an undocumented way to show 1,000 thumbnails per page... (<.< ) ~ ( >.>)

Shhhh... :P

It took me about 10 seconds to figure that out after you mentioned it, lol. Are there any other hidden features I should know about? XD

greasyi said:
I think if you added a special case for especially poor results then it would be an acceptable request to get more images.

That would probably be the way to do it, if it were to be done at all. At least until a better database scheme is designed that will allow for less-intensive search queries.

greasyi said:
...wait, what was this thread about?

How to use the blacklist feature.
07/04/14 12:50AM
Vanndril said:
Shhhh... :P

It took me about 10 seconds to figure that out after you mentioned it, lol. Are there any other hidden features I should know about? XD

This is just a rumor, but if you open this site in the bathroom and turn out the lights, then search for all posts tagged "Hypno-tan" three times...
Mister Vi
07/05/14 10:59AM
PomPom said:
This is just a rumor, but if you open this site in the bathroom and turn out the lights, then search for all posts tagged "Hypno-tan" three times...

nothing happened :(
07/05/14 11:34AM
Yeah you fibber. I didn't find a single feature anywhere when I tried. D:
07/06/14 07:25AM
I tried it. I think i'm missing a kidney now D:
07/06/14 08:26AM
Vanndril said:
Shhhh... :P

It took me about 10 seconds to figure that out after you mentioned it, lol. Are there any other hidden features I should know about? XD

07/06/14 11:37AM
Zko said:

It's "limit:xy"
limit:5 = 5 thumbnails per page

Another secret of Vandrill has been revealed :P
07/07/14 02:37AM
But Vandrill has many secrets. Each one more secret than the last
1 2>>>

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