07/03/14 05:40PM
Interesting BBC article on hypnotism

An interesting column on hypnosis, early hypnosis experiments and how hypnosis affects the brain. Here's an excerpt:

"Along the way, the researchers have edged closer to understanding what causes the hypnotic state in the first place. It seems that hypnotic induction turns something like a dimmer switch in the brain’s frontal lobes. These regions are thought to generate “higher-order thoughts” – reflective awareness of your own wants and needs and motives. Take that away, it seems, and you begin to do and feel things without realising why."

I'm new here, if this is of no interest I can always take it down. Just thought someone here might appreciate it.
07/04/14 12:00AM
Im always interested in psychology and real life research on the stuff, thanks for the link
07/04/14 12:31AM
This is an absolutely awesome article! I'm very happy to see that real scientific experimentation is being done in attempts to understand hypnosis.

Thanks for sharing!

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