07/09/14 10:03PM
Im calling that the next chan site will last 1 day tops
07/09/14 10:24PM
Zko said:
Im calling that the next chan site will last 1 day tops

Lol, Zko. XD
07/10/14 12:39PM
Zko said:
Im calling that the next chan site will last 1 day tops

You could be right given the fact Anonymouse is overwhelmed by Html xD

Anonymous on TC:
I'm really hoping this board works out, considering how bad the community on hypnohub sucks. God speed trancechan.

What have we done? We're even a better community since HC 0o
Somehow I'm glad anons can't write here
07/10/14 05:06PM
Anno1404 said:
What have we done? We're even a better community since HC 0o
Somehow I'm glad anons can't write here

As much as it saddens me to see posts like that, you literally can't please everyone. You will always have detractors, no matter how generally well-liked you are. I know I've probably not helped matters on several occasions. But, I'm fairly confident that most people who come here have a pleasant experience. Yes, I can be a bit of an asshole. Yes, this is still the internet and fights happen and enemies are made. But I think most of us at least try to be friendly. Perhaps we can work a bit on making better first impressions, though.

I wish Trancechan the best of luck. I personally won't be using it because of my vehement disagreement with their policies (and because I'm long past the point of wanting a Hypnochan replacement at this point), but if others want to, by all means. But regardless of how it goes for them, we'll continue to be here, providing the best-functioning hypno-fetish image board on the net. *puffs out chest*

As an aside, I felt really proud that Sleepymaid and PurpleLink gave us a thumbs-up before closing Sleepychan. Not proud that they closed down, of course, but proud to get a pat on the back from a couple guys who attempted something similar to what we were doing.
07/10/14 05:47PM
So in summary:

+RL photo edits
+Pirating hypnodom/me stuff
-Crappy interface
-Can't search for images or favorite them
-Slow board, small community makes anonimity less useful
-Cancer still not cured
07/10/14 07:40PM
PomPom said:
So in summary:

+Pirating hypnodom/me stuff

Nope: the audio board has a big "DO NOT POST PAID RECORDINGS" sticky on top of it.
07/11/14 05:11AM
PomPom said:
So in summary:

-Cancer still not cured

Waaaaiiiittt....We cured cancer here at Hypnohub Medical Center?
*+5 extra years 4 everyone*
07/11/14 07:38AM
Anno1404 said:
Waaaaiiiittt....We cured cancer here at Hypnohub Medical Center?
*+5 extra years 4 everyone*


*rummages through his pack, grabbing a helmet, and scribbling "Cancer Cure Helmet" on it with washable Crayola marker*

Yes! Of course we have! Here, put on this helmet and let it work it's magic! It'll make sure you're forever free of cancer. Or so I was told. Our science team said something about being free and this helmet fixing it, so I just assumed that's what they meant. Perfectly safe! You can trust me!

Mindwipe said:
Pleesing all teh peoplz is impossibru

Yeah! What Mindwipe said.
07/15/14 07:46PM
Vanndril said:

*rummages through his pack, grabbing a helmet, and scribbling "Cancer Cure Helmet" on it with washable Crayola marker*

Yes! Of course we have! Here, put on this helmet and let it work it's magic! It'll make sure you're forever free of cancer. Or so I was told. Our science team said something about being free and this helmet fixing it, so I just assumed that's what they meant. Perfectly safe! You can trust me!

*places on noggin*
Ok, it's on. Now what do I do? owo;

Anonymous on TC:
I'm really hoping this board works out, considering how bad the community on hypnohub sucks. God speed trancechan.

I have no idea what you're talking about anon. The community feels fine to me. owo

((BTW, should we start meme-ing in this thread since we are talking about a chan? ))
07/16/14 12:24AM
Reversed1 said:
*places on noggin*
Ok, it's on. Now what do I do? owo;

Oh! Uh... Just turn it on...? Huh...? Where's the on switch? o.O

*reads instructions*

They... They're in Japanese...

*hangs head in shame*

Reversed1 said:
I have no idea what you're talking about anon. The community feels fine to me. owo

We piss off plenty of people because we're not a hugbox community. Beyond that, many of us can be a little harsh to new artists that don't quite meet personal standards, which could very well leave a lasting, nasty first impression of the community. It's a bit of a worry to me, sometimes, too, because it feels like a barrier to entry for new users. I'm often torn between letting people share their opinions and slapping them on the wrists for being blunt to the point of brashness, though that would be overdoing it as an administrator if I decided to try to micromanage user behavior. Best to let the more minor things work themselves out, as I see it.

However, as Mindwipe said...

Mindwipe said:
Perhaps we can work a bit on making better first impressions, though.

07/16/14 03:35AM
Vanndril said:
We piss off plenty of people because we're not a hugbox community. Beyond that, many of us can be a little harsh to new artists that don't quite meet personal standards, which could very well leave a lasting, nasty first impression of the community.

I dunno if our standards are too high or if we're too mean, man. I mean sure, we've got a few people who are obviously awesome like medri posting to general acclaim, but then the bulk of our "in-house production" is stuff from weaker artists like me getting posted mostly to either praise or silence so I don't know if we can say we only accept the best. The only time people really say anything REALLY negative is when something is so fucked up that you gotta say something. I think it helps when artists actually say that they're reading the comments here. I've seen artists bitch like "Oh, they're assholes, they say my stuff's fucked up but don't say why so it's not worth my time to read." Well, I mean, if we knew you were HERE people would be more constructive. Otherwise we're just commenting among ourselves on weird porn made by ~someone~ who will probably never read our comments, and those are not going to be the most serious discussions.

Vanndril said:
It's a bit of a worry to me, sometimes, too, because it feels like a barrier to entry for new users. I'm often torn between letting people share their opinions and slapping them on the wrists for being blunt to the point of brashness, though that would be overdoing it as an administrator if I decided to try to micromanage user behavior.

A lot of people here and in the (non-furry) hypnosis community in general are "from" 4chan, or seem like they've at least spent time on some of its boards, thanks to /d/ being a relatively attractive place to post/consume this sort of stuff for a long time. You can take anons off 4chan but yeah, that's that site's general attitude and its lasting influence on the community. I don't think it's gonna change for a while. Of course I'm biased in that view but I think it's pretty fair to say, for the image-based parts of the community at least.
07/16/14 03:40AM
Vanndril said:
Oh! Uh... Just turn it on...? Huh...? Where's the on switch? o.O

*reads instructions*

They... They're in Japanese...

*hangs head in shame*

Just hit random buttons then. That solves everything.
07/16/14 04:24AM
strangeperson said:
Just hit random buttons then. That solves everything.

Well it's on my head! Just...be careful ok? I don't want to grow a second nose or anything!
07/16/14 08:49AM
Our community is only "harsh" in the sense that standards exist. Just this weekend I was called out for fucking up twice (or more, depending on how sensitive I want to be) when I was only doing my best to help the community. And who gives a fuck? I'm a grown-up - and hopefully so is everyone else looking at this stuff - so I can handle it. So yeah, I guess it boils down to not being a hugbox.

Anyway guys, I was thinking about, in a week or so, I would look into maybe starting up a new hypno chan-board, and I... oh, wait, nevermind; it got shut down.
07/16/14 09:13AM
strangeperson said:
Just hit random buttons then. That solves everything.

Right, we can do tha-THERE ARE NO BUTTONS!
Only levers. Lots and lots of levers! And why is there a keypad here!?

Reversed1 said:
Well it's on my head! Just...be careful ok? I don't want to grow a second nose or anything!

At this point, I think growing a second nose is the least of your worries. I'd be more worried about <<hypnohub.net/forum/show/10844|Waluigification>>. Come to think of it, some of our science team recently...

No, no. I wouldn't want to scare you off. Let's proceed with the lever pulling cancer-immunity operation.

TakyonH said:
[thingy things about stuff]

Yeah, I know. Fact of the matter is that we are not a hugbox community, and many people don't like negativity, which not being a hugbox site allows. It's usually no big deal, all in all, as I personally believe a little negativity is healthy, especially when pertaining to progressing artists, but even in general. But when I see the occasional comment that makes me cringe (usually critique that's meant to be helpful but is worded in a very aggressive and brash manner), well, then I cringe. And cringing is bad for my teeth.

greasyi said:
Our community is only "harsh" in the sense that standards exist. [...] So yeah, I guess it boils down to not being a hugbox.

My notions exactly.

I do wish people would try to word things a little softer, at times, though. But, yeah, I know, this is the internet - and a porn site to boot - so it's hardly high on the list of priorities for our users.

greasyi said:
Anyway guys, I was thinking about, in a week or so, I would look into maybe starting up a new hypno chan-board, and I... oh, wait, nevermind; it got shut down.

WOAH! Did you guys see that? I thought I saw a flash of yellow and black. It must have been Hypno-tan's time travel panties! She totally just killed off geasyi's future chan before it even began!

In case one did not know, Hypno-tans are very territorial.
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