07/27/14 03:34AM
If you guys only put this much effort into tagging things.
07/27/14 04:03AM
I don't tag things. I'm not even sure how to do so D:

EDIT: Also effort is bad...and wrong...effort is badong >_____>
07/27/14 08:36AM
If you do it the other way, then effort is totally wrad!
07/27/14 01:46PM
strangeperson said:
effort is badong >_____>

<<|Ba dum ts>>
07/28/14 03:43AM
No one got my reference? D:
07/28/14 04:15AM
strangeperson said:
No one got my reference? D:

Make that reference, if you're so great!
07/28/14 05:20AM
strangeperson said:
I don't tag things. I'm not even sure how to do so D:

EDIT: Also effort is bad...and wrong...effort is badong >_____>

It's right here o:
07/28/14 05:24AM
strangeperson said:
No one got my reference? D:

<<|Oh noes!>>
07/29/14 02:04AM
07/29/14 04:22AM

not gonna lie.
was a little disappointed that I didn't see a Joseph Joestar gif
08/06/14 09:54AM
IT"S ALIVE!!!1!!one!!

I beat on pretty much every inch of the site (frontend and backend) with <<|my favored weapon>> until it functioned.

I'm cleaning up the UI too, and adding things as I go.

It became abundantly clear when the site bombed out after an update that Anonymouse was gonna be the more of a content creator and I would be in charge of the day-to-day because neither of us can html/perl/sql/java for shit, but I have a PhD from Autism U in diving in, figuring out problems, fixing other people's mistakes, and learning from there.

The site is up and running, we're shamelessly plugging every chance we get, and branding it as a place that both veterans and hypnoobs can brush up on their skills and maybe teach others.

Also, we don't plan on dying any time soon!
Plus, we have photomanips ;)
08/06/14 05:26PM
ThorNonymous said:
Also, we don't plan on dying any time soon!
Plus, we have photomanips ;)

I say this as a person with experience running this type of site: you're going to have a really hard time when you've banned all characters that are canonically under 18. That limits most original art to being OCs or SFW stuff, since most popular characters tend to be teenagers (for example, you've automatically banned most/all characters from Sailor Moon, Bleach, Naruto, Totally Spies, Teen Titans, Sonic the Hedgehog, Pokemon, The Jungle Book, etc, etc). Manips will be the same way, since many of them focus on the same characters, or use H-game CGs which also tend to involve high schoolers. You've left yourself with a scenario where you either have to delete all pics involving these characters (a moderation nightmare, if you ask me), or you have to be blatantly inconsistent and ignore your own rule.

I know you're concerned about the feds, or whatever, but trust me, you're worrying too much about it. Don't forget, there are 2 ways you can "die": by actually shutting down, and by making people lose interest. If you ban too much stuff, people will just go to where they can find that stuff. We've dealt with that too. No doubt we lost some members when we banned photo manips. The key to thriving is to welcome as many as you can. Though, being too welcoming can also be a problem. I wish you guys the best, really, but I hope you take what I've said into consideration.
08/06/14 05:50PM
Mindwipe said:
Totally Spies

They're <18 too? 0o
08/06/14 08:16PM
Good point, Mindwipe. We'll probably tweak the rules a bit, but as it stands we're a pair of college-age guys with no money for lawyers. On the moderation nightmare, that'd be all on me :P
08/07/14 09:57AM
ThorNonymous said:
Good point, Mindwipe. We'll probably tweak the rules a bit, but as it stands we're a pair of college-age guys with no money for lawyers.

So are we. :P

ThorNonymous said:
On the moderation nightmare, that'd be all on me :P

You sound like me. ;)

Just don't take the decision lightly. There's only so many decisions that you can make by taking the work caused by them upon yourself before it overwhelms you.
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