07/04/14 09:45AM
New Chan SIte!
Hello everyone! I just recently learned that Annoymousemanips made another chan style site for hypnosis lovers.

Here's the url, and I hope to maybe see you guys there: www.trancechan.org/
07/05/14 01:26AM
cool, I'll follow this for a bit, hope it gets some traction before it dies inevitably.
07/05/14 02:46AM
might be good for RL/photo manips since we don't allow those here anymore. Then again, there are plenty of places for that already.
07/05/14 06:49AM
Hmm, interesting, thanks for the link.
07/07/14 11:34PM
well that certainly didn't last long
07/08/14 05:34AM
plsignore said:
well that certainly didn't last long

That was even quicker than sleepychan :D
I think they didn't know if their hosting supports nsfw content
07/08/14 07:58PM
plsignore said:
well that certainly didn't last long

Wow.. well then XD
07/08/14 09:28PM
It's accessible on my end, though I haven't tested posting.
Going by the news posts, it seems they're just having issues with the HTML.
Such as the links opening up in the wrong frame at the moment, apparently.
07/08/14 10:33PM
>No Aged-up versions of underage characters

Any chance I had of taking it seriously was just lost. Honestly, though, it's too late for a Hypnochan replacement. It was too late when Sleepymaid tried it, and so far, no one's really even attempted to remake it the way it was. The solution to making a new popular hypnosis chan is not to ban more stuff, but that's all anyone has done so far. I guess we're guilty of that ourselves a bit, which is why I can see this site being a good place for people to dump their favorite photo manips, but not much else. You can do literally everything else here, with more functionality.
07/08/14 10:48PM
Mindwipe said:
>No Aged-up versions of underage characters

Any chance I had of taking it seriously was just lost. Honestly, though, it's too late for a Hypnochan replacement. It was too late when Sleepymaid tried it, and so far, no one's really even attempted to remake it the way it was. The solution to making a new popular hypnosis chan is not to ban more stuff, but that's all anyone has done so far. I guess we're guilty of that ourselves a bit, which is why I can see this site being a good place for people to dump their favorite photo manips, but not much else. You can do literally everything else here, with more functionality.

The TOR Hypnochan was great but all the other hypno sites refused to allow people to post the link to it, even after they removed the controversial boards. And then it got shut down without any warning.
07/08/14 10:58PM
Mindwipe said:
I guess we're guilty of that ourselves a bit, which is why I can see this site being a good place for people to dump their favorite photo manips, but not much else. You can do literally everything else here, with more functionality.

except anon post. And chan-style CYOAs/quests would be a bit awkward to do, although I don't think anybody's doing any of those.
07/09/14 10:31AM
plsignore said:
except anon post. And chan-style CYOAs/quests would be a bit awkward to do, although I don't think anybody's doing any of those.

Honestly, this is true. One thing I regret losing from the move from the old software/site to this one is that we lost the ability to allow anonymous users to do...well...pretty much anything at all beyond viewing images and using a blacklist that they'd need to re-customize every so often. Though, given how much better this software is than the old, I hardly regret the move. The old anons are more than welcome to make accounts. No one is after them. :P

In any case, that is one thing chan-style sites have over us.

I'm not active enough on any chans to have experienced any CYOA stuff, so I can't really comment on that.

LittleToyMaker said:
The TOR Hypnochan was great but all the other hypno sites refused to allow people to post the link to it, even after they removed the controversial boards. And then it got shut down without any warning.

It had potential to be great, but it made a big mistake in having the /cake/ board. First impressions are all that matter often times. After that initial mistake, it had a social stigma, which made it dangerous to allow links to. Honestly, though, their first mistake was putting it on the darknet. That crap's slow as all hell. I understand the wish for anonymity in things like porn, but the site would never become truly popular if it ran like a snail with a nasty hangover, even if it had no stigma.

It's news to me that it shut down, though.
07/09/14 11:54AM
Vanndril said:
Honestly, this is true. One thing I regret losing from the move from the old software/site to this one is that we lost the ability to allow anonymous users to do...well...pretty much anything at all beyond viewing images and using a blacklist that they'd need to re-customize every so often. Though, given how much better this software is than the old, I hardly regret the move. The old anons are more than welcome to make accounts. No one is after them. :P

In any case, that is one thing chan-style sites have over us.

I'm not active enough on any chans to have experienced any CYOA stuff, so I can't really comment on that.

It had potential to be great, but it made a big mistake in having the /cake/ board. First impressions are all that matter often times. After that initial mistake, it had a social stigma, which made it dangerous to allow links to. Honestly, though, their first mistake was putting it on the darknet. That crap's slow as all hell. I understand the wish for anonymity in things like porn, but the site would never become truly popular if it ran like a snail with a nasty hangover, even if it had no stigma.

It's news to me that it shut down, though.

The reason why it was on the darknet was to allow everyone to share files without any greedy hypnodommes being able to do anything about it.
07/09/14 12:08PM
LittleToyMaker said:
The reason why it was on the darknet was to allow everyone to share files without any greedy hypnodommes being able to do anything about it.

Why not just say "allow people to pirate paysite content without the site getting busted"? That's all it really is.
07/09/14 08:04PM
Mindwipe said:
Why not just say "allow people to pirate paysite content without the site getting busted"? That's all it really is.

Because I like the way I said it better.
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