07/09/14 10:50AM
Tag Policy Change!
Alright folks, so we have two huge changes to our tag policies again (much thanks to the folks who participated in the <<|Official Tags Thread>>).


First up, we're going to adopt a new tag named non-human_feet. The non-human_feet tag should be largely self-explained by its own name, but let me cover it loosely, in any case. It will be used on images where a character in an image has bare feet BUT also does not have normal human feet. For example, furry characters that have paws and pads, or maybe talons and claws, will all be tagged with non-human_feet.

The reason for this change is to better cover the feet portrayed in the images of our site. Since the "feet" tag is not used on anything that is not strictly human feet, it becomes impossible to search for, say, "furry feet" and find paws, talons, claws, etc., and will result only in furries with normal feet. The non-human_feet tag will allow people to find images where a character's non-human feet are a focus, for those into that sort of thing.


The next change we're implementing is a big one - futanari is to be considered its own gender as far as tagging goes and will now have all involved tags. What this means, exactly, is that any tags that involve gender, such as femsub/malesub, femdom/maledom, and cat_girl/cat_boy will all have futa versions. It should become clearer if you read the example list of the new tags below:

* futasub
* futadom
* cat_futa

It might seem a little complicated at a glance, but consider it this way - any tags that have "fem" or "male" in the name will also now have a third alternative: "futa".

In addition to those tags, we decided we needed tags synonymous to "yuri" and "yaoi" for futa, which results in the below three tags being created:

* futa_with_female
* futa_with_male
* futa_with_futa

Note that the futanari tag will still be used. All of the new futa tags will imply futanari. It is being kept this way for blacklist reasons and so those searching for futanari who are not used to our site's tags don't get completely flabbergasted by the tag not existing.
07/09/14 11:03AM
looks streets ahead to me - I wouldn't be surprised if other image boards and the like began adding these for clarification
07/09/14 11:17AM
Oh you... I ... this... is everything I wanted in my tags and a bit more.

On a sidenote: I am a bit squeamish on the whole futa thing, no futaphobic, I just prefer no surprises on certain places.

You shant hear any negativity towards this change coming from me, and quite honestly, I couldn´t see any reasonable person complaining, it just seems logical.

Now excuse me, some tags need to be blacklisted in my profile.
07/09/14 11:27AM
Grim said:
looks streets ahead to me - I wouldn't be surprised if other image boards and the like began adding these for clarification

Other image boards already use the futa_with_X tags.
07/09/14 11:30AM
DunkelSpiral said:
Now excuse me, some tags need to be blacklisted in my profile.

Remember that the futanari tag will remain and all the new futa tags will imply it. The implication system for the site means that if it is tagged with a tag, then all of that tags implications are also automatically added to the tag list for that image. So, by blacklisting that, every other, newer instance of a futa tag will also be blacklisted.

Of course, that'll only work once the implications are actually added to the implication list, so a few might slip the cracks for a while. Namely the <animal>_futa ones, as we need to add those as we go.
07/09/14 09:15PM
I think we should also have plain tags as well. There currently exist tags for
(16 pages of it) but no tags for
I know it would be a massive task, but I think it's a basic tag that we should have. The only problem with automating it (if that's even possible) is that some pages with the tags
"femdom" "femsub" "maledom" and/or "malesub"
don't actually have a picture of a male/female in them. It's just mentioned in the text. What then?

There's also the question of an "ambiguous gender" tag which would be relevant for approximately 2 or more pages of pictures.

I hope I'm not being too confusing this time, English isn't my first language.
07/09/14 10:21PM
I still don't think "male" and "female" are at all needed unless we use them the same way they're used on other image boards (male = male ONLY, female = female ONLY). An independent futa tag is needed for searching and blacklisting purposes.
07/10/14 03:05AM
yay! (blacklists futa_with_male)
07/10/14 04:35AM
Ooh. These new tags are relevant to my interests~
07/10/14 10:26PM
Grim said:
looks streets ahead to me - I wouldn't be surprised if other image boards and the like began adding these for clarification

Stop trying to make "streets ahead" happen, Chevy.
07/16/14 08:54AM
Mindwipe said:
I still don't think "male" and "female" are at all needed unless we use them the same way they're used on other image boards (male = male ONLY, female = female ONLY). An independent futa tag is needed for searching and blacklisting purposes.

I gotta admit, I would actually like that, if only to blacklist "male"

buckethazard said:
Stop trying to make "streets ahead" happen, Chevy.

Trying? Coined and minted. Been there, coined that. Streets ahead is verbal wildfire
09/30/14 05:28AM
Unstickied, as the news is old.

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