Mister Vi
07/11/14 07:24AM

each is always great seperate but whn you put them together it makes something special.
07/11/14 09:10AM

It was difficult to narrow it down to just three, but I think this is it.

Naga girls are simultaneously exotic and potentially dangerous. They're full of surprises, and could just as easily kill you as they could coil and cuddle. The danger and mystique is quite exciting.

Hypnotic eyes present a visual stimulus which results in an involuntary reaction in one's body and mind, ultimately leaving one in an altered, generally pleasant or pleasurable state, which is more suitable to her needs than one's default state. Basically, a mind boner.

And I find panties to be a bit sexier than full frontal nudity. They help to show off and accentuate the shape and subtle curves of a woman's body. The right pair of panties can act like a bonus multiplier.

In retrospect I even crafted a naga girl with standard hypnotic eyes and a thigh gap so that she could wear panties.
07/11/14 04:35PM

Images alone rarely do it for me, but MCstories and such are too long for me to get into. Captioned images are the perfect mix of the two.

I'm a sissy, my boyfriend's gender fluid, sissy hypno is how I really got started in erotic hypnosis, yadda yadda yadda

Thighhigh stockings are just frikkin awesome.
07/11/14 04:45PM

And you all should know by now my love of scott pilgrim, especially when it involves all 3
07/11/14 10:51PM
>empty eyes
07/12/14 10:41AM
... damned good question. I guess.......
Huh. Well, anything can do the trick for me, it's a matter of quality, usually. //shrugs
But these would be my top three searched for tags, I suppose

>text [Love the text manips.]
>...... dammit! There was another one, but I'm drawing a blank at the moment. DX
Uh... hmmm....

I'll get back to you on that one XD

Although, while I'm here, I might as well add in this. Those that used to be outright against are kinda growing on me. I wouldn't say I like them, exactly, but I sure as shit aren't against 'em anymore.
Futa and loli being the two biggest.

07/13/14 01:51AM
from time to time: >loli

Pretty much sums it up.
And to be fair ... I'm having a disturbing obsession with >zko_(artist) stuff lately xD...
07/13/14 04:54AM

That's me. :P
07/13/14 07:33AM
I just love all of it so much, I don't really search because I don't wanna miss anything.
Based on my favorites, it seems the ones I like the most are

07/13/14 09:35AM

I don't think I've ever searched for anything else. Text mang, it's all you really need.
07/13/14 10:44AM
greasyi said:
I just love all of it so much, I don't really search because I don't wanna miss anything.

This! So this!
07/14/14 06:11AM
Mindwipe said:
Oh yeah? Well "pet play" isn't a tag either! :P

I can hear the sound of my heart breaking D:

I could have sworn that we had that tag though.

In other news a few more tags I like are
07/14/14 06:14AM
strangeperson said:
I can hear the sound of my heart breaking D:

I could have sworn that we had that tag though.

07/14/14 07:06AM
Mindwipe said:

Not to be confused with the tag for anthropomorphized moss, human_peat.

Okay, I'm done.

07/14/14 07:17AM

greasyi said:
I just love all of it so much, I don't really search because I don't wanna miss anything.
Based on my favorites, it seems the ones I like the most are

I have to agree I find I'm just in the mood for certain things than others lol. Only some specific things I don't like though, but most of what I search for is rather broad XD
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