07/13/14 05:00AM
Gallery not displaying pics/cannot respond in forum threads bug
As the title says I have quite a few problems with the site for the last ~ 3-4 hours. The galleries/image post lists do not display any pics, none, nada. Doesn't matter if I click on the Posts on the top left or try to search for tags, they don't show up in the comments section either. Only way to open any images is by clicking on peoples avatars (those images work fine so far, only problem I have with those is that clicking on view larger versions turns the tab into image only mode (the same as right click on image -> view image).

I can't respond to any forum posts either, only reason I'm opening up a new topic instead of using the bug report thread and am looking for an answer in here instead of reading through all 211 responses in the thread. Didn't check if commenting on images still works. Got 502 Bad Gateway errors for the first time ever on this site as well.

Do you guys have any solutions? Otherwise I'll just try again tomorrow and hope for the best. Tried activating and deactivating the "resize image" option in my settings, did nothing... Getting a little desperate O.o...
07/13/14 05:49AM
I would suggest standard procedure:
- Internet Explorer user?
- try an real/another browser
- delete cookies/cache/temporary files
- restart computer
- NoScript?
07/13/14 11:01AM
If you're still unable to reply to even this thread, just mail me the answers/reply to the below.

Does anything in particular reliably happen when you try to do these things? For example, does the page fully load? Do you get an error? What happens when you try to do the things you're finding yourself unable to do?

Also, what browser do you use? What is its version number (the exact version number - the full thing - you usually see them by going to the "About <browser name>" page from your browser's menu/menu bar)? Do you use any mods or addons with your browser, such as NoScript, which might be interfering with your usage of the site.

Beyond that, do try what Anno suggested (ignoring the IE thing since the newest version is actually fairly competent): clear your temporary internet files including cookies and cache, restart your computer, all that simple stuff. Update your browser, if it's not the most current version, too. Also, I would try another browser as well to see if that fixes it.
07/13/14 01:40PM
Yep, clearing the cache and deleting the cookies did the job. Firefox is running fine now and everything is back to normal.

Thanks for the help guys, I have no clue what I would have done without my daily hypnohub fix ^_^'.

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