07/16/14 02:42AM
HypnoMangaEditor said:
Update: [Kanzume] Maji Saimin - Love Bitch has been released. You can check it out here: g.e-hentai.org/g/719203/59ae354b00/

Oh, that manga! (Yes, I admit that I didn't check which one you were talking about until now.) Yeah, I remember when this first came out. Was hoping for a translation. I just skimmed it thus far, but it looks like a pretty good job. Only thing I noticed was a couple of "I am"s, which I would always make into "I'm", since almost no one ever says "I am" in normal English speech.

Also, hey! It's age regression without urination, scat, or diapers! (unless I missed something) See? It's possible to make it sexy without those things. Sure, it took sex in this case, but the mental change made it more interesting. No reason the age regression fandom can't be expanded beyond the urine/scat/diaper fetishists.
07/16/14 05:55AM
07/16/14 06:22AM
Aye, age regression works when its more about sending them back to childhood than to infancy. Childhood is just to play on the themes of subverting innocence without the guilt of simply creating a work of even fictional pedophilia. Infancy is the logical extreme of that, but is almost always abused to open doors to the more scatological fetishes.

Age regression should be used for yuri breastfeeding. I believe the delightful Amethyst Pendant undertook such a glorious work at one point, though it still unfortunately entailed diapers, didn't go into all the messy details of such.
07/16/14 11:25AM
Mindwipe said:
Also, hey! It's age regression without urination, scat, or diapers! (unless I missed something) See? It's possible to make it sexy without those things. Sure, it took sex in this case, but the mental change made it more interesting. No reason the age regression fandom can't be expanded beyond the urine/scat/diaper fetishists.

Unfortunately, it falls under Cathegory B you specified earlier - sex with someone thinking he/she is still in grade school. There's no incest here, but they could have just as easily made her his stepsister or cousin (for "legal incest" by japanese law) or halfsister (for the more taboo approach).

About this manip using Sex in the end is something I am not really happy about. More about that below.

I don't like this discussion drifting into pedophilia. I fully understand that people can sometimes misunderstand it as such, and in the case of physical Age regression I can see it. I can also understand that it can come pretty close to it in some rare mental Age Regression scenarios.

This is also why my mental age regression manips all don't have sex. Using mental Age regression for playing a trick (humiliate them) to someone to humiliate them, without having any sexual connection to the mentally younger subject is safe in my books. This may also be a reason why some mangaka/eroge go that way. I am not sure, just an idea.

This is also why this Manga is safe in my books. He is not sexually drawn to fucking a younger person, he loved her for over a decade and loves her younger personality, but her grown body. Age Regression here is mainly used to bring back her non-bitchy personality and making her more susceptible to his advances (so it's near bimbofication as someone stated above).

Still, I am not comfortable with sexual intercourse in age regression manga. It's a thin line.
07/16/14 10:16PM
Ogodei-Khan said:
Aye, age regression works when its more about sending them back to childhood than to infancy. Childhood is just to play on the themes of subverting innocence without the guilt of simply creating a work of even fictional pedophilia. Infancy is the logical extreme of that, but is almost always abused to open doors to the more scatological fetishes.

Age regression should be used for yuri breastfeeding. I believe the delightful Amethyst Pendant undertook such a glorious work at one point, though it still unfortunately entailed diapers, didn't go into all the messy details of such.

I'm with Ogodei-Khan on all of this.
07/16/14 10:56PM
I'm not sure, but there may be a place in the E-Hentai forums to contest it. That's ridiculously stupid to call that lolicon.

Edit: I tried to vote the tag down (what little good that would do), but it won't let me.
07/16/14 11:16PM
HypnoMangaEditor said:
Lolicon seems to be an Admin tag - I cannot vote it down either. Looks like only admins/vip may add/remove that Tag. I wrote something in the Forums and will hopefully get pointers where to go next.

Ah yes, the always reliable E-Hentai admins. These are the same guys who banned the mind_control tag from one manga that had the word "hypnosis" in the title and was all about brainwashing a group of women. Best of luck to you.
07/17/14 12:12AM
HypnoMangaEditor said:
Yeah I got a reply, they instantly denied my protest it. Page 13 Background is enough to flag the whole Manga as lolicon they say. They even downvoted my comment heavily on the Manga that was saying it is not lolicon, so no one can see it.

Well if there is no change, the gallery will be taken down.

Oh yeah. I forgot they do show her naked loli body on that page. Hmm... That certainly does complicate things. Well, it'll still be up on Exhentai.
07/17/14 01:09AM
HypnoMangaEditor said:
I don't want a gallery up in my name with the tag lolicon. I'll take it down if I can. I'd rather not have it online than having it tagged like this.

I should have known they'd flag it. Hotmail suspended my email account after sending Page 13 to Stem_Cell. I just thought people that deal with this kind of content are a little more reasonable - looks like I was wrong.

Why are you so paranoid about having your name associated with the term lolicon? I mean, you were willing to translate a loli manga after all...
07/17/14 01:26AM
Really should have just had stem cell edit the topless loli girl out of the background of page 13. It's not really loli except for that.

Funny thing about them, they can take a long time to figure it out. The protagonist of shojo-mushi plus was painfully obviously underage, but remained out of the fjords for a while.

The reason the original gallery stayed up is likely the fact that people don't pay as close attention to Japanese raws, including the admins.

Are you from a country where such content possession is illegal? I could see your reasoning for not wanting associated with it in that case.

Funnily you can't really delete the gallery. You can de-list it, but everyone who's favorited it can still see it. That's what happened when i uploaded a Nanoha-Fate comic that i thought was a doujin but turned out to be an official work, and therefore verboten. I can still see it as the gallery master, it's just not searchable.
07/17/14 02:01AM
Removing my posts.

Borderline - I do not want a Gallery in my name with a tag like that. I think that's my decision to make. If they do not let me remove it, I'll just never use e-hentai for posting Manga again. Personally I think it is safe, but I don't want it to be seen in the wrong light.

I removed the post because it is causing some kind of drama which I do not want to create. I kindly ask everyone to remove their quotes of my post as well.

07/17/14 04:00AM
Seems like the only way to do it is if you kill off the images one at a time. If that's the case i'd just cut page 13. Doesn't really do anything for the plot anyway.
07/17/14 04:24AM
Okay uh... I just read through the manga and uh... are you serious?

Are you seriously trying to deny the loli tag? It has a naked 7 year old girl in it! It absolutely IS a lolicon manga! Even if it's just one frame, it absolutely has it! You can't even argue this...


What did you think was going to happen? Did you think they would say "Oh well this is just one frame and it's imaginary and not really happening, so this totally doesn't count as loli"? Of course not. You'd have to be stupid to think that. So what DID you think?

But really, you complaining about this is just immature (which is ironic considering what we're dealing with here...). It is a lolicon manga. It is. There is no arguing it. So just either accept it or be a whiny child who didn't understand what he was doing and pull it off the internet. Well, that won't work either since I've downloaded it and can simply rehost it anyway.

This really is such a stupid argument. It isn't even a good doujin. Age regression my ass. So she apparently gets hypnotized and then says 2 or 3 vaguely innocent things before going full-on slut mode for the rest of the manga. No, that's not age regression...
07/17/14 05:10AM
Could've done this like the infamous Laruffi did, too, and just put a big black box over the one part to keep it from the fjords, though Laruffi's infamous for a reason.

^^ and though i sort of agree with your position, your tone really isn't helping. HME could have good reasons for this (although i've cleared two federal background checks since my first foray into producing content like this, so i don't quite know what he's scared of)
07/17/14 05:41AM
Ogodei-Khan said:
^^ and though i sort of agree with your position, your tone really isn't helping

To be fair the dude was trying to get the loli tag removed on something that had loli in it and, I mean, people who didn't want to see loli at all in the first place might understandably not sound too happy about that.
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