07/14/14 11:49AM
Age regression Hypnosis, Manga Translation and more ...
Hey there everyone!

Some of you may remember me as "the duded that does all those weird age regression/bedwetting manips". I've been silent for the past couple of months, which doesn't mean that I haven't been working on some of the content some of you like so much.

(Mental) Age regression is one of the few tags that has been used even less then some of the "hated" tags like urination. If some of you out there have any love for this kind of hypnosis, especially if it has some kind of revenge or humiliation theme in it, go for it. It doesn't matter how good or bad you are, simply go for it. If it is not up to our site standards, there're always people that will hop in to help you.

That being said - Fans of the Genre rejoice! I have 2 announcements to make.

The first one is the upcoming release of the full english translation of arguably the best hypnosis mental age regression Manga out there. I am almost finished with "Kanzume - Maji Saimin Love Bitch" the release should be within the next couple of days. I wil post an update in this thread once it is up on exhentai.

I want to thank a couple of people for this release in advance. First I want to thank Stem_cell, who has gone silent over the last couple of months. Stem_Cell, thank you for your dedicated work for cleaning and decensoring this Manga. Even though you could not finish your work, I hope you won't mind that I release the last few pages just cleaned and not decensored. I know you won't want me to keep back the whole Manga because of this. If you can read this and simply don't want to answer, that is fine. I hope you are well my friend.

Secondly, I wanted to thank Ogodei-Khan for having a quick proof reading of my translation. As some of you may be aware of, I am using the Internet for translation. If you really put your mind on it and try to make it work, it can be surprisingly accurate. With Translations like this, you will always have to work to find a fitting sentence in english. That being said, my native language is neither english nor japanese. Hopefully this can spur on some of you that have a lot of time available but no money - you can still translate, it just takes a long time, but it will get faster with practice.

Finally, I want to thank this website and its community. You guys are awesome. I know I have been having my differences with a couple of you guys and my dedication to quality sometimes gets the better of me, ending up in a heated debate. Nevertheless the Mods are doing an awesome job in keeping the website up and running, with less interference than I thought they would have. Mindwipe, Vanndril and ... that Cthulhu guy that is sneaking through the hallways of the website when no one is looking - Thanks!

Also, some of the artist have been improving lately - keep up the good work.

That being said, let's move on to the second announcement. First of all, this is *work in progress*. I prepared a little teaser for you guys, because we are about 50% done.

Some of you have been making commissions with artists on this Webpage. I think this is a good thing because it both gives us some good art and helps our artist to improve and get some reward out of it. Personally, I was never the guy for a single image though. If you look at my work, you will probably see some story being part of the images. It's always 2+ images and a text which supports the picture.

So what have I done? Well, for beginners, I wrote a story. To be honest, it's less of a story, but more of a script. I then got a very talented artist, we discussed some things and in the end I commissioned a whole Manga. <<hypnohub.net/post?tags=nell-chrome+|NELL-CHROME>> might ring a bell with some of you, because of his Hypno-tan Pictures. He is just starting with commissions, but his Talent can clearly be seen. I fully expect him to get a lot of commissions after the full release of the Manga.

To give you an impression of how it will look like, I have released a Teaser Picture on this Website. Check it out and let me know what you think about it in the comments both here and in the picture. The release of the Manga is still a little bit off. We have been working on it for 3-4 months and are about halfway done. The full Manga will consist of 12 Pages and feature Hypnosis/Mind Control (of course), Age regression, Humiliation and Urination. Even if you do not like some of these themes, I still encourage you to have a look at it when it is finished. Except for maybe one or two scenes, we are going for something that can be enjoyed by most of you. The Manga will be posted on this Webpage first.

Check out the Teaser Picture here: hypnohub.net/post/show/18023

So here you go. What do you think?

EDIT: Translation has been released.

EDIT2: Translation was tagged as lolicon because of the Background of Page 13. I think it is a little overkill to flag the whole Manga as lolicon but there's nothing I can do about it. The Manga can be found on exhentai.org/g/719203/59ae354b00/
07/14/14 12:11PM
Man... The biggest news out of this for me is that Nell will be taking commissions. For sure hitting him up. Funny thing is, I had also considered him for a comic I wanted made.

As for the sample, I really want to be excited, but...

HypnoMangaEditor said:
Humiliation and Urination

So... bummer. Definitely not what I was hoping to see from Nell-Chrome's first non-magic hypnosis comic. The page posted looks good, but even that references bed-wetting, which ruins my enjoyment of it quite a bit. I'm hopeful for an entertaining and arousing induction, though. Nell-Chrome's art is, as always, fantastic.
07/14/14 01:39PM
Everything.... I love all of this news! Urination and humiliation are my 2nd and 3rd favourite fetishes after hypnosis.

HypnoMangaEditor, you're a good guy and so are Nell-Chrome and Ogodei-Khan.

I'd love to see more stuff so remember me if you need any help at all, I'd be happy to lend a hand any way I can.
07/14/14 07:17PM
I don't recall doing much beyond giving some general pointers (maybe i did some proofreading at one point? Memory is fuzzy), but i appreciate the thanks anyway.
07/14/14 09:37PM
My main gripe with age regression stuff IS the watersports/scat/diapers that usually comes along with it. I don't like any of that, but I do very much like age regression.
07/15/14 12:26AM
HypnoMangaEditor said:

Lots of stuff

There is one thing that I must say in regards to a translated manga and one by Nell-Chrome

07/15/14 01:47AM
07/15/14 03:19AM
LittleToyMaker said:
My main gripe with age regression stuff IS the watersports/scat/diapers that usually comes along with it. I don't like any of that, but I do very much like age regression.

I'm pretty much the same way. I wouldn't say age regression is a personal interest of mine, but I do believe that it has a lot of potential in hypnosis scenarios. Unfortunately, most just use it as an excuse to make people piss/shit themselves, and those that don't usually just result in incest with one participant thinking she's in grade school. I feel like there's gotta be more that can be done with it.
07/15/14 04:33AM
That's probably because it is rarely used. I mean, the most common place (after stories) I find mental age regression in is eroge. I think about every tenth MC Eroge has one scene in it and out of all these scenes all of them had some kind of wetting/peeing involved one way or the other. It almost feels like age regression is some kind of sub-genre of urination.

It's not like this is the only thing. Some have used Babytalk in the past, but reactions to that are mixed at best and I think Urination works pretty good with the Age Regression Fanbase so far, mainly because Urination haters stay away from age regression as well (which isn't optimal, but just saying).

There is other stuff you can do, for example creating a Trigger to make someone partly regress in the middle of class, e.g. her vocubulary becoming that of a younger self, which probably ends up with a lot of laughs for the class and a very embarassed or confused subject. But this is more on the line of Bimbofication and is probably therefor avoided.

The question is, would anybody find that erotic? Because in the end it comes down to how arousing your creation is. Getting laughs would probably work as a side effect in an eroge or manga/anime, but it won't be erotic for anyone. There are such stories out there (the AR Archive under www.ararchive.com/ has a lot of them) but they are rare and most of them aren't good. Getting a scenario with mental AR to work, which does not involve Urination/Scat/Diapers is pretty hard. I've not seen one so far.

And then we have the physical Age Regression which is nothing less than loli. Most prominently being represented in Himekishi Olivia Episode 2 or every manga tagged "age regression" on exhentai - because they tag mental AR as "infantilism" - which isn't correct in most cases (when the subject is only regressed to child- and not infanthood). And in these cases, they do not tag them at all. Good luck finding them.

There are also VERY DARK Age regression stories out there. If anybody wants to read some of them, Long_Rifle (www.foxtalestimes.com/Stories/Long_Rifle/index.html ) and Tainted Sins (thechangingmirror.com/phpbb/viewforum.php?f=17 ) have a couple of them with very bad endings. Let's just say death would have been a lot more merciful in some of these cases - you have been warned.

Oh and the Incest thing is a pure japanese thing in these cases. I don't know why the japanese are so obsessed with (in most cases) big brother, little sister sex, but it's their big thing together with urination, cosplay, S&M and schoolgirls. Won't change anytime soon. On the AR Story sides, it's almost always some revenge plot against the sister. I don't think I have ever read an AR Story on these sides involving incest sex.

So here you go, lots of stories for ppl not knowing about these sites and my take on the whole situation.
07/15/14 05:09AM
HypnoMangaEditor said:
The question is, would anybody find that erotic? Because in the end it comes down to how arousing your creation is.

Well, as hypnofetishists, I think it's our job to figure out how to make it sexy. I mean, for some people (what I like to call "Type A" hypnofetishists), just having hypnosis present is enough to make it erotic, and anything else is just the syrup on top. It's the others who will want more function to it. But I think it's something that should be explored. The way you put it, you either like urination/scat/diapers or you don't like age regression at all. And that's usually the case, but only because no one's really tried to do much different. I don't think it has to be that way. A little thinking outside the box would do our entire fetish a great deal of good, not just with age regression, but may as well start somewhere.
07/15/14 05:10AM
Personally I don't mind Age Regression too much (A few of my favorite sleepymaid ones are actually Regression ones). I don't even mind scat too much although it will generally take a bit more to be enjoyable.

I can see a bit more uses for it other than revenge or scat though. You could take advantage of the person's naivete. Or imprint on them.
07/15/14 11:36AM
My "main fetish" is diapers/ageplay but holy crap I love mental regression because it lends itself to my personal fetishes very easily. It's like a lovely mixture of hypnosis/mental subjugation and having the outcome be basically a perfect marriage of my fetish tastes.

I eagerly await the full manga + more manips from you.
07/15/14 01:32PM
I like mental age regression as much as any hypnosis where the mental state is altered, though it get bonus points if urination related.

Physical age regression is okay but it's not a fetish of mine, it's just a way to change up a character is all. I'm okay with lolis though so I guess that's why I don't mind....
07/15/14 07:06PM
in response to the conversation on how to make age regression sexy without involving nonm-sexual fluids...don't include non-sexual fluids. personally, I think the scenario is partialy an off-shoot of bimbofication, rather than just dumbing someone down, it's making their entire minds regress to make them more helpless and generally more naive, submissive, and willing in addition to the dumbing them down.
I suppose for some, it could also have the added benefit of allowing them a taste of loli without the physical loli, but for me, it's mostly just the mindset of a naive, and generally helpless girl that can then be taken advantage of that makes age regression arousing.
07/16/14 12:53AM
Update: [Kanzume] Maji Saimin - Love Bitch has been released. You can check it out here: exhentai.org/g/719203/59ae354b00/

EDIT: As mentioned above, E-Hentai considers this Manga lolicon because of the Background in Page 13. It is therefore only available on exhentai and not e-hentai. It's a little bit picky, but there's nothing we can do.
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