07/16/14 11:08AM
Dark/Electric, with some Grass, Fighting, and Dragon moves.

I, for one, welcome our Futa-demoness overlords (overladies?). May their reign be long and hard - err, prosperous. Long and prosperous.
07/16/14 11:42AM
Dark Fairy I guess... but I'm not sure what Pokemon.
07/16/14 11:47AM
RebKMG said:
Dark Fairy I guess... but I'm not sure what Pokemon.

There are no Pokemon that are Dark/Fairy.
07/16/14 11:54AM
I am a Mugi.

Mugi~! Mugi~!
07/16/14 04:20PM
Mindwipe said:
There are no Pokemon that are Dark/Fairy.

Holy shit that would break the meta in half, only 2x weak to Poison and Steel with 2 strong as hell immunities. GameFreak please make it happen with some ORAS event mon.
07/16/14 08:36PM
Let's see. I think I best fit as a Psy/Fire type. With a bit of electricity thrown in.

....Oh my god, I'm a Delphox. o_o
07/17/14 04:55AM
Reversed1 said:
Let's see. I think I best fit as a Psy/Fire type. With a bit of electricity thrown in.

....Oh my god, I'm a Delphox. o_o

Actually, you'd probably be a Victini. It can learn electric moves via TM, Delphox can't >.>
07/17/14 05:34AM
greasyi said:
<<|Hydreigon>> (or a <<|pre-volution>> if you want to be cuter, but why would someone who likes corruption want to be cuter?)

I'm already adorable. *scratches his hobo beard* >_____________>
07/17/14 10:09AM
Anno1404 said:
As I read the title I just thought about <<|this little guy>> D:

Glad I wasn't the only one :P
07/18/14 03:22AM
I'm Ice for sure (Time Stop is slightly more my thing than hypnosis), but can't decide between fairy(Loli) or rock(Petrification)...
07/18/14 03:45AM
AdiZonato2.0 said:
I'm Ice for sure (Time Stop is slightly more my thing than hypnosis), but can't decide between fairy(Loli) or rock(Petrification)...

If it makes a difference, Ice/Rock would make you <<|Aurorus>>, but there aren't any Ice/Fairy Pokemon yet.

Lookin back over the chart, I'd prolly pick Dragon as a secondary typing. Whiiiich would make me <<|this beastie>>.

Also, <<|added a couple new fetishes>> as per your requests. Anything else I've missed?
07/18/14 04:43AM
New Game: booru lottery.
Get a 2-letter squence <<|here>>.
Put stars before and in the middle of your result: qn => *q*n

Search for it with the addition of "order:score" to order by rating instead of newness.
If you do not get a full page of results (30), roll again with the stars shifted right (q*n*).
If you still do not get a full page of results, roll new letters.

Start at the first image and make a good faith effort to fap for a bit to every image, in order. Continue until the inevitable occurs.

Challenge variants:
- You may only fap to images on the first page of results.
- Use "order:score_asc" instead to start with the lowest-rated items, and look for undiscovered gems.


"qn" gave me a bunch of harley quinn.
07/18/14 05:11AM
greasyi said:
New Game: booru lottery.
Get a 2-letter squence <<|here>>.
Put stars before and in the middle of your result: qn => *q*n

Search for it with the addition of "order:score" to order by rating instead of newness.
If you do not get a full page of results (30), roll again with the stars shifted right (q*n*).
If you still do not get a full page of results, roll new letters.

Start at the first image and make a good faith effort to fap for a bit to every image, in order. Continue until the inevitable occurs.

Challenge variants:
- You may only fap to images on the first page of results.
- Use "order:score_asc" instead to start with the lowest-rated items, and look for undiscovered gems.


"qn" gave me a bunch of harley quinn.

Huh. "xr" gave me a ton of Fixxxer stuff. And some of my own manips.
07/18/14 07:49AM
"sh" gave me a page of zko's stuff.
07/18/14 11:58AM
Used the random number generator. Got 97 as my second. (admittedly, I wasn't sure which random generator to use).

Taking Sex Slave. +300 points. 397 points.
Punishments: Corsets +7. Gloryhole +5. Daily Enema +2. Hormones +5. Total: 416.

Owners (taking 3 as per the sex slave requirements): Fellow Contestant, Sissifying Owner +10, Futa Dominatrix +15. Total: 441.

Taking girly room. -50.
Taking private maid. -40.
Taking sweets. -15.
Taking entertainment system, VR helmet, and computer. -115. Total remaining: 221.
Taking cosmetics cupboard, luxury bathroom, and maid service. -55. Remaining: 166.
Taking closet. -25. Remaining: 141.
Taking toy chest, sissy slave, and creative kit. -65. Remaining: 76.

That's pretty much everything.

I look forward to my new life of pampering and constant sexing.
<<<1 2 3>>>

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