07/18/14 10:19AM
name that anime!!!
This is the thread were you post a description of an anime you can't remember the name of in the hopes that someone will tell you the name, that being said, anyone heard of that one anime about that vampire that dispite being extremely powerful he's a total fucking weaboo that wants to be in a relationship with a human girl?
07/18/14 10:59AM
skullman2033 said:
anyone heard of that one anime about that vampire that dispite being extremely powerful he's a total fucking weaboo that wants to be in a relationship with a human girl?

I think you might be referring to Blood Lad. For future naming requests I feel a little more detail could help. When did you see/hear of it, was the art style bad/good/old/new/distinctive, any memorable characters that come to mind etc.

Besides, I think this could go on the << | hunting thread>>, as that already exists.

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