07/19/14 11:27PM
is any artist willing to do comisions for da points?
i was mainly asking cause i have 2300da points and would like to make a comision or 2 for them if that is alright here would be the charecters
Fate (the blaziken (female)
Dahlia (of skyland)
rydia (of final fantasy 4)
all hypnotized to dance
07/19/14 11:28PM
leviathin said:
i was mainly asking cause i have 2300da points and would like to make a comision or 2 for them if that is alright here would be the charecters
Fate (the blaziken (female)
Dahlia (of skyland)
rydia (of final fantasy 4)
all hypnotized to dance

my da name is foffyoul5
if anyone would like to take on this comision plz let me know
07/20/14 12:59AM
In my dreams I am a coder for this site and add features just because I think they seem cool.

Tonight I dream of adding a point system (something free but that active users might compete to get the most of).
07/20/14 01:24AM
All the artists I've spoken to agree that dA points are worthless and won't waste their time with them. But maybe you can find someone who's invested enough in dA to take them.
07/20/14 02:51AM
07/20/14 08:01AM
Mindwipe said:
All the artists I've spoken to agree that dA points are worthless and won't waste their time with them. But maybe you can find someone who's invested enough in dA to take them.

Yeah even slugbox, who's been known to be a dA apologist, thinks they're really shitty. 2300 would get you like a coaster and a postcard. It'd be nice if you could spend them on stuff more useful than what you can rip off artscow for free. Also 3 characters for less than $25 at all, o i am laffin good luck with that one man.

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