07/23/14 02:39PM
Mugi's Humble Bundle Giveaway
This Humble Bundle is the Square Enix Humble Bundle.

The only games that really interested me was Kane & Lynch and Mini Ninjas, so if anyone wants the other games then I have Steam keys for these:

July 23, 2014:

* Anachronox
* Nosgoth (Veteran Pack)
* Hitman: Blood Money
* The Last Remnant
Spare keys for:
* Ether Vapor Remaster
* Heileen series

Either post a request in this thread or PM me. I will not be accepting requests made via IRC. I will update this post accordingly for when specific keys are no longer available.

The rules are first come, first serve. You are allowed one key request per day. However, on the off chance that the key you requested has been taken already then you are allowed to immediately make another request.

And just to be safe, I will only give keys to those who registered their account BEFORE the date displayed above the games listed.


I'll also use this thread for future key giveaways. Every time I purchase a bundle, more than half of the games just collect virtual dust in my Steam library. They deserve better homes.

EDIT: Just realized they enforce connecting your steam account directly instead of handing out keys now. Oh well, gift-links should still work.
07/23/14 04:32PM
May I request Desu Ex Human Revolution please.
07/23/14 04:34PM
MrGerp said:

Just noticed this typo, not gonna change it (still requesting Deus Ex).
07/23/14 04:52PM
Yeeeah I had the same dilemma though in truth the only game I was interested out of any of them was Deus Ex: The Fall. I may even have some spare keys I haven't claimed myself actually, theres always something left over in these bundles that I already own.
07/23/14 05:09PM
May I have Just Cause 2, pretty please? :3
07/23/14 05:56PM
May I have Hitman: Absolution?
07/23/14 05:58PM
All right, Deus Ex: Human Revolution (Director's Cut) and Just Cause 2 have been claimed. <<|Desu.>>

EDIT: And now Hitman Absolution as well.
07/23/14 06:12PM
I think I'll enter for Battlestations: Midway, looks interesting^^
And you know? next week more games will be added xD
07/23/14 06:49PM
Upon checking humble bundle I've found I indeed do have some spare game keys. Heres what I got if anybody is interested:

Civilization 3: Complete - Claimed
Monaco: What's yours is mine
Hack, Slash, Loot
The Binding of Isaac - Claimed
07/23/14 07:08PM
Mr.H said:
Upon checking humble bundle I've found I indeed do have some spare game keys. Heres what I got if anybody is interested:

Civilization 3: Complete
Waking Mars
Monaco: What's yours is mine
Hack, Slash, Loot
The Binding of Isaac

I'd like to have Isaac please. PM me.
07/23/14 07:21PM
D'aww. This is a nice idea, Mugi. Thanks for doing this. :3
07/23/14 08:38PM
What the heck are you nerds doing asking for anything but Thief Gold? It's because you've all already beaten it, right? The GOAT game right there. Also, cool idea Mugi.
07/23/14 10:11PM
Battlestations: Midway is now gone. c:

Vanndril said:
D'aww. This is a nice idea, Mugi. Thanks for doing this. :3

TakyonH said:
Also, cool idea Mugi.

No need to thank me. Really, I got what I wanted and I'm just throwing you peasants the crumbs. >:L Buuut...
Playing Kane & Lynch 2 and this game is just as bad as everyone says it is. :x

Mr.H said:
Upon checking humble bundle I've found I indeed do have some spare game keys. Heres what I got if anybody is interested:

Civilization 3: Complete
Waking Mars
Monaco: What's yours is mine
Hack, Slash, Loot
The Binding of Isaac

<<|I'm going to be using No Game No Life clips and gifs for a loooooooong tiiiiiime.>> >~>
07/23/14 10:44PM
Is Lara Croft still available? I'd sure like that :)
07/23/14 10:45PM
I would appreciate deus ex: game of the year edition if it hasn't already been claimed yet. Thank you.
1 234>>>

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