PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
03903912. About Mode Switchinglifmcs2021-05-30 02:20:40Revert
039040What is Mode Switching?lifmcs2021-05-30 02:21:08Revert
039041This feature allows you to change the default personality setting to another one. In addition to the basic sexaroid personality, this product comes with data to reproduce the template's original personality. By installing optional personalities (sold separately), you can add variety to your play.lifmcs2021-05-30 02:26:47Revert
039042→P.51 How to install optional personalities.lifmcs2021-05-30 02:28:29Revert
039043→P.51 How to install optional personalities.lifmcs2021-05-30 02:28:59Revert
039044This feature allows you to change the default personality setting to another one.

In addition to the basic sexaroid personality, this product comes with data to reproduce the template's original personality.

By installing optional personalities (sold separately), you can add variety to your play.
lifmcs2021-05-30 02:29:17Revert
039045Fujisaka Kikyo in her original form (Reference)lifmcs2021-05-30 02:30:31Revert
039046Fujisaka Kikyo in her original form (Reference)lifmcs2021-05-30 02:30:59Revert
039047Normal Modelifmcs2021-05-30 02:32:20Revert
039048Mode change "Reproduce Original Personality" in progress...lifmcs2021-05-30 02:32:39Revert
039049Pseudo-personality Modelifmcs2021-05-30 02:38:17Revert
039050Ahh...Mmmm... Why am I... doing this with someone I don't know? Ehh...? I'm... having sex with a stranger.lifmcs2021-05-30 02:43:39Revert
039051Eh, what?!lifmcs2021-05-30 02:44:01Revert
039052Who the hell are you...? I... ehh? EHH?lifmcs2021-05-30 02:44:27Revert
039053Open the Operation Menu.

[1] Option Settings -> [2] Switch Personality Mode -> [3] Built-in Settings.

Select "Reproduce Template Personality" in the list and wait for about 7 seconds.
lifmcs2021-05-30 02:52:35Revert
039054※ Mode switching is possible in any state.lifmcs2021-05-30 02:53:24Revert
039076(12) About Mode Switchinglifmcs2021-05-30 03:27:06Revert