07/27/14 11:18AM
Making your own hypnosis files?
Has anyone here ever tried to create their own hypnosis files? If so, what did you do and how? I'm trying myself with making a file filled with mantras and commands over binaural beats and such (speaking of binaural beats, is there any evidence that they do anything?). I'm not making a whole script yet with an induction and everything because I don't really know how to write one well. If anyone has written a hypnosis script, do you have any advice? Even if I don't succeed in making myself hypnotized, it could be used for other (fapping) purposes. Anyway, please keep your hands and arms inside the ride at all times, remember there is no smoking and please remove your hats, thank you, and enjoy your ride on the hypnohub forum.
07/27/14 11:43PM
I wrote so many fapping scripts that I wrote <<|a computer program>> to help with the more repetitive ones.
07/28/14 03:30AM
greasyi said:
I wrote so many fapping scripts that I wrote <<|a computer program>> to help with the more repetitive ones.

Thanks for your reply. I saw that a while ago, I couldn't get it to work on mac though.
07/28/14 05:59AM
I don't have a Mac to test on; was there a specific error message? I doubt I'm using anything that's not on the Mac implementation of Java.

If you're savvy enough to work the console, you could navigate to the file and run "java mantra" to see if it gives you a more useful message.

Getting back to the topic at hand, binaural beats are the audio equivalent of spirals; maybe they help by giving you something to focus on, but in general their effects are overblown by popular imagination.
07/28/14 08:38AM
greasyi said:
I don't have a Mac to test on; was there a specific error message? I doubt I'm using anything that's not on the Mac implementation of Java.

If you're savvy enough to work the console, you could navigate to the file and run "java mantra" to see if it gives you a more useful message.

Getting back to the topic at hand, binaural beats are the audio equivalent of spirals; maybe they help by giving you something to focus on, but in general their effects are overblown by popular imagination.

It does look like they've been overblown with all the junk I've seen about them on the internet, but I've always like binaural beats in hypno-files because of the idea that they help in hypnosis, and they make the experience trippier in my opinion. Of course, this is probably a placebo because of all the ideas surrounding binaural beats. I think I couldn't get the mantra program to work because of my own inexperience with computers, but I'll futz around with it and see what I can do. Thanks again for your reply.
07/28/14 12:15PM
If you're a bee you can try otherwise it's more useful for giving yourself a headache
07/28/14 07:19PM
greasyi said:
If you're a bee you can try otherwise it's more useful for giving yourself a headache

nope, just a headache
07/30/14 08:08AM
I had made a couple of silly audio files back in the hypnochan days, but a tendency to make long files and micro manage them led to them taking too much time to make, and then the chan and the chat went poof. Now I have a housemate who's home a lot more than I am, and I'd rather not explain my weird recording sessions. Still, it'd be fun to make some sort of hypnohub-specific file for people to contribute to the weirdness.

I used some funky drone stuff, but nothing scientific, just stuff that sounded weird but not too distracting and was good at helping mask any background noise in my recordings and in the listener's space. I might have the file I used for that around, but the machine I used to make it is long gone thanks to a break-in.

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