08/01/14 03:49AM
Got an idea; need help
Hi, long time lurker, potential first time poster here.

See, I got a bit of a problem. I got this idea for a series of drawings after watching the Hypnosis episode of the panel show QI mainly as a sort of humourous comic that I'd like to share.

The problem is that I have the drawing abilities of a 4 year old that was recently in a car accident. For example, this is what I've got to start with

Seeing as how I'm pretty much just doing this for you guys, I gotta get your collective opinion- should I go through with this and if so, should I keep it humourous or should I put on a darker tone to it?

P.S. Seeing as how I rarely doodle, I have a problem making up OCs so if you have suggestions for contestants/novelty game show twists, I'd love to hear it

Thanks in advance
08/01/14 04:17AM
Well, let me just say this. You can still draw better than me. <.<

By orders of magnitude...

I've never seen or even heard of QI before, so I don't really have much an opinion on this. That said, and I always feel bad having to say things like this, but your example image is rather borderline on quality, which could cause our quality control policies to come back to bite you, and that isn't fun for anyone involved.

If you're okay with the risk of your work being put up for judgment, then have at. Or, if you want to try brushing up on your drawing skills a bit before starting this, that could work, too. Another alternative could be to find an artist who's interested in and willing to draw your idea, something which has worked for numerous people of this community in the past.

Good luck with this, Tr4p.
08/01/14 09:13AM
Nah, I'm not gonna bother with the deletion police, I really just wanna share a laugh with everyone in any which case I'll probably just stick to the IRC or something.
08/01/14 09:17AM
Vanndril said:
I've never seen or even heard of QI before

What a depraved life you must live then.
If you don't mind me taking a quick guess- American?

In any which case,
08/01/14 09:40AM
Tr4pD00r said:
Nah, I'm not gonna bother with the deletion police, I really just wanna share a laugh with everyone in any which case I'll probably just stick to the IRC or something.

You can use the forums, as well. We don't worry about quality on the forums.

Tr4pD00r said:
What a depraved life you must live then.

*laughs* Perhaps.

Tr4pD00r said:
If you don't mind me taking a quick guess- American?

Good guess. I also don't watch television, which might have something to do with my not having even heard of it.

Tr4pD00r said:
In any which case,

I'll watch this later. I should be in bed, atm, so perhaps tomorrow. ;)
08/02/14 01:14AM
Tr4pD00r said:

In any which case,

its not available in my country.
08/02/14 01:37AM
Hmmm... I'm slightly interested, QI is my favourite panel show.

I'd like to hear some more on this idea.
08/02/14 01:55AM
Argonis said:
its not available in my country.

I'll be damned. Just went to watch it now and it's the same for me.

Well, then...
08/02/14 10:55AM
all yall that are having problems watching that should move to Canada! I can view it =D


Sorry, random.

To the topic at hand -
Comics are an amazing way to improve. Keep at it, keep a log of it here in the forums, or on smackjeeves [since, I THINK, they allow for adult stuff as long as you mark your comic appropriately] and keep at it. Set like... a 1 week goal per page, and trust me. You'll improve.

Or just draw 1 image a day. Rgardless. I'd love to see it be done, even if not posted in the image board here. Just do it, and ...just... yeah
I'm sleep deprived, and hut, so just... if I made no sense, ignore me... >> XD
08/02/14 11:30AM
QI isn't hard to find on youtube and I highly recommend it. I discovered it on a trip to Scotland and it's totally great.
08/02/14 05:14PM
Vanndril said:
I'll be damned. Just went to watch it now and it's the same for me.

Well, then...

Ah damn I thought this might happen

If you're on Chrome, get the hola extension
08/02/14 05:51PM
If youre looking to improve your art, draw often and draw from references/life, not from imagination. Sketches are better because you practice the shape and anatomy of the subject and they dont take long to do.

But if you don't really care you can always go on the art request thread
or if you have cash I'm sure someone will take it as commission.

I also never heard of QI, but as a Canadian who doesn't watch TV I think my ignorance is justified.
08/02/14 08:31PM
Zko said:
If youre looking to improve your art, draw often and draw from references/life, not from imagination. Sketches are better because you practice the shape and anatomy of the subject and they dont take long to do.

But if you don't really care you can always go on the art request thread
or if you have cash I'm sure someone will take it as commission.

I also never heard of QI, but as a Canadian who doesn't watch TV I think my ignorance is justified.

For someone who isn't imaginative and is stuck between 4 cramped walls all day, there isn't much to doodle from.

Also, which parts of Canada? Currently based in Ontario and people here have heard of
08/02/14 08:40PM
Hm. Quite frankly I don't really care about doodle improvement now, I just thought I'd share a quick laugh. Maybe I should apply for the post of village idiot instead.

Have a self portrait I drew to share my point.
08/03/14 12:35AM
Tr4pD00r said:
For someone who isn't imaginative and is stuck between 4 cramped walls all day, there isn't much to doodle from.

Also, which parts of Canada? Currently based in Ontario and people here have heard of

I also am trapped between my 4 walls but thats by choice, the outdoors is cruel and scary and socializing is a chore. And its because I'm inside I'm always drawing.
Plus you don't need to be imaginative, drawing from references online takes no imagination and really helps you improve.

But hey it not really a skill to learn unless you really want to.

[spoiler] Also I'm also living in Ontario, theres a damn lot of Canadians here.
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