Wiki History Listing

2A character's legs or thighs are vertical or bent slightly, while their torso is close to horizontal (sometimes being resting on raised surfaces like a [[table]]). They are commonly, but not necessarily [[standing]]. If that character's torso is flexed but not by very much, they are [[leaning_forward]] instead. If that character's hands touches the floor (not a raised surface), they are also on [[all_fours]]. If that character's upper body touches the floor (not a raised surface) and supports most of the body weight, they are [[top-down_bottom-up]] instead. h4. See also: * [[squatting]] * [[kneeling]] * [[lying]]
Updated by Hypnorgasm Sat, Nov 05 '22, 05:54
Version 2
1A character's legs or thighs are vertical or bent slightly, while their torso is close to horizontal (sometimes being resting on raised surfaces like a [[table]]). They are commonly, but not nessesarily [[standing]]. If that character's torso is flexed but not by very much, they are [[leaning forward]] instead. If that character's hands touches the floor (not a raised surface), they are also on [[all fours]]. If that character's upper body touches the floor (not a raised surface) and supports most of the body weight, they are [[top-down bottom-up]] instead. h4. See also: * [[standing]] * [[squatting]] * [[all fours]] * [[kneeling]] * [[lying]]
Updated by OperationTransport Mon, Feb 07 '22, 13:41
Version 1