08/06/14 01:15AM
Ogodei-Khan said:
Speaking of, whatever became of BluRider? Now there was a guy who could give good writing criticism (often too good, lol).

I have no idea. He'd probably have fun on this site.
08/06/14 01:23AM
Now, this is a story all about how your great princess Zyii joined this site. And I'd like to take a minute, just sit right there; I'll tell you how I found and joined the great HypnoHub.

<<|[cue music]>>

In a non-music oriented joke, I was linked to Hypnochan in its first incarnation by one of my friends I've known for a loooong time and I started lurking a lot of the boards and checked daily for new things. Eventually I saw Hypnobooru pop up and checked both daily til the chan died, and I pretty much then just lurked the booru til the Hub made its appearance, to where I started drawing hypno stuff, and got really chatty once the hello thread happened.

Now I just lurk about on the site posting every so often and spend most of my time in the IRC.
08/06/14 03:57AM
Time for the story of Strange.

It was many moons ago when I was browsing through the endless archive known as tvtropes. I found the Brainwashed trope and as I searched through it, what should I find but a link to an artist named Rosvo. Intrigued by this (and the latex), I perused his work and eventually caught wind of a land known as DA Entranced. Exploring this land for many moons I heard rumors of an even greater land of opulence and tranquility known as Hypnohub.

Intrigued by such a tale I made my way to this land and stuck to the shadows as I watched and shared in the opulent bounties that were produced. And so the story went until the doom came upon this land. In despair at the loss of such a paradise I roamed aimless. Until the day where I heard whispers. Whispers of survivors of the doom. Happy at this news I traveled to this place of refuge and stayed within the shadows once more. Until the sanctuary had to relocate to greener pastures. Following to this new and better settlement, I eventually stepped out of the shadows and made myself known to the populace.

I would like to point out that was really fun to write >____>
08/06/14 05:00AM
I was there since Hypnochan's era, at the beginning, spectating more than anything else.

How I've found it... It's another story, but afaik, it was quickly talked on an hypno IRC channel.

And time went on when on Hypnochan, there was a small talk about hypnobooru; and after HC's death, it continued like a chain there, even on sleepymaid's website, and now here.
08/06/14 05:23AM
strangeperson said:
It was many moons ago when I was browsing through the endless archive known as tvtropes. I found the Brainwashed trope and as I searched through it, what should I find but a link to an artist named Rosvo.

I remember when TV Tropes wasn't the most xenophobic place around... then, some dudes made fun of them, and everything changed :P .
08/06/14 05:38AM
Dr_Mabuse said:
I remember when TV Tropes wasn't the most xenophobic place around... then, some dudes made fun of them, and everything changed :P .

That place was a hell of lot more fun when I found it in 2010 than it is now. Nothing but rules upon rules upon rules.
08/06/14 05:54AM
Another hypnochan lurker here \o/

Created an account on the hub...lemme see if I remember...right now ._.'

I'm amazed by how so many people here started the neverending quest for hypnopics through Rosvo (myself included...but unlike you guys I found him through a hentai site called AerisDies. I discovered TVTropes only a couple years ago)
08/06/14 06:49AM
Mr.Nobody said:
I'm amazed by how so many people here started the neverending quest for hypnopics through Rosvo (myself included...but unlike you guys I found him through a hentai site called AerisDies. I discovered TVTropes only a couple years ago)

Oh, Rosvo's pics weren't actually my first introduction to the fetish's community. BrokenTeapot's were o.o
08/06/14 07:07AM
Mr.Nobody said:
I'm amazed by how so many people here started the neverending quest for hypnopics through Rosvo (myself included...but unlike you guys I found him through a hentai site called AerisDies. I discovered TVTropes only a couple years ago)

I'd never heard of Rosvo until I came to hypnochan, and I've never seen any of his art. My introduction to the community came through Suechan.
08/06/14 07:54AM
Found brokenteapot/Rosvo on dA through GIS, which eventually led me to AnonIB in its dying days. Holy shit, I think it's been a good seven years.

By the way when Mindwipe and Vanndril were first discussing and promoting Hypnobooru on Hypnochan I thought it sounded dumb and unnecessary :p

08/06/14 08:02AM
I know some of you have already heard this story at least once, but no matter.

I JOINED a hypnofetish community for the first time some years back, before Hypnochan - the Collective. Stayed there for quite some time. No particular reason that I left - I just stopped visiting it for the most part. Eventually, during my never-ending search for new hypnoporn, I stumbled upon AnonIB's (is that the name?) hypnofetish section. The post in particular spoke of a new chan entirely dedicated to hypnofetish - Hypnochan. So I lurked there for a while, until I decided to start taking an active part in that particular community.

I ended up visiting Hypnochan daily. Sometimes many times per day, in fact. I grew a sort of reputation as both a short-order manipper (like a short order cook for manips :P) and as a white knight of the community. I know that most people wouldn't take pride in being called a white knight, but fuck if I'm normal. XD

Anyway, I met Mindwipe there, and a small bunch of you all, too. Mindwipe and I in particular clicked very well. Eventually, the topic came up to maybe kinda start a hypnobooru, which would supplement the chan, acting as an archive of images without having to sort through all the conversations. We tentatively decided to go through with it. And it's a good thing, too, since maybe a month later the chan up and disappeared due to DMCA notice problems.

Many months passed, and eventually a topic popped up in the booru's forums about allowing loli/shota content on the site. This topic quickly evolved into talking about finding a better software and leaving's services. After much flopping like a fish on my part, failing in extraordinary and hilarious ways at every one of my attempts at creating this new site (mainly finding hosts...and installing this software), the owner of, Slayerduck, contacted us with offers of hosting. So, soon after, the hub came to be and, obviously, as a founding member, I've been a part of this community since.

Heh, some HypnoHub history got slipped into my own personal history in the community.

RebKMG said:
Then found out that I suck at manipping...

Damnit, Mugi! Your low self esteem is keeping you from producing more wonderful manips! Your manips are good, girl ( :P )! When are you going to admit that to yourself?
08/06/14 08:35AM
Through a combination of being old and having relatively early internet access I started hunting down hypnosis stuff online in the mid-to-late 90s having no idea at first it was a fetish until I stumbled across some page of questionable veracity (privatepages' den of entrancement) trying to sell porn of it. I got my community start on the proliferation of Yahoo groups which would all start with a bang and soon peter out into nothing because with little to no content being made there wasn't that much to talk about. I had been on mcstories but hadn't written much.

I sorta go on and off hunting for this stuff, and eventually I ran across WMM, which rekindled an interest, even with the mostly-terrible audio files there. I think hypnochan got mentioned there somewhere and I found that group, hung out regularly in chat etc. I vanished for a while, came back to the wasteland of chat for it, was pointed in the direction of hypnobooru, then after here I am. I suck at art (I'm a photo/music geek) so I'm not really much of a content creator other than a few files I made back in the day.
08/06/14 09:34AM
I've been kinda interested in the whole hypno thing since i was like 5, but i never really discovered it as a fetish until I was at Anonymouse's place and he mentioned a site he frequented called HypnoChan. He got me into this glorious mess and I have never forgiven him >:)

I lurked and lurked, then posted a bit.
(Then I left a browser window up on Vanndril's manip thread and my parents found it. My mom literally wept with joy that I was not completely asexual (as they feared) but merely a sexual deviant.)

Then it shut down. I had a tough time for a while, then I found SleepyChan. I was a regular there from start to finish.

In late June, Anonymouse and I devised a plan. We would found a chan site. It was rocky at first, with lots of 403 errors, but I fixed it. I don't plan on shutting it down anytime soon, either :)

In terms of content, I recently discovered that through the wonders of GIMP2 and OCD, I can do empty-eyes manips rather decently.
08/06/14 09:45AM
ThorNonymous said:
Then I left a browser window up on Vanndril's manip thread and my parents found it. My mom literally wept with joy that I was not completely asexual (as they feared) but merely a sexual deviant.

Lol! That's hilarious! XD

I'm glad that's how it worked out. I mean, it could have been far worse.

ThorNonymous said:
In terms of content, I recently discovered that through the wonders of GIMP2 and OCD, I can do empty-eyes manips rather decently.

A word of advice: the smudge tool and all of its options are your best friend for empty eyes. Seriously. ;)

Anyway, I couldn't help but notice the lack of mention of the Booru or the Hub. When did you find us?
08/06/14 11:31AM
All you people make me feel so new.

The first two times that I remember (forgot which was first) when I started getting into this fetish was when I saw the pokemon episode with misty getting hypnotized, and the last part in the cantonese show 'Journey to the West' where this skeleton-lady-monster gets corrupted/controlled via their 'sins.' Strangely enough I did not find Kaa's hypnosis from the Jungle Book arousing in any way.

Anyway, I first somehow stumbled upon Jimryu's stuff on DeviantArt (<-- but this was Kaa! and now I like it!?), and that was when I would start actually searching up hypnosis stuff. Being on DA, it soon led to Rosvo and BrokenTeapot's work. There was also some stories being written on DA, and wanting to find more I googled up mc stories, found (lol), and ended up on there for a bit.

Then I have no clue what happened, but I ended up at searching up mind control. There were a few collections of hypno/mc manips on there, some of which I later found out were Vandrill's (VL!), and I started searching for manips. I found hypnobooru and collective that way. Not a fan of real-life hypno, and there was never any new content on the booru, so I was disappointed and thought it was dead. After a few weeks I checked it out again, THEN I FINALLY NOTICED the post about the booru moving. And that was my first time on hypnohub.

Lurked here for a bit, and one faithful day I started to wonder if I should post some of the manips I made. So I did. Wasn't expecting any likes, but it got like 15 votes so I was shitting my pants going like '=OOOO people liked it!' and posted some more. And that is what happened. As far as I can remember, anyway.
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