08/12/14 09:00AM
^ That... is perhaps the classiest way of finding out you have an mind control fetish that I can imagine. Awesome.
08/12/14 09:13AM
KKJent said:

[KKJent's bizarre adventure]

That is quite the odyssey you have, my friend.

It's stuff like this that makes me glad to be in a (mostly) consistent community like the hub. Almost everyone always has a cool anecdote to give out when given the right prompt.
08/12/14 09:35AM
Dr_Mabuse said:
^ That... is perhaps the classiest way of finding out you have an mind control fetish that I can imagine. Awesome.

That's one way to put it I suppose! It most certainly was an odd journey for me I'll tell you that much.

Sol420 said:
That is quite the odyssey you have, my friend.

It's stuff like this that makes me glad to be in a (mostly) consistent community like the hub. Almost everyone always has a cool anecdote to give out when given the right prompt.

Agreed, this part of the reason why I hope this thread in particular is regularly updated. I have a fondness for stories and the best stories are ones that have actually happened. At my college I sometimes work as a tutor and am known for being harsh in my criticism (Those who improperly site their primary sources on their history paper in particular feel my wrath) I act like a crotchety old man and yet I'm not even thirty yet. My acquaintances and peers would never guess that I would be interested in this and would probably either be horribly shocked or excited that they finally found a way to reek vengeance upon me. either way what a ride

I would aslo like to add that It was a stroke of genius for you to start this discussion. Long may it last fella.
08/12/14 11:00PM
Most of us, i imagine, just arrived here via The Jungle Book or Scooby Doo (at least as a "first exposure" route). Your story definitely takes the cake
08/13/14 01:54AM
KKJent said:
a way to reek vengeance upon me

Ooh, another line for diamond_dozen.txt!
08/13/14 10:26AM
TakyonH said:
Ooh, another line for diamond_dozen.txt!

You just had to play double's advocate, didn't you?

Edit: Contributing, I don't have much of a story.

Lurked on /d/ and a few other random places (honestly can't remember most of those places. Gelbooru, /h/, /e/ maybe? Fuck if I know anymore), found some pictures by a certain P.Chronos, found myself unusually interested in them, went on a search, and started lurking in Mind Control threads on /d/ (which I still check for from time to time).

/d/ led to Hypnochan, I heard hushed tones about the Hypnobooru and would keep an eye on that every so often (but never got interested too much - just pictures isn't my thing usually, I like stories with 'em), Hypnochan got shut down and I'd lurk Sleepychan, then found out about here and found out this place wasn't half bad, so this is on my list of "check at night before going to bed on the trusty faptop" places.
08/13/14 10:28AM
TerlRlr said:
You just had to play double's advocate, didn't you?

I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things.
08/14/14 05:20PM
Joined up during the "hypnobooru era" somewhere around late 2012 after spending the last year or so going through all that g.e-hentai had to offer of hypno manga and images at the time. So when their banks ran dry I had to venture out to find some more, and they I stumbled upon hypnobooru, and it was love at first site. After just seeing how imensly many Pictures and People there were I instantly created an account and came back almost every day after
08/14/14 08:59PM
I've been about since the Yahoo Group days where a new PChronos or ChaosCroc image was a blessing from the heavens served once every few months. I lived through Snappville days (and boy do I miss those, the wife and I loved waiting for "losers" as we called them to harass us), I watched the rise and fall of Hypnochan, I was there when Hypnopics-Collective started up, I joined the Garden of MC within 2 days of it opening.

Sadly I've been a lurker and non-contributor the entire time, so made no name for myself =/

But I was theeeere...
08/14/14 10:28PM
I was around when the booru had less than a thousand images, kinda lurked there for awhile until I decided to join and contribute the mountainous backlog of images I had stored up in my computer.

Was also around during the late days of hypnochan though I mostly just used that site for new images to add.
08/16/14 06:04AM
Let's see:

Stage 1) Random wandering and lurking.
Stage 2) Yahoo groups.
Stage 3) Hypno-Pics Collective.
Stage 4) Hypnochan
Stage 5) Hypnobooru
Stage 6) Hypnohub

I first got turned onto hypnosis on a whim. Just stumbled into Sue-chan's website and I was never the same again.
Tried some yahoo groups, and eventually got courageous enough to try HPC.
Through HPC I heard about the Chan. When that got shut down, I lurked on the booru and then made an account on the hub.
08/16/14 06:19AM
when it was hypnochan Maybe earlier? Always been around but i suck at drawing and have 0 graphics skills ^^ So i just enjoy i guess xD
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