08/05/14 09:38AM
Which "Era" did you guys join up?
As the title says, I'm curious as to when exactly some of you guys joined this community as a whole. Like, were you here since Hypnochan? Hypnobooru? or did you join when hypnohub was officially opened? Also, how did you find the site in the first place? (like, if you joined when we were still in hypnobooru, how did you find it?) I imagine most of the answers to that question will be random google searching but you never know.

I should also point out that when I say "joined" I don't mean just making an account. I mean when did you start regularly visiting.

As some of you already know, I was here since hypnochan and I found it after some random searching on (plot twist) Bing. I didn't think much of the site at first but when saw that the forum wasn't slowly dying out as I expected it to, I eventually found myself coming back there almost daily.

It was like stumbling through a desert, hoping to find a cave or a big rock to give you a bit of shade for the day and then suddenly coming across a bustling, self-sufficient town that's willing to take you in, no questions asked. And then the town gets blown up or something so the remaining citizens have to pick up the pieces and build something better. And they did. And here we are.

The end.

Or is it?
08/05/14 09:42AM
Been around since the hypnochan days, though I never did make an account for the booru. Joined the hub since (correct me if I'm wrong) the fall of 2013.
08/05/14 10:01AM
Hypnochan lurker, sad when it got taken down. Joined just this year after a period of skepticism that Hypnohub would fare better.
08/05/14 12:45PM
Also hypnochan lurker xD
Joined just few days after booru saw the light of day after I found some info about it in an forum thread where some guys discussed the downfall of Hypnochan (R.i.P)
08/05/14 03:24PM
Found this site on... I don't remember what site, but there was a collection of hypnochan pics, credited to hypnochan, and I liked them. Went to the site for a while, saw it was transferring, came over, and stopped lurking sometime later. When I found it, I didn't even know I had a hypno fetish yet. (Although when I had a boner while I was younger than 10, I imagined that erections were actually a girl's way of hypnotizing men [which in some cases isn't far off from the truth])
08/05/14 03:43PM
Hypnochan lurker. Didn't know what was really going on when it went away. But when Hypnohub came around I was so happy! Now this is the best site ever and I wouldn't have it any other way.

I can't remember how I found hypnochan, probably some other MC site was linked to it.

Doors54 said:
while I was younger than 10, I imagined that erections were actually a girl's way of hypnotizing men [which in some cases isn't far off from the truth])

I wasn't the only one! ^___^
08/05/14 04:07PM
The realllll fun times were on 4chan's /d/ board which had a daily (more like weekly) hypno thread.

Which, I'll be honest, was always pretty terrible. About 90% of it was reposts of reposts, and after 50 posts it devolved into walls of text debating the same question of whether hypnosis was real or not. Then some kind souls made hypnochan and we all migrated.

Chapter 2 of the Hypnold Testament.
08/05/14 04:45PM
Hypnochan lurker, it was back in the days where I didn't have a personal laptop so I had to use a DS to go on the site, so much pain. I stopped lurking once the booru opened to do some Manips for the first time. At the time I was fully aware of the fetish, which is what lead me to seek out a site that would supply me with what I wanted.
08/05/14 07:05PM
I've been around since Hypnochan.
08/05/14 07:28PM
Oooold lurker here. I was around to see it back when it was just a sub-board on AnonIB, and found myself directed here site or another. Maybe an old Collective user, I can't quite remember.

Eventually the AnonBB got closed down, so I ended up using Google to stumble upon Hypnochan. Lurked there until it closed. So I ended up trying Google again after a while, and ended up finding Hypnobooru that way. I don't remember what search terms I used, just that Google-fu ended up sending me to both of them.

I made an account on the booru but never really spoke there, and mostly lurked here until the 'Hello!' thread happened.
08/05/14 07:28PM
Zko said:
back in the days where I didn't have a personal laptop so I had to use a DS to go on the site, so much pain.

Haha, same boat. Only I used my Wii. XD

I've been lurking since the days of the AnonIB forum. It eventually morphed into Hypnochan once AnonIB went to shit. I started posting around the last year of Hypnochan.
08/05/14 07:31PM
Did anybody come from the collective? Or even remember what that is anymore?

Also, MCStories and Literotica have pretty sizeable MC communities, although as to whether or not they carry as heavy an anime/video game influence is questionable.
08/05/14 07:35PM
PomPom said:
Did anybody come from the collective? Or even remember what that is anymore?

Also, MCStories and Literotica have pretty sizeable MC communities, although as to whether or not they carry as heavy an anime/video game influence is questionable.

I actually did the opposite: Joined the hub first, THEN the collective and the MC Forum.

They don't which is something of a shame. If only SBS didn't run into copyright problems, imagine the amount of good MC fics we could have.....
08/06/14 12:54AM
Yeah, i started lurking on the chan about a year solid before it went down. Never had much to post, though.

This site's better about community anyways.

Edit: I really got into the community via DA_Entranced on Deviantart.

Speaking of, whatever became of BluRider? Now there was a guy who could give good writing criticism (often too good, lol).
08/06/14 01:02AM
Hypnochan lurker (save for a time when I asked Vann to manip some loli pics for me -- which I don't think were ever reposted here now that I think about it).

Continued lurking in Hypnobooru.

Joined up in HypnoHub originally because members-only were granted full-access to a lot of things.
Then started manipping...
Then found out that I suck at manipping...

Now I spend more time on the IRC and very seldom even look at image posts on this site.
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